sammycee15 Member


  • I've been eating 1200 calories for about 90 days. The first two months that I was doing it I had similar effects, I was seeing quick results at the beginning but then it started to go down incrementally. But honestly it depends on the workouts you have to do. For the last 30 days I've been doing 50 min exercises during…
  • I don't understand why you would ever want to "keep" a man. A man should be with you of his own free will as you are with him, without the insecurity of trying to hold him steadfast to you. It sounds like keeping a job, sure most people have the power to do it, suck up to the boss, go through the menial tasks everyday, and…
  • Haha you guys are all awesome. I go on maybe 2 or 3 dates a week I guess. I wish I was a morning person but I like hitting the gym after work because it helps me sleep better at night I think I always took the drinking on dates as a rule of they start to loosen up and show the real side of them. Who knows! I just miss…
  • Hi, I've been using wellbutrin for the past week or so to quit smoking and have never been prescribed anti-depressants, used to have 2/150 tablet and upped it to 3/150 tablets, here are the side effects I experienced: 1) leveled feelings, since I am a pretty perky person and very talkative, always laughing this actually…
  • I've been on so many diets, paleo, atkins, weight watchers (what a waste of money) and finally I realized that it was the time of the day I got hungry. I'm not normally hungry in the morning but reading has always persisted in saying you need to eat in the morning or your body will go into starvation mode. I don't really…
  • Hi, Just started a low carb diet myself, wanting to shed 10 - 15 pounds, and I found some useful websites that maybe you could use to plan out your meals and grocery lists. I found that by planning out everything for the week it leaves all the guess behind and then I just have to follow it. I've also been trying to do at…
  • Overall would use it. I'm a new user to myfitnesspal and I was using the forums. I have used Oxyelite Pro before. I went up from using one pill in the morning and one pill in the afternoon to two in the morning and one in the afternoon. For the most part in the morning it made me very jittery and unfocused. The problem…