EmiDeeDoo Member


  • Still walking! Had to take it easy while I had my cough, but I've gotten back into the groove. :> Occasionally supplementing my walk with a long round of Just Dance on my Wii, but shhh. Still walking for 60 minutes most days and I don't see it stopping any time soon. Weight is holding steady at 148lb, waist is gradually…
  • Still a WIP, but here's my progress so far.
  • I'm gonna be honest- I finally got too discouraged to continue; the repetition and awkwardness finally got to me. BUT. I've taken a bunch of the strength moves to heart and I'm still doing them outside the RI30 DVD and I'm seeing progress (baby biceps when I bend my arm and legs are toning up). I think I'll still do the…
  • I haven't missed a day yet, but some days I take it easy and do a shorter walk than usual. But, if I did, I don't think I'd fault myself for it- next day is a new day, continue on like the day before never happened.
  • I have no idea what day I'm on, since I've been adding walking to my day for the past... two, three-ish weeks? Some days are lazier than others, though. I'm still working up the will to do anything today.
  • I'm making do, kinda. It's things involving stepping forward AND back, and anything that really requires me to extend my legs on the floor. I can baaaaaarely manage to fit, if I shove the things under my desk back and do my best not to rest my feet on them. The pushups I could do since I can do the bent knee versions, but…
  • My workout space is a little too cramped for the week2 workout. I'm gonna re-do it a second time and see if I get any ideas to adjust it to fit, 'cause I'm worried week3 is gonna involve even more movement that doesn't fit. Disappointing, since week1 was doable.
  • Yesterday I did the 60 minute 4 Mile Challenge on my Leslie SansoneDVD (and then rode my stationary bike while I watched Despicable Me). Feeling pleasantly sore today, so I'll probably do the same again. :) Congrats to everybody getting started! @ICanIWill: I don't think there's really a set rule to how posts work, it's…
  • I'm already doing Leslie Sansone's 4 Mile Challenge each day (I worked up from 1 Mile and now I love doing 4), but I hope you don't mind me tagging along here so I can encourage myself to keep walking every day. It really is a great energy boost and it's done me good so far. :) I've gone down seven pounds, so my short term…
  • I have a lower back tattoo planned out and I used to have a few piercings that I wouldn't be allowed to post pictures of here. I intend to have a couple of them re-done as soon as I've got some pocket change saved up. I love 'em. :)
  • When I started to feel self-conscious about how my clothes fit. It's not in my nature to mind my weight or shape all that much, but I kept catching myself fussing over which pants to wear with which shirt that would cover my butt when I bent over. Then I was sent the date for my family's yearly beach vacation and panicked.…
  • Attempted week2, just to see how it was, and the moves were too complicated for me to coordinate. I'm really awful at doing two things at once, my limbs start going in every which direction and I get all frazzled. Decided to go back to week1, where I don't start flinging my arms and legs across the room during the warm ups.
  • I tried the week two yesterday and immediately went back to the first. It's not that the moves were physically difficult, but I couldn't follow the movements. My hand-eye coordination is really awful and I couldn't work out how to mimick the girls on the screen. :(
  • I'm five-foot-three, currently 150lb, and I wear large pants. Size 12 or 14 depending, but my 14 jeans are starting to get loose. But everyone holds their weight differently, can't really compare.
  • Jennifer Ehle. I will watch Pride and Prejudice 50 billion times, just to watch her face.
  • They are! Even better if you're listening to the Zombies!Run app and pretend you're on supply run missions, hahaaa~ The two DVDs together are kicking my butt in the best way.
    in Week 1 Comment by EmiDeeDoo May 2014
  • I'm startin' week 2 of week 1, haha. My arms aren't strong enough for all the plank business I hear come up next, so I'm waiting on going to the next bit. Congrats on starting! I'm actually pairing the Walk Away The Pounds 4 Mile with Ri30. It's super tiring, but I get antsy and bored during the day and decided marching in…
    in Week 1 Comment by EmiDeeDoo May 2014
  • I technically joined last year, but I stopped using the app and never really used the site until now. 5-foot-3, finally down to 151lb and I'm aiming for either 125lb or to slim down and tone up until I feel like I did when I was 125. Since I'd like some muscle, I'll probably be happy in the 130's, honestly. I'm using…
  • I added mine and then went back to weigh myself instead of using yesterday's number and discovered I lost a couple more pounds than I thought. Awwww yeeeeea.
  • I'm TECHNICALLY completing week 1 today, buuuuut I'm gonna keep on with it a little longer until I've got all the moves down pat. I want part 2 to be a challenge, not a complete wipe out. Congrats to all the folk graduating ahead of me, though! I don't have anything to measure with and my scale is playing with my feelings…
  • Taking today as a rest day, because today is my monthly Cramp Day apparently. I'll go back to goin' nuts tomorrow, I pinky swear.
  • I have such a tiny space, I can't do the side lunges as they're shown. I widen my legs and do stationary side lunges where I don't step out. I baaaarely have room for the forward lunges, but there's no way I can think of to modify or replace them.
  • Well, I'm glad it's not just me! It looks like such an easy thing on the screen too, it's hard to see them doing it all smiles while I'm flailing like a landed fish. I managed to do it a little more today, so I'm gonna pretend I'm already getting stronger. :P
  • I'm on day 6 of level 1 and no day-after soreness has cropped up beyond a pleasantly tight sensation so far. Good to know I have something to... look forward to.
  • Yeaaaa... I've been logging it as Circuit Training too, same as 30DS. Maybe not accurate, but I'm keepin' it simple. Just glad to be doing it each day. :)
  • I actually REALLY like this workout! Much more than 30 Day Shred. It's been an hour since I finished and I can still feel it in my back and sides, but I'm not sore from yesterday yet. We'll see if that luck holds past tomorrow, haha <3 I might end up waking as stiff as a board. Was ridiculously tempted to take a nap after…
    in May 2nd Comment by EmiDeeDoo May 2014
  • I got too curious and gave it a try today instead of waiting. Whoops.
  • My DVD's in the mail and I only have my light weights at the mo', but I'm looking forward to giving it a try. :) I only just started 30 Day Shred again last week, but since I did it last year I'm a little too used to and maddened by the dialogue to watch it every day again. Fresh start!