USMCnetty90 Member


  • another great piece of advice my friends gave me when i started running is to sign up for a race - 5k or whatever a couple months down the road so you have something to work towards... after you get your first on under your belt you will be HOOKED
  • this is a fantastic post!!!! I am a runner - I only run for speed when I am actually running a race... but try to run a bit every day - Most important is a good running shoe! I have not yet been professionally fitted for running shoes although it is on my list. I did however just buy a Garmin GPS watch - i love it. Just…
  • some one actually said to me - "your little, how big are your kids"…. anything on the top shelf…
  • hahahahaha this is awesome
  • I try to walk my dog every day when the weather is nice... he is small only 26lbs - he can run at a 12 min mile pace but I have to remember that it is HIS walk... a couple of nights I have gone out at 830pm because he didnt get his walk and i felt super guilty. I wuv him hes spoiled.
  • I love this story thank you for sharing! it is very inspiring. Physicians should be more like this instead of treating their clinics like a cattle - herd them in and herd them out...
  • HI - I am here every day!!! Feel free to add me... I love sharing all my accomplishments and struggles on this site with people who understand.
  • Welcome Stephanie! Sounds like you have the right attitude and desire to get those lbs off!!! Friends on MFP are the key they are always so motivating and helpful and understand when you have a setback - big or small.. please feel free to add me!!! Good luck to you
  • sorry about your injury - that sucks… nothing compares to running outside.. i managed to run in 28 degree weather on Friday- am proud… I hope you are injury free soon
  • I HAVE BEEN ABSENT - not sure if its been one week or two… i have gained 1.5 lbs but lost 1.5 inches since my last measurements were done in September. Last week I ran a 15k!!! in one hour and thirty six min - will do better next year - but it was a ton of fun. Am stepping up my protein and getting my mindset back on track…
  • i have runkeeper - i cant figure out how to add people.... add me:
  • I RAN 10.56 Mi today!!! I was so stoked - my goal was 9 mi and I just kept going!!! I will be ready for the 15k Hot Chocolate in a copule of weeks 5k's are great especially when they are for a good cause - good for you!
  • Zombie run today - 5k! so much fun with my friends.. we were a hit in our costumes!! we were complete anti zombie! finished 30:30 - but im my defense I did party prior to the 4:30pm run during the Bears game.
  • Went to the gym and my least favorite instructor was there teaching the 5:30 class - it was rainy out so I jumped on the elliptical and set it to interval - the incline went up to 20!!!! I did 45 min and just about 3 miles it felt good!!!! what a difference speed makes with an incline!
  • no run today - aerobics class... we however did do sprints and wall squats (the were brutal) am hoping to get a run in tomorrow... gotta work up to that 10 mile mark... I want to map out a course in my town so I can stay off the back roads... i have only mapped out 7 miles... I guess i could just run the rest on the track…
  • Hi All!!! no change in weight since last week - but its all good... still have 13 lbs to go... nsv this week - i stopped a fight between two teenage boys at the park during my run on Tuesday night... One boy was punching another boy who was on the ground.... anyhow I did my best to pull the one guy off the other.... I am…
  • Ran almost 7 miles today!!!! I feel good - I think I need to do some IT Band stretches though.... even though I have heard stretching it can be painful - running with the tightness in my thigh sucks... MLOGANTRA - Congratulations on your 2 place finish!!! MAURELL _ I hope that calf muscle gets better quickly
  • Planned to run 7 miles last night - had to talk myself into doing a lap around the island park which was around mile 5 - the water fountain is what was the deciding factor - so I went thru the park and saw two boys fighting - well one boy beating the hell out of another boy - i ran over and tried to pull them apart ANOTHER…
  • I get ready at the gym the mornings I work out - the aerobics classes start at 5:30am. My children are in high school so they dont need me home to get them ready - also - we only have one shower in our house so im more likely to be on time if I get ready at the gym... oh and its two blocks from my work... The water…
  • I think this is my favorite response so far!
  • Checking in way late - and I didnt even run. I had a bosu class this morning - great workout its a new routine... I had a horrible day - ended up power walking with my dog.. we walked 2.5 miles, at a 12 min mile pace - for my little 26lb dog it was alot.. he went straight to sleep when we got home.
  • HI all - everything is still the same for me... I did up my running this week and did get out before work twice!!! I still have 13 lbs to lose before xmas... have been eating horribly these past two weeks... I have the exercise down need to get my food back on track....
  • I know that I feel much better on sunny days. i love the feel of the sun on my skin - and everything does seem more alive when its bright and sunshiney out. I live in the midwest - and am one of the crazies out running or walking my dog when its over 100 out and so humid you can cut the air. I am trying to psych myself up…
  • HI ALL!!! Jeanette 41 (sigh) Just started running again end of July - did my first 5 k in a couple years and placed first for my age group.... I decided I wanted to run to step up my weight loss - I have only lost 3 lbs since I have been really trying - but I have lost over 9 inches - I go to the gym 4 days a week and do…
  • HAI!!!! Im a former Marine so i like your subject line!!! I am on here everyday - sometimes my responses are sparse but I try to motivate everyone... :) I am a first timer here but am finally dedicated.... anyhow feel free to add me :) good luck in your journey
  • add me for sure - I just recently started running and am trying to step it up some more... I have signed up for a 15k in November and want to be able to finish it without being worn out as well as keep up with my friends... I dont know anything about keeping track of a group but I use runkeeper to log my runs.. it logs…
  • Here I am checkin in :-) CW 143 Loss ZERO #to go 13 nsv: I am down three more inches!!!! next weeks goal: run like I stole something!!!!
  • Hi - Friend request sent - Im opposite of you in that I am a shorty.. :) I however do not own a scale - i refuse - and I am bipolar (type 2) - I absolutely love the community here and have made some great friends. All my friends local friends that have used it are not aware of the community or making friends - It has…
  • CONGRATS that's an awesome accomplishment. I signed up for a 5K in my little town - my goal was to come in in the top three for my age group.... 35-40... yes 40... I had just started running again - I came in first!!!! I was super excited... I am now signed up for the Hot Chocolate Run 15K in Chicago on Nov 3 - my goal is…