kelley1006 Member


  • I usually eat all of my calories but leave my exercise calories alone. You will just have to see what works for you. Im not sure if 9 lbs is obtainable for 3 weeks but I think that 6 is absolutely possible. All you can do is try. Congratulations on your wedding and GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • I have a question about the 30 day shred. I hurt my knee about 10 days ago and have limited exercise since. How hard is this program on your knees. Please let me know I am so missing my exercise that I have gotten used to.
  • I have the polar f6 in pink and I LOVE it. It is a wonderful motivator. Somedays I dont feel as motivated and go a little slower during my exercises and then i check out my calories burned and it makes me kick it up a notch. So that I am consistant. I have forgotten it a couple of times and those are the days that I just…
  • CONGRATS!!!!! I know exactly how you feel. I just got back into 16s myself and it feels great!!! Just keep goin and you will make it!!! It is great inspiration to hear that you are doing so well.
  • I dont have the body bugg but i do have the polar f6 heartrate monitor and i got it for about $107. I love it. As far as i know it is accurate on the calorie count. Good luck with your search.
  • Just stop and remember how good you feel after you workout. I know that i do. The hardest part is getting up off your butt and going. JUST DO IT!!! You will be so much happier in the end!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!
  • WOW!!! Why would someone intentionally do that. I feel so much better since i have lost just 19 lbs. The more active that i am the better i feel. I cant imagine wanting to feel fat on purpose!!! She is very selfish and needs to think of her health and her children. What a poor example.
  • This happens to me when i first start exercising again after a long period of being lazy. It tends to go away after about a week for me.
  • i weigh myself once a week. On fridays. I used to weigh everyday but was driving myself crazy!!!! I have a curves digital scale that i just love!!!!! GOOD LUCK TO YOU on your journey:flowerforyou:
  • That is awesome!! I have been watching my calories and i cut out all cokes and sweet tea for 4 weeks now. The first couple of days were horrible i had the most terrible headaches. But now its not too bad. I still have my moments but i think it gets easier everyday!!! GOOD LUCK with your journey. I know you will do great!!!…
  • WOW that is so awesome. I can only imagine how wonderful you fee today and how much better you feel everyday CONGRATS TO YOU !!!!!
  • I like to use Sara Lee healthsmart wheat bread it is 45 calories a slice and it tastes great. Low carb mission tortillas are good also.
  • I understand how you feel. After a 12 hr day im wiped out. I have started taking a one a day multivitamin with a little caffeine in it to help me through the day and i will usually exercise two days when i get off and then just go on my days off. Just keep plugging away at it. 6 lbs is great!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!:flowerforyou:
  • I have been on here for 3 weeks and have lost 11 pounds. The first week i lost 8 pounds and the second week nothing finally on the third week i have lost 2.5 more. It is a long process but i just have to keep going i would like to lose 40-50 lbs by July i hope its possible. If i could lose 8lbs a month I would be happy.…
  • Hi., I understand i started my fitness pal about 3 weeks ago and i love it and recomend it to all my friends. I have lost ten pounds so far. I also would like to lose 40lbs by july. My husband and i are going to las vegas in july with some friends and i just want to feel more comfortable and healthy. Good luck to you.
  • You are not an idiot and the first step to a better life is realizing your destructive path. It is never too late to start fresh. I am always happy for people who come to this realization. It is not easy but it is definately worth it. You will feel so much better. If you need any support just let me know!!!:flowerforyou:
  • I also have at least 300 calories left at the end of the day. I dont feel hungry most of the time so if you find an answer to this problem please let me know. If I eat all of my calories I dont lose any weight. Its crazy!!
  • I have been on here for about two weeks and have lost 9lbs, This site helps me to keep track of everything that i eat and my calorie consumption. I have started exercising and i also started out slow. I love the Biggest Loser it is one of my favorite shows and I watch it every week. Let me know if you need to talk or just…
  • Absolutely that is awesome i also have a wii fit but have not used in a while. It make exercising fun. Have you thought of swimming. It is alot easier on the knees. Keep up the good work!!!!:happy: