

  • I've been there, there are times I ate so much in one day I gained back all the weight I lost. What helped was doing something new to remind myself of my goals and what I've achieved. I treat myself to a good snack or two but then I tell myself to get back to the routine. Look at your "before" photos so that you'll know…
  • Oh wow, will try it tomorrow to see if it works :> Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Hello and good luck :> Just keep moving, exercise and eat right. I wish you the best ^^
  • I heard you shouldn't drink water about 2 hours before you sleep because it leaves you bloated. And I think there's also foods you can eat to make you feel less bloated, you should search it up :>
  • You look awesome girl, congratulations for keeping it up and for your success :>
  • You look awesome girl, congratulations for keeping it up and for your success :>
  • It's happened to me before, where I ate so much on one day I gained all the weight I lost. Don't beat yourself up too much, it happens and well, its lesson learned for you :> If you have trouble controlling yourself, you should plan your cheat days in advance. Choose a meal, a dish or a snack you really want to eat and do…
  • I face a similar problem as yours in that I lose some weight and then counteract the whole process by overeating. It takes a lot of self control and most importantly, I think you need to set some goals. The times I stop myself from eating too much are when I remind myself of why I'm controlling my food intake, and it…
  • Great job, I can definitely see the difference so keep it up and good luck :> Stay strong!
  • Great advice, will take that into account the next time I feel the need to push my body too much in order to see some differences. Thanks to both you and Steve :>
  • Happens to me all the time. You should write down your long term goals really big and clear and paste it somewhere in your room, so you'll always be reminded of what you're aiming for. Everyone has individual reasons for doing what they're doing but I keep myself motivated by constantly telling myself why I'm doing this.…
  • Welcome back, and good luck for your road towards a better life (:
  • Sometimes, it requires the help of a professional to tell you exactly how you're doing and what should be changed, so maybe consulting with a dietitian will help you find out the methods of improvement? this must be the stage where your body is getting used to the weight you're at, so maybe its taking a bit longer as…
  • I'm weighing myself every day because I get paranoid but I'm hoping to cut down on the habit (: you should too!
  • I'm new as well (: Good luck and stay strong! <3
  • Hi there, In my case, my weight fluctuates quite a sum as well. What more, the weight at home is almost always not the same if I weigh myself outside. Best if you wait it out, in my opinion. Don't weigh yourself everyday and give it time since you might be in the process of losing water weight. Weigh yourself in the…