Re-establishing Chubby Twenties?!



  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    Hello Ladies, *waves to all the new posters*

    So, today (even though its only 8.30am) took every bit of will power i had not to turn into the drive through macdonalds i pass on my way home from my morning job. I did it though, i drove straight past it, infact some mornings i’ve had to resort to changing my route home, but if it works what a couple extra pence petrol and a few more minutes journey time.

    Yesterday, not so good. I go on auto pilot most of the day, even with eating. Because i work in a cafe during the day, we have chocolate and cakes on display and usually the cakes don’t bother me, i can look at them all day, and want them all day too, but still not actually have any. However, Chocolate is a completely different story. I’ll look at a chocolate bar, and before i know it ive picked it up, opened the wrapper, broken a bit off and it’s in my mouth. I sometimes don’t even want any, but i still do this. I need to stop!

    Gem: I'm trying so hard not to let it affect my eating, but its difficult, I need to have something quick to eat before i leave otherwise i start to get the shakes, but toast., fruit, yoghurts dont work, they just make me shakey anyways, so i end up having more toast or something when i get home. I have been having a slimfast starwberry milkshake before i leave for work, simply because it's quick to make, i can drink it while driving to work and it fills me up mostly. Most of the time i don’t get chance to eat lunch until i get home, which is about 4pm, but because i have to go to bed no later than 9pm i have my dinner about 5 or 6ish, So i end up either missing lunch or dinner, if i have my lunch late, i miss dinner, if i have an early dinner i miss lunch.
    Cambridge never happened, i just couldn’t find a job down there, its difficult enough trying to find a full time job anywhere, but trying to do it from a different city just doesn’t happen, especially when i don’t have any skills or experience that makes me stand out from someone in Cambridge.
    Good luck with your dream job, i’ll keep my fingers crossed!

    Cenedria: If im honest, the early mornings are starting to break me, i can feel myself getting moodier and moodier and i don’t like it. I don’t deal with stress well, my default setting for stress is food. Well, chocolate mainly. But i know what you mean, I do it alot too. When ive had a crap day the first thing i do is spend a small fortune on chocolate, and go and eat it in my room then feel rubbish afterwards.

    Brie: I would love to take it slow first thing in the morning but i just don’t have time, i get up at 4.30, shower, get dressed, make a milkshake, leave for work at 5am. I do tend to relax when i get home at about 7.30 though. I would get up a little earlier to watch fraiser, but it isn’t on tv here until about 8am, thats if channel 4 still put it on, i haven’t watched morning tv for years.
    I really hope that im not in the same place next year, knowing that other people have turned their life around and gone on to do something better fills me with hope :D

    Dee: At the moment, i generally go to the gym twice a week, Its all i have time for. I use the treadmill at a fast walk pace, i use the cross trainer (elliptical) but i hate it, i keep a steady pace on the bikes and then go into the weight training area and do some exercises using the weights because i want to tone up as i’m loosing weight. I occasionally use the wii fit and the zumba game for the wii but very rarely, i like to use them when no one else is in the house because doing the exercises can be noisey (banging on the floor kinda thing, can be heard downstairs).
    My absolute favourite kind of exercise is dancing. I started doing zumba classes at the end of last year, and even got upto two classes a week, but then i got this job and now i just don’t have the energy/time to go. I really miss it.

    Kelwi: Hii, good luck with your weigh in on Monday, Ive got a similar goal, about 5 stone, although i’d like to loose it by next weekend because i’m going camping with a group of friends, which includes a guy i really really like, and have for over a year! However, i know 5 stone isn’t going to disappear in the space of a week, but i can hope right? :p

    Keep up the posting ladies, I'm sure you guys are enjoying feeling supported as much as i am!

    Nat xx

    P.s Sorry for the super long post, i didnt get chance to get on yesterday and wanted to reply to everyone! Thanks for reading lol.
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    I feel today is possibly going to be a write off!!! I have been SOOOOOOOOOO good all week and yesterday me and the housemates got a little bit drunk...the result...I can hardly move and feel like i am dying!!!
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    oh and to add to the above...I really hurt my ankle during my workout so i now have to be crazy careful when I do a workout BOOOOOOOOO
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Hello Newbies & Welcome!!

    *hugs all around!*

    Dee-I run & bike for my exercise. I run(well really it’s more like slow jog but I’m moving and that’s what counts) every other day and ride twice a week. I really need to throw in some strength training though. Especially for my upper body & core. How much space do you need to do the Piyo it sound interesting? Do you use a video? I'm with you on the treadmill. I started running on that and got bored real quick. I finally switched to running outside in April and yeah I almost died my first time out. I had no idea how to pace myself or run without the treadmills help ;). What really saved me was Podrunner interval training podcasts (I use the freeway to 10K program). You are also absolutely correct about shoes. They make or break working out for me. No matter what I’m doing if I don’t have good shoes it ruins my whole workout. Since you’re a fellow Davisite I’d recommend going to fleet feet to get fitted. They are super nice there and will help you get the correct shoes for you. If you are worried about cost you can always get fitted then shop around to get the best price. Good running shoes are pricey but definitely worth it. As for weight trainingin a gym I say bleh! I think Pilates is a good form of weight training since it’s all about developing lean muscle and core strength. If you enjoy that I’d say stick with it and just add in more cardio like those belly dancing DVDs you mentioned.

