cathy0536 Member


  • SW: 192 CW: 152.4 GW: 142 April: 4/4: 152.4 11/4: 151.0 (-1.4) 18/4: 149.6 (-1.4) 25/4: 149.4 (-0..2) May: 2/5: 151.0 (+1.6) 16/5: 150.6 (-0.4) but actually didn't weigh in last week and think it is probably a much bigger loss :D Have logged properly all week and done lots of running. All good
  • We are keen gardeners but currently half way through relandscaping it all, buying a new shed, moving the greenhouse, knocking down an old garage (that is going to fall down soon anyway) so no planting happened yet. However hubby has a week off with the boys the week after next and is looking to get the greenhouse finished…
    in gardening Comment by cathy0536 May 2014
  • Congratulations Shaky, you deserve this success. It's been inspirational to be in successive challenge groups with you, you've done really well :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • April a bit up and down (a familiar pattern for me since Christmas). Lots of the month more positive but Easter and developing a taste for chocolate was unhelpful. TurboFire longer workouts not working for me combined with c25K so have had more days off exercise in a month than I've had since joining MFP nearly a year ago.…
  • SW: 192 CW: 152.4 GW: 142 April: 4/4: 152.4 11/4: 151.0 (-1.4) 18/4: 149.6 (-1.4) 25/4: 149.4 (-0..2) May: 2/5: 151.0 (+1.6) Gah, horrible week. ToM, bad food choices and some niggly sore muscles and injuries that put bad to exercise for most of the week. However went for a run last night and am back to logging. Feeling…
  • Oh good luck Shmu, running a 10k is on my bucket list ????
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • SW: 192 CW: 152.4 GW: 142 April: 4/4: 152.4 11/4: 151.0 (-1.4) 18/4: 149.6 (-1.4) 25/4: 149.4 (-0..2) Completely happy with that given my easter eating habits - now fully back on wagon exercising and logging daily :bigsmile: Anyone who's lost any weight this week has done well. And if you've put a bit on, there's always…
  • *Mule* you have to try the Nigella Lawson version of simnel cake if you're going to try any - it was fabulous! Not tempted by my boys' baskets to be honest, and bought my hubby a dark chocolate egg which I don't like - my problem is with chocolate bought for me (because it's mine, all mine!!!) *Random* didn't really regret…
  • Yesterday was A GOOD DAY! Ran and did turbofire in the morning. Spent the afternoon with friends on a long walk around some beautiful English countryside and had a pub meal after - I had a prawn curry which was fantbulous and a goood choice calorie wise. Few glasses of social wine in the evening and avoided the snacks -…
  • Great minds:laugh: I was posting an easter bunny weekend warriors post at the same time as you were writing this! Will cut and paste into here...
  • Mule this is really great! Keep being good :)
  • MrsPoo you are doing really, really well - keep going :)
  • SW: 192 CW: 152.4 GW: 142 April: 4/4: 152.4 11/4: 151.0 (-1.4) 18/4: 149.6 (-1.4) Not really been on track with good nutrition and exercise this week to be honest, but had a stomach bug and a day of not eating which has balanced the lack of exercise out. Did keep up with the couch to 5K challenge runs and am now back to…
  • Friday - was son 1's 9th birthday and had to drive back from my parents with him as both the boys had been there for the week as the UK schools are on holiday at the moment. Detoured for an hour to have lunch with his cousins and to do some present and Easter egg swapping. 30 mins after leaving there we got a flat and had…
  • This week have been doing week 1 of c25K and now completed my 3 runs for that - weather is gradually getting better and the days are getting longer and it's nice to be outside. Have also been doing week 1 of the turbofire programme. I missed 1 day but with my run and walking to and from various train stations I walked over…
  • I had a good weekend, did my planned exercise including starting C25K yesterday. Was invited out at the last minute for dinner on Sat night but ate healthier than I had planned as my friend has food tolerance issues and eats very cleanly. Hadn't planned to drink so much wine but was only just over calories and well under…
  • :flowerforyou:
  • Hi, at the bottom of the spreadsheets there are tabs, next Friday you'll click on the tab for April and enter your current weight under the date by your name. The spreadsheet then magically* works out the % lost and keeps track of how much you've lost :smile: *OK strictly not magic but is the shmu genius at work! :laugh:
  • TY for your comments, decided to be positive and go for the loss. And going to start incorporating some weights, just need to plan out the hows/whens....
  • This post definitely speaks to me as had been thinking about mini-goals when thinking what my overall goal was for this challenge. Have decided on 150 - Back to green BMI - loose 2.4lbs 147 - Lowest weight - loose 5.4lbs 145 - Just because I like the numbers ending in 5 and 0 - loose 7.4lbs 142 - Will have lost 50lbs in…
  • Aw, Mule - no bikini shot!!! :laugh: My motivation is a beach holiday to France booked for August, can't wait and have already bought the bikini:bigsmile: And being a happy and healthy mama to my 2 sons...
  • Shmu/mule, have only just completed the starter form, hope this is OK and I can get added, was having a few days off MFP but am back for the challenge and raring to go :)
  • Hi Sheila, I'm a brit too! Why is this your last attempt?
  • I'm in and :love: Friday weigh-ins!
  • Good this week – have stuck to les mills schedule including rest day today, been under maintenance + exercise calories every day. Drinking lots of water at work and remembered to do this when working from home yesterday. Walked into local town at lunchtime today. Not so good – not great food choices have meant I’ve strayed…
  • :noway: UK v US! Don't think so... We're definitely outnumbered... :noway: :noway: :noway: Besides 4th July is a special day for me anyway as it'll be my youngest son's 7th birthday so v :bigsmile: to go with that date! Last weekend Friday and Saturday as planned, Sunday hopeless but great fun.. was led astray and had lots…
  • March: 3/3: 150.2 (-0.8) 10/3: 149.2 (-1) Happy with that, have switched to maintenance this week and Sunday was NOT diet friendly :drinker: so happy to see any loss. This week keeping on with the exercise and logging truthfully, will see where I get to next week...
  • March: 3/3: 150.2 (-0.8)
  • 4lbs on :cry: Back to post Christmas weight, hoping it comes off as quickly as it went on – not sure this group is working for me at the moment, got some messages yesterday which I think were meant to be supportive but kind of made me feel like quitting. So for the next week am continuing to exercise and log but will be…