Staying motivated...

How do you guys stay motivated to exercise everyday? I get excited and workout for a day or two and then it just goes downhill from there. I want to be able to keep my motivation high, just where I want it. What motivates you to exercise?


  • mellybiene
    Happens to me all the time. You should write down your long term goals really big and clear and paste it somewhere in your room, so you'll always be reminded of what you're aiming for. Everyone has individual reasons for doing what they're doing but I keep myself motivated by constantly telling myself why I'm doing this.

    You can also plan your workouts in advance and vary them so you'll look forward to them each day :> If all else fails, force yourself! haha just turn up some really fast music and start from there, your body will follow suit.

    Good luck!
  • formytwins
    formytwins Posts: 106
    I was like that at first. I knew I could do it and wanted to, so I just put it in my mind that I was lazy:) Once I started seeing the weight come off I did not want to stop. I walk first thing in the morning around 4:45 for 30 min. and THAT helps my day and gets me going. After lunch I walk again but longer and faster. Sometimes I also do P90X and that will pump you up. I just bought the 30 day shred and will try it today. I have to do different things, I don't want to get bored. But with all this nice weather I enjoy walking daily:) I hope this helped??

    Also try going to Zumba...i love it and look forward to doing it weekly.
  • ahappyapple
    ahappyapple Posts: 128 Member
    Thanks guys! I think that I just get lazy about it and totally bored with my workouts. I will keep these things in mind. I will just have to make myself get off my butt and do it!!!
  • minmatt
    minmatt Posts: 62
    Honestly, two things keep me motivated: 1. How I feel after I've had a great workout, I try to remember great workouts and how they felt. 2. Buying new workout stuff :) Even if its just a new sports bra, yoga pants, or whatever, I get excited to wear them and it helps. Def. not helping my bank account, but hey, its just money right? :)
  • ahappyapple
    ahappyapple Posts: 128 Member
    I do the same thing. I just bought new workout shoes and a pair of capris. I love new workout gadgets and things!! :)