romantic ideas

Okay so in June I will be going on a vacation with my boyfriend that I haven't seen for six months. We are going to a beach and then to a nice bed and breakfast for a total of 8 days. I want to make it really special. Any ideas?? :)


  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I'm sure it will be special anyway after that long! You might not have any time for anything more than one activity... :laugh:
  • lilac01
    lilac01 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm sure it will be special anyway after that long! You might not have any time for anything more than one activity... :laugh:
    True dat!
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Wear something sexy with trashy undertones when you meet up! Then let nature take its course.
  • dbcja
    dbcja Posts: 54
    I would just not plan anything. You could just hang out and do nothing much :o)
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    are you going to be with him after your mini vk? my x was in the military & i used to leave him sweet notes when i knew i wouldn't see him again for a while that he'd find randomly as time passed... like post its or the equivalent in a shoe or drawer or wallet :o) we'd make our time together special by doing things that we don't usually get with other people like back rubs & site seeing & special memory type stuff ♥ enjoy it!
  • ineednapkin
    ineednapkin Posts: 151
    We are both in the military, and jnlynch the post it notes are a great idea! I will definitely do that! :D

    We are definitely going to be having a lot of fun together, I will say that much :D hehe... not going to plan much, mainly just going to enjoy each others' company.... One month! I can't wait to see him!!!