

  • It is possible, but in most cases is not maintainable.
  • I would just not plan anything. You could just hang out and do nothing much :o)
    in romantic ideas Comment by dbcja May 2011
  • I do a similar thing. I let myself have 1 or 2 treats each week. If it is a big peice of cake, takeaways, or a high cal meal I make doesnt matter, but I always go an extra workout that day, or the next.
  • Yay you! I do the same thing. The other day it even made it into my mounth, then I spat it in the bin. (yuk, but it made me feel better) I knew if i started to eat it, I wouldnt stop.
  • Ok, today I have changed my food around a bit. added some Avo, and gone back to having sugar in my coffee instead of artifical stuff (which I prefer the taste of anyway lol) . I dont want to not eat enough. Thanks for your help everyone :o)
  • I HATE numbers. lol. It is just the only way to do measure my food intake and as you said control it. As soon as I see numbers I get confused and frustrated. lol I dont even really understand how this website calculates things, I just know it does and that is enough for me. haha, y son on the other hand could look at it…
  • I think 2000 is heaps too, but thats what it says. I am set to 1 pound a week, and lost 2 last week so thats great. I am not tall, but have a lot of weight to lose. I might go and check my numbers.
  • Awesome! What a great success! I would love to fit into my "old" clothes. They are much nicer than my "new" clothes. lol
  • Maybe have a look into the medication. If weightloss is a healthy side effect then Yay!
  • I always make sure I keep enough calories to have my TV snack at the end of the day. Last night I had such a great workout I even made a yummy chocolate pudding to have. You have to reward yourself for what you do all day so dont deprive yourself of your treats. BUT if you have a crappy food day that is a different story.…
  • I quite often use gardening as a work out, even pulling weeds is a great work out. I dont tend to log it though becasue I think of it as a every day thing like housework. If I was digging like you though I would definilty be logging it!
    in GREAT exercise Comment by dbcja May 2011
  • About 8 years ago my Aunty said to one (YES, My Aunty) "You used to have such a nice shaply body, your to young to let yourself go" (I have got to say that no matter how big I am my body is ALWAYS a hourglass shape) And more recently I was asked when I was due, and when I said "Im not pregnant" they said 'Well you mustve…
  • Your story sounds very similar to mine right down to having 3 boys! Good luck with your journey, I have just rejoined mine. Add me as a friend if you want to :o)
  • Good luck with your goals! You could make a healthy Spag Bol? Trim mince, tin of tomaroes, tomato puree, herbs add some veges (grated carrot, zuccini, mushrooms, capsicum) and adjust limit the pasta and cheese you have with it? We have having spag bol tonight which i am not even making partuclly healthly and it is not too…
  • I walk every where I go becasue I dont have a car, so some days I would walk 10-15K easy, but others maybe not even 500m!
  • Some days I am - it depends on what I eat. If I actually eat healthily, like I did yesterday I am fine - but I get lots of calories to eat beacsue I have looooots to lose. But if I do eat crap I get hungry really quiickly after. They say it is all about eating lots of fresh food. grainy bread, pasta, fruit and veges etc.…
  • Sorry to hear about your uncle :o( I once emptyed a early childhood education centres sandpit and logged it as shoveling snow... seemed like an odd thing to do in the middle of summer :o)
  • Have had a better day today exersice ways... Crap food day though becasue it is the last day of the school hols so took the boys to mcds for lunch :o( But I made a point of walking there and back (not very far though) and getting active on the playground with them instead of sitting watching, then came home and got into…
  • Lots of fruit, some sort of plain, low cal biscut for when you need that something sweet,
  • What is the 30 day shread? I keep seeing it on here but have never heard of it before.
  • I had thoughabout a Wii - hmmm, might need to ask for one for Mothers Day :o) Thanks for your ideas... please keep them coming. p.s My kids are 2, 5 and 9 - the older 2 are not an issue but Mr 2 is a bit of a clingy one :o(
  • I agree whts the point? But every now and then the need comes for a blow out, in that case I would say go fo it, but rather than cut the cals add a workout or 2 and earn the extra cals... just an idea.
    in BOOZE Comment by dbcja April 2011
  • All I can tell you that walking in water is a bloody good work out! It is exhausting! lol
  • I was going to say the same thing. Just be proud of yourself and dont tell her. Maybe she is jelous that youcan get on and do something to change your life? My partner is really supportive when I tell him what I have lost, but seems to think I can do it by magic. He still buys me lots of crap to eat which is just as…
  • Just remake your usual recipe. every second layer put thinly sliced pumpkin instead of pasta, and use healthy everything else. you could even make a vege lasange?
  • I make my own Sushi with smoked Chicken, avo, carrot, and white rice. It is 411 for an entire roll. So not a low cal meal, but not really high either. And it tastes so good sometimes it is worth it!
  • Firstly you celebrate! YAY! I am so far from reaching my goal right now that I cant even imagine it. Then I would see how it goes. Id carry on using the site for a while until you figure out what works for you. You will probably find that once you are not so concious of what you are eating you will have days when you go…
  • I feel great when i actually have time to make an effort.. Straighten my hair, take my time with my makeup and have clean clothes that actually look good on me. lol. I am making this happen more and more, but with 3 kids, 2 of them preschoolers sometimes it just doesnt happen. I also love when someone genuinely says 'You…
  • Thats the point of the website. If you didnt log everything you ate it wouldnt be an accurate programme. Imagine if on top of your "normal food" you ate 4 small strawberries at 10am, 1 biscut at 11.30, an couple of hot chips fromsomeone elses plate at 2pm, a quater of your sons left over sandwich(you cant waste it) at 3pm,…
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