I'm in! My weight is going in the wrong direction and I need a course correction. I'm shooting for 1400 cal/day with at least 30 minutes of exercise.
I'm going to a non-vegan celebration so I need to come up with something they will feel welcome to have that will also be filling enough for me to eat for a primary dish. Suggestions welcome.
That's amazing!! Don't you love it when pants that were too tight become too loose? Great work!
I woke up to NPR saying a plane had hit the World Trade Center. It was my morning alarm to get up for work. It didn't make any sense so I hit the snooze button. Nine minutes later NPR was back, saying something about a jet hitting the tower. I sat up in bed, grabbed the remote and stayed there for the rest of the day,…
Thanks for the naan tip. I had some Trader Joe's in the fridge and it is made with yogurt. I found some at Whole Foods that isn't. I'm bummed about Indian in general. I love Indian food but it is packed with dairy. :-(
My baseline calories for the day is 1600. I run 6 days a week and typically burn about 400+ calories. I usually eat to account for whatever I burn. I'm back on the weight loss goals so I'll do a minus 100ish calories now. I've never eaten this much. I love it. I finally feel like I've been given permission to eat. I'm…
Back of the knee is interesting. I have a Baker's cyst that inflames occasionally. Seems kind of random and eventually subsides so I've never gotten treatment other than icing it when it flares up. Here is info: It would be odd if you had them on both knees but I thought…
Marshmallows have gelatin as well. Crushing.
That's a bigger question than it sounds. Is it a sharp, acute pain or general achiness? It's hard to know what the problem specifically is for you. If you are very overweight, you are putting a lot of stress on your joints when running. That can hurt. If you are running too much too soon, that can hurt. And to make things…
Isn't eating now snacking?
Josh Marion starts the email with "Cardio fails to produce fatloss RESULTS." Then cites studies that either have nothing to do with that claim or disprove that statement. The European Journal study looked at 8 overweight college males and an elevated Josh Marion is disingenuous in how he represents the results of the…
This stuff drives me nuts. He is telling people what they want to hear. For study #1: The calorie intake for the D and ED was 1200/day. That's ridiculous. Of course someone is going to lose a lot of weight that way. For the E only, there didn't seem to be any calorie tracking mentioned in the abstract so we have no idea…
If I were you, this is what I would do. I'd track how many miles I'm covering on the elliptical and use that. 30 minutes being lazy is not the same as 30 minutes hard. You cover more mileage at 30 minutes hard. I think for someone your age and weight, using 100 calories/mile isn't unreasonable. You would rather…
For any body products I go for ones that are specifically labeled vegan.
I weigh daily and look for a trend. I have a scale that syncs online and I can see the average line going down.
A few points: Saying how many calories he should be burning minimum as an adult male isn't accurate. Age, current weight and daily activity level affect that number. A man who is 75 years old, weighs 150 lbs and sits around all day has a very different daily calorie needs than a 20 something male that weighs 200 lbs and…
I discovered the Pumpkin Spiced latte at Starbucks as milk in the mix so even if you ask for it to be made with soymilk, there is still milk in the pumpkin spice mix. I'd already had two :-( I was devastated. Good news is the gingerbread is dairy free!
It is true that most processed sugar is filtered through bone char. It is extremely difficult to avoid processed sugar if you eat any kind of food that comes in a package. The rest of the conversation we could have would be around "degrees" of being vegan but my thought is that you need to decide for yourself what you…
Hi everyone - I've been running for about 12 years and have also done triathlons. I tend to do the long distance stuff. I'm trying to drop a few pounds in prep for a marathon in August.