m13a Member


  • I've always been told I look like I weigh a good deal less than I do. Looking at photos of other people on this site with similar stats - without kidding myself at all - I do believe this is true. According to bone measurements, I do just have a larger than average frame and tend to be more muscular than most of the women…
  • Thank you for your input @Cortneyrenee04 and @NewLifeMel2015 and I know talking it out would normally be the reasonable thing to do. I don't feel that I can leave because she honestly needs my help right now. I also don't want to confront her because, knowing how she is, I know she just responds aggressively to any sort of…
  • Is this your first go at therapy? I ask because not all therapists will interact with every person in the same way. It may take time to find the right fit so I definitely suggest shopping around or requesting a change to a different therapist within the same practice if you aren't getting the results you want. A bit of…
  • Have you tried therapy yet? I know that may seem obvious but I've found seeing a professional can really be helpful. I'm looking to get back into that myself.
  • Sounds like you had and have created a pretty well-adjusted home in that aspect. I definitely recommend that the OP try if she hasn't yet, but I know the reality is that many homes do not function in such a way, whether it's due to control issues or extreme financial need within the family.
  • True. Though not everyone has the ability to do so if they are dependent on others in some way. OP: If you can make suggestions or requests to whomever you are dependent on? That would be great, though I understand not everyone is open to it.
  • I totally relate. I'm 5'8" and also considered to have a large frame. Years ago I was around 140 pounds and, looking at photos, I appeared extremely skinny - even a bit sickly at times. Right now I'm aiming for a goal of about 155 pounds, but even at 164 - the cutoff point for my height between "healthy" and "overweight"…
  • Right. Well then that is in line with a good portion of what I said. So it may not be that low fat is better for you but that, at the very least, low carb is not something that is particularly beneficial.
  • Then what does the study say? I'm trying to understand but what is your understanding of it? And if you could, please link me to the study itself? I tried searching for it but could only find all the reports from different sources saying this.
  • A new study just came out and is being reported on that low fat is actually better than low carb in terms of shedding more body fat. I'm not sure about the validity of all of this and would be interested in seeing these results duplicated elsewhere but it might be worth looking into. http://www.bbc.com/news/health-33905745…
  • One simple thing I would suggest doing - if you haven't already - is to take some photos. I know that when I look in the mirror, it's not so easy to spot the changes in my own body. Of course it takes persistence and patience to see results, but having a collection of photos and looking back over them can give me that…
  • Wouldn't they just be vegan then? I'm a vegetarian and I don't get this whole "lacto ovo" distinction.
  • I see what you're saying but I think I definitely got hangry and exhausted yesterday. I didn't feel that great the entire time. I am. Thank you everyone for all your advice! I thought I might indulge today but even with eating a relatively hefty portion and adding in dessert, it seems like I'll still come in around my…
  • Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Very low, indeed, which is why I'm seeking advice on how to approach or remedy this.
  • I suppose I didn't know how busy it would get. Things got overwhelming! I definitely try to get close to my goal usually but I will keep that advice in mind. Thanks for your response.
  • Thank you for this. It is great advice. I've lost before and gained back and it never really occurred to me that, when I need it, I can be honest with myself and give myself a break by maintaining. I will try to do this in the future. Congratulations on your success!
  • That seems to me like a lot of water. Why so much?
  • Same! Gosh. I get so torn up about losing weight because I want to get rid of the belly but love how other parts of my body look at this weight. I see people talk about things to do at the gym, like weight training, but money doesn't allow for a gym membership. So jealous of women with more naturally curvaceous bodies.