Littlenatt Member


  • Hey ladies, I'm back (well have been for a week but been busy with a new job and other things) from my holiday! I had an amazing time in Corfu, we ate loads but it wasnt junk, it was all quite healthy grilled meats etc (except for breakfast which was mainly toast). I thought i would have come back a good few lbs heavier…
  • Cendria: hipefully the hours should settle down now because the cafe has sold! woop, we can finally start eating better as a family now which will mean less temptation and less convenience meals and more home cooked meals! As for your holiday, just use your common sense with things and you'll be fine! If not, im only a few…
  • Hello ladies, Yet again this week has been abit pants. It started out good, but because ive been pretty much working 10, 12 and 14hr days ive been too knackered to even eat, nevermind exercise. But, the cafe is going on friday (which is why i've been working so much) so i can start eating properly, and exercising better…
  • No way is it too late Danielle! Welcome! I'm also very short, 5"1 (and a half) so i know how you feel, hopefully you'll loose the majority of that 40lbs by october! Good luck Nat xx
  • Booo!!! I typed a long reply to everyone who's posted since my weekend post and then accidently hit refresh so its all gone!! damnit! Anyways, i guess i'll have to post a general reply because i really cant remember what i said and to be honest, i cant be bothered with scrolling through the posts again. So, Thanks to…
  • Hello lovelies! i'll reply to everyone properly when i get home, but i just wanted to let you all know that I'M AT THE GYM! Lol, not a big deal i know, but i manned up and came here straight from work like i've said i'll do for the past 4 weeks :D i've got 3 weeks til my holiday with my skinny friend, and seen as i've come…
  • Waah, i fell off the wagon. Again. So last week was a good week because my friend from cambridge came to visit, and while i love her to death, its all about booze and food, i did well though. Until the weekend. I went out with her, and a load of our mutual friends, including a guy i've liked for well over a year, anyways,…
  • Deannalu: I know that going to the gym gives me energy, and having a power nap isnt really an option, well it is, but i work near my gym and it would mean going home, to go back to the gym. I've actually swapped my morning shifts this week, for evening ones so i might go straight from one job, to the gym then start my…
  • Hello ladies! I think i'm going to need to pushing to get in the gym again. I'm just so tired when i finish work at 7am all i do is jump in the car and come home. Anyways, I havent lost 10lbs yet but im close and i cant tell where its gone, i keep thinking my scales are lying to me somehow! Nat xx
  • *holds hands up* i weigh myself every day, but only because i'm curious, i know that i wont get into the mind frame of "I gained 1lb so i cannot eat breakfast" kind of thing, i do it because im curious, i like to weigh myself at different times of the day (except thursdays which is my "weigh in" day, the day i log my…
  • Ilookthetype: *HUGS*, thats awful. I'm really lucky to have supportive friends, but i've never had an eating disorder, maybe she's worried for you? Maybe she doesnt understand the allergies and how they affect your body? Also, if you've cut out processed food etc, some of the 8lbs you lost could have been water, i know i…
  • wow Lots of new people to keep us all motivated and supported!!! *waves* Hi everyone!! I weigh myself every day too, but only log my weight on thursday mornings, and i stick to using my good old fashioned weighing scales, i dont trust the wii fit! Gemma chick, i've been using the specail K thing, not the cereal for…
  • Hello to you guys!! Flynn: Good luck with your goals, I know ive fallen off the wagon and lost motivation loads but i keep getting back on and ive managed to loose 8lbs :) Penny: Of course its ok! We're all here for support :) or just to have a rant at when youve had a rubbish day! Tigzi: No question is ever a stupid one!…
  • Has it really been two weeks since the last post?? Ive been meaning to post but ive been really busy. I hit the half a stone lost mark today XD !! I'm so happy. I really need to start going to the gym now to get rid of my belly abit, apparently im loosing it off my back (and bra strap area) How is everyone doing? I havent…
  • Hey ladies, how are we doing? apparently ive lost another 2lbs :) Which is awesome, im not really going by weight, however when you know its comming off it feels so good and it spurs me on to try harder :) Mos, sorry to hear about your finger, hope it gets better soon! Come back and let us know how you guys are getting…
  • Wtg dee for not falling off the wagon! I have quite a few times, recently but i keep getting back on and once my work issues are sorted i'll be firmly on the wagon lol. As for coeliac, my mum's been diagnosed with it for 11 years now, so luckily it won't be as much as a shock because i already know that there's not much…
  • So i went to the doctor today, just for a check up and they're sending me for blood tests, to test my thyroid and to test for coeliac's (wheat/gluten intolerance) because i'm bloated and tired all the time. Hopefully they can rule out any physical reasons. I'm also booking a holiday with my friend for september which gives…
  • Hello ladies! How is everyone getting on? I admit that yet again i fell off the wagon but im hopping back on and hoping to stay there this time. Ive decided to go back to my "part time raw food diet" basically just eating raw, unprocessed foods before about 5pm. I felt loads better after i did this, and felt the effects…
  • Hey, i'm also a short one, 5"1.5 (the half means everything!!), Ive not long started a morning cleaning job which means im at work by 5.30am, i finish and 7.30am, then i go to my other job between 9am and 11am, i very rarely have time for exercise either. Luckily my jobs are fairly active. My sister's a student nurse so i…
  • Hello Ladies, *waves to all the new posters* So, today (even though its only 8.30am) took every bit of will power i had not to turn into the drive through macdonalds i pass on my way home from my morning job. I did it though, i drove straight past it, infact some mornings i’ve had to resort to changing my route home, but…
  • Hii *waves* I'm not quite sure i trust the wii, it says i'm about 7lbs heavier than the doctors scales do, i'd rather trust the doctors (and good old fashioned weighing scales) than the wii. When i actually log my calories i find it very hard to eat them all too, i could if i wasnt taking note how many calories i'm eating…
  • Hey Hey ladies! I was a frequent poster on the original group, and like Gem, and it not only helped me loose easily 1 dress size (about 3 or 4 inches everywhere) but it also helped me with the problems i was having with my then boyfriend, and helped me realise how unhappy i was with him and i got the courage to leave…
  • Honestly? I clean my teeth. I find that if i havnt cleaned them in the morning or at night for a good two minutes that i.m nibbling all day, anf if i clean them I'm fine. Try drinking something also, if you fill up on water you might not want to snack. Ive been having a nibble problem this week, I blame it on being a woman…
  • im 5"1 (and a half) my goal is 140lbs (about 63kg) at the min i'm 223lbs (about 100kg) so ive got a long way to go!