KitKB Member


  • Hi I'm Kit. I'm 34 and need to lose about 65 lbs. Could use some motivation and friends! Thanks!
  • I'd love some new friends. :)
  • A love letter to EM2WL (a day after V-day, so I'm late!): Started MFP last year and used all of MFP's recommended food intake. So I was at 1200/day (hah!) It took me 13 weeks to lose 6 pounds and I finally gave up out of frustration. Restarted this year in January, and decided to use EM2WL's way of doing things. It's been…
  • Great post! My friend and I are both doing EM2WL We were discussing it tonight... and it's only been 4 weeks into my diet and I already feel like a different person. I've lost 5 lbs so far and even though I don't look different at all, I feel different. I feel more alert, more rested. I didn't realize how the food I was…
  • Welcome! Here's a good thread to read on what to expect:
  • This post may help you: Very easy to follow and includes a super-easy calculator to plug your stats into.
  • Feel free to add me. I'm another picky eater. My diary is open to friends so maybe you can get some ideas.
  • Great calculator to figure out what you should be eating: Re-calculate every 5 lbs. ;)
  • Great idea! How do you store them/heat them back up?
  • It's really not that much food.... When I was down to 1200-1300 calories a day, I couldn't even have a balanced meal because it would put me over. It was kind of ridiculous. Now I'm up to 1700 a day and it's great. I'm working on cleaning up my diet and eating more veggies and fruits. When you eat healthy it *does* seem…
  • I have a whole tub of tubberware I use. From tiny little ounce-sized ones (for dips and dressings) to little 1/2 cup sizes (for fruit/veggies) -- to ones that have separate dividers to make little TV dinners out of leftovers. I have ones that hold sandwiches. Ones that are big enough to turn into little Americanized…
  • I used to not... but this is a great idea (so that I can remember to take it!). I think I will from now on...
  • Just another reason in a long list of reasons not to eat Fast Food... ;) Good to know!
  • A runner friend told me that a good way to keep from getting side stitches is to put your lips into an "O" shape and breath through it. I've not had a side stitch yet (I do this when I feel the beginnings of it) -- but I can't say whether it works when you've got a full-fledged one. Still, worth a shot. Right?
  • I had the same problem. I could do two different exercises and get the same amount of calories burned - only the first exercise would exhaust me and the second exercise would be a piece of cake. I ended up buying a heart rate monitor that counts calories burned. I've been addicted to it ever since.
  • Feel free to add me if you'd like. Don't worry about being embarassed at the gym - happens to the best of us. But most of the people there are only paying attention to themselves. So no worries!
    in Newbie! Comment by KitKB April 2012
  • Feel free to add me if you'd like! A word of caution - a healthy weight loss is usually 0.5 to 2 lbs a week. So if you are doing this for two months, you may only lose between 4-16 lbs. I just don't want you to get frustrated if you're not losing as much as you'd hoped. To lose 30 lbs in 2 months, you'd have to lose almost…
  • If you don't have a jump rope (or can't get the rythm down) you can still hold your hands out as if holding an invisible one and "jump rope" that way. It's actually a really good alternative to small spaces! And your arms get the workout as well.
  • Tips for getting started: If you're not used to changing your foods yet, don't. Just take the first week to log what you normally eat. It will get you into the habit of logging - which will show you what you're eating - and that, in itself, will be motivation to eat better. Plus it's kind of interesting to see what you're…
  • Agree with Gosser. Sit down and make a list of what you usually cook. If something is unhealthy, tweek it to be healthy. Maybe replace white breads with whole grains, starches with veggies, etc. That way you don't change too much and it won't be quite as hard to start out. Then start trying a new recipe a week. See what…
  • That actually makes me feel a lot better. I may have to start trying the whole "food processor mash of veggies snuck into food" thing. My parents never cooked veggies growing up except corn and green beans (I'm not even joking) and we never had any sort of fruits but bananas (again... not joking). So when it comes to…
  • Yes, I can see that. I suppose it's all preference. I might do the once-a-month measuring as well...
  • Once a week seems to be the consensus! Thanks!
  • Right now we have blueberry scones, orange sweet rolls, and sugar cookies sitting by the microwave. And we also have strawberry cake in the fridge. *sigh*
  • Generally, 0.5 - 2 lbs per week is good weight loss, and in a healthy range. So I think you're doing great! Just keep at it. Start incorporating healthier foods and more exercise as you go along. Great start!
  • I usually go out once a week with friends, so I always make that my 'fun day' -- though I still track. So usually restaurant food, like burgers and fries. I try to limit the portions though!
  • Yeah, if you have a Wii or Xbox Kinect, you should totally check out the "Just Dance" games. I went to Zumba for the first time and it was fun and I sweated and had a good work out. Then I borrowed Just Dance from my niece. That game had me panting and sore and I think I got a better work out than I did with Zumba! I used…
  • LoL - I had an Easy Bake Oven in my dorm room just for the sole reason that my RA couldn't figure out how to ban a cooking device that only used a light bulb. . .
  • I love PB2... I need to pick some up. :D Once you find your consistency you like, it's really great.
  • I graze on dry cereal. I also have packets of oatmeal and instant grits stashed away in the cupboard at work, just in case. Probably not the healthiest of things, but I'm not a morning person.