stormdancer Member


  • Discovered HotLogic Mini a couple weeks ago, already own four! They are great for husband taking healthier meals to work, and PERFECT for me as an unemployed ADD person who is easily distracted. No more burning the meals because I get distracted by something! I just have to remember to load a frozen meat and frozen…
  • For the last month, for breakfast I've been having 1 tin of Trader Joe's - Unsalted Sardines In Spring Water with 8 Triscuit crackers, which has the virtue of not needing to cook it.
  • yep two organic eggs (from chickens never fed any GMO corn or alfalfa) with a half tablespoon of butter, fried, with hot black tea with sugar (mint). This means breakfast is lots of protein, some carbs, some fats. Eggs yolks have masses of certain nutrients you can't get too many other places, eggs are magically good. Oh…
  • Well, not that this helps any, but here is a Youtube video, Peter Hollens sings' The Rains of Castamere' and I think its haunting. Oh and its in acapella so that's all his own voice, six different tracks overlaid. I liked the lighting on this a lot. An interesting choice to not make the vocals deeper, like it was in the…
  • Well, not that this helps any, but here is a Youtube video, Peter Hollens sings' The Rains of Castamere' and I think its haunting. Oh and its in acapella so that's all his own voice, six different tracks overlaid. I liked the lighting on this a lot. An interesting choice to not make the vocals deeper, like it was in the…
  • Yes, I too love Godiva chocolate, the dark version is my preference. I am fortunate to have a Godiva store here in my city. I tend to the practical, though, we are not rich and Godiva box chocolates are costly, so I get my fix annually: on the day AFTER Valentine's day, husband goes to the Godiva store and buys a box of…
  • yeah "Unlike other gas medicines, Beano contains a natural enzyme that can help prevent gas before it starts. Available in a convenient tablet or meltaway, Beano helps you digest the complex carbohydrates in many of your favorite healthy foods - not just beans. With Beano, you can comfortably enjoy…
  • I am only 46, can't get one til age 50, according to insurance....but I have a QUESTION ! When they do a colonoscopy, they first do an enema I think? Has anyone noticed a weight loss after a colonoscopy?
  • Its all in the genes, you know. When I was 14 I was still skinny back then but I had bigger boobs than my mom or my older sister. Mom said I must take after Dad's side of the family, cause Dad's mom had a good size rack, too. and Gramma, big boobs they make the back hurt, its true. Part of why I intend to lose…
  • yes remember your weight can go up just from it being a certain time of the month, you cannot control that so don't try. Instead of weighing daily, weigh weekly, and also do measurements weekly. Sometimes your weight may stay the same for two months yet you may lose an inch of boob and a half inch of waist duing those two…
  • 8 glasses a day myth is from 6 decades ago. Foods count toward the 8-glass intake. Take a cup of dry white rice, to cook it takes 2 cups of water. So you eat the resultant 2 cups of rice, of course that water enters your body. You don't eat rice dry.
  • well you could check each of your local Craigslist listings for Bioforce (check also "Bio Force" in the searches) cause I notice there is one for sale here in Minnesota on our Craigslist. Yours are here
  • how to measure? Well I got a clipboard and I got husband to help me make a sheet on the Excell spreadsheets...blank but lines to make a grid, with titles across the top: DATE, neck, left arm, bust, waist, hips, and right calf. Consistency is the key. Always the same leg/arm, always the same amount of squeeze. With my arm I…
  • My health club actually has a Subway sandwich shop in it, I like Subway. Of course, I only ever have the turkey breast.
  • other ideas : take him kite flying a couple times. Take him to spend the day walking around a large zoo. Do the tourist thing in your own city, see what museums there are to walk around, what art parks there are. Walking tours. Tour the state capitol. Have him join the Boy Scouts perhaps, or Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
  • Take him camping / hiking in state and national parks...anything to get him away from the game. Games are literally addictive, I know firsthand. Spend the summer tent or car camping with him, you may form closer bonds, get a love of nature into him and you, and the scenery is so lovely it often makes you want to expend the…
  • the Rover recumbent bike is designed to hold up to 400 lbs, and its literally like you are sitting in a lawn chair, pedaling so comfortably along.... its made by Terratrike, for those of us with wide loads :) if you have questions you can go to the Terratrike forums and ask questions…
  • Read this thread, yes, its your period. Give it time.
  • One last idea, but its very long term stuff: get him into gardening. When a person chooses a seed from the pretty glossy seed catalogs, having carefully read each of the descriptions and chosen the best one for him/her, and carefully plants those seeds, and waters them, cares for them for a couple of could…
  • I love my chia seeds, I usually put 2.5 tablespoons into a cup of juice, let set 10 minutes before drinking. Its awesome. The seeds get this gel coating around them so its...interesting to drink, but its cool. And they are totally tasteless so they take on the flavor of what they are put into. (Which means, don't soak them…
  • Does your gym have a sauna? Heat for 20 minutes right after your workout really helps reduce soreness the next day. My gym doesnt have a sauna, but does have a hot tub, so I go sit in that after a workout, but for that, I have to shower first and get into a swimsuit....sauna is better. Sit on a towel in sauna, and after…
  • and if he wants more vegetables incorporated into his daily diet, there's salsa (try to impress on him to read the labels and only eat the ones with words he knows what they mean. Health Food store will have better versions. Guacamole too, Ellen Degeneres likes a brand called Holy Guacamole. :)
  • I reread the question. He wants to...himself cook veggies? Does he have a real kitchen or just a dorm room microwave? For easy, even for a microwave, get a salad shooter, use the shredding cone not the slicing. Shred carrots, potatoes, any root vegetables like beets, turnips, rutabage. You can shred also broccoli,…
  • Find out what curry he likes, learn to make it and then incorporate vegetables small and chopped into a half cup of the curry so he has a familiar taste to the unfamiliar *texture* of the new vegetables. Roasting vegetables in the oven first with olive oil alone is delicious. To roast and add to curry, I suggest winter…
  • Abouk, you may not be seeing results because you are a woman, ie, you mentioned you have been doing it two weeks. Every fourth week lots of women find they dont make progress, or even seem to gain weight that week, but they find that after their time of the month goes by, the scale is showing that progress is there. Its…
  • LMAO nice one, thanks for the memories.
  • As at least one other has mentioned, when you short yourself on sleep, your body tries to make it up with sleep. Go to bed at the same regular time and get plenty of sleep should fix that. Here is an article that might explain it a little better.
  • I don't do coffee at all. Tea for me! But I like the caffeine. A maker of both caffeinated and herbal teas is here and I know and ADORE one of theirs in particular, a black tea called 'Paris' and its so naturally sweet that it needs little if any extra sweetener. Here's the link for that one.…
  • Well that two-weeks says a lot to me. Its not enough time yet. Give it two more weeks and you will see it then! Women are cursed with that monthly thing that we have no control over. Its just water weight, you will see, keep going, just two more weeks, and then weigh and measure. I've been there. And I remember, I was just…
  • Oh and another suggestion, Any vegetable tastes better if you roast it. You can google 'roasting vegetables' for suggestions, but I even read once in a recipe, someone who hated brussels sprouts tried roasting them and loved them that way! Here is one link for a nice pictorial how-to roast vegetables to get you started, I…