    Nat- WTG on driving past, I totally know how that is! You rock! You also rock for working around all that temptation and not giving in. For my chocolate & sweets cravings I have sugar free chocolate Jell-o & Nutella on salt free rice cakes. It took me a while to stop with chocolates and stuff and to start I had to actually purge my house of any and all candy/chocolates.

    Gem- As I said Vodka is the Devil…but sometimes the Devil is what you need. Hope you feel better soon & take care of that Ankle! Make sure you let it fully heal before doing anything strenuous with it.

    I finally did my weigh in on Thursday and I’ve gained a little but not as much as I though. Weighed in a 201.2lbs. Here’s to a great month Ladies!!

    End of June GW:196.2
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Hi Ladies,
    Happy to say that today has been a MUCH better day than yesterday! in hall honesty....It couldnt have been worse!!!
    Having said that....Yesterday's pizza fest still only JUST took me over cals so I am not too upset by it!! If I had had the will to exercise everything would have been great!

    Cen (I am going to shorten your name Cenedria as I am lazy!!!) - Good work on getting that weigh in done, and although you gained a little that is not to say it is an ACTUAL gain - how much of that is water retention?! I read a really interesting post on this recently, I will see if I can find it and post a link. It was all about calorie math and weight. made me think!!! And as for your exercise, I notice that you are doing HUGE burns - good work. are you tracking them with a HRM? and if so is it worth investing in one?! Weight training is essential to losing weight (I read another great article on this too, again I will try and find it) but no need to go to a gym - tins of beans or 500 ml bottles of water are GREAT substitutes for weights to start off with then grab some home weights if you want to!

    Nat - I am very proud of you for driving past. Mcdonalds used to be my hangover food or hangover prevention on the way home. I watched supersize me and now cant eat it!! try it! Great will power though girl. Your meal pattern is worrying and I know it is practically impossible with your work schedule but you need to be eating regularly simply to keep your body going!! have you tried taking stuff with you to work? I know its going to be easier when the cafe goes but you still need to make a teeny bit of time to sit and have something to munch. As for the breakfast situ, I saw your topic post - some of the suggestions were great. I am not the biggest slimfast fan but if it works then use it. as you said it is expensive. Why not get some frozen fruit, a bit of protein powder and some natural yog, whizz it all up in a blender and have a protein filled smoothie on the way to work?! The protein will keep you going and it tastes great!!

    Chelle - WELCOME we would love to have you, everyone is great, really encouraging and great group of ladies!!

    I know I have missed people out but these silly forums only show a little bit of what has been posted and my memory SUCKS! so if you are new and I haven't sad hi...HI, if you are old and iI haven't said something aces about you or some words of encouragement - I am sorry, I honestly do like you!!!
  • deeray82
    deeray82 Posts: 18 Member
    Gem, I'm sure we are all busy bees, and it takes time to read and reply to everything! Man does it take a long time for me to figure out what to say, which is why I just can't reply to everyone. I'd never do anything else! Things in my life will calm down in a week or so, and I will then have a bit more time to dedicate to this support group. I'm still so excited to be doing this with people, even though I haven't said much.

    Ok that's all...studying calls! :)

  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Hey all
    just a quick one, if you are ever in doubt about exercise calories or what to eat or things like that and we cant help...look up SHBoss1673 - he is a BRILLIANT poster and really gives good advice!!
  • deeray82
    deeray82 Posts: 18 Member
    Oops, forgot to reply to Cenedria! Better late than never :)

    Cenedria: I'm SO sorry for the delay in responding, it's the middle of finals week! But, thanks for the tip about the shoes! I'm totally going there when this week is over. :) And as for Piyo, you need the same amount of space as pilates or yoga - it's a squeeze but I can do it in my bedroom. I usually use videos that are available on Netflix Instant, as I'd rather not actually buy DVDs given how fast I get bored!
  • mosaix
    mosaix Posts: 87 Member
    Hey guys

    Excuse my late reply, how is everyone getting on?

    I lost 1lb this week, which is ok I suppose, but I feel a little disappointed. I'm struggling with exercise & eating well. bleugh.
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    Hello ladies!
    How is everyone getting on?
    I admit that yet again i fell off the wagon but im hopping back on and hoping to stay there this time. Ive decided to go back to my "part time raw food diet" basically just eating raw, unprocessed foods before about 5pm. I felt loads better after i did this, and felt the effects after about 3 days. i wasnt as bloated, i had loads of energy and just generally felt better. I managed to loose a fair few lbs too!
    I went camping this weekend, i was FREEEEEZING because all it did was rain, i think i managed to eat fairly healthy though, i mean i know bacon sandwiches arent that healthy but all the meat was cooked on a bbq, so no fat or anything was added, and i only had about 4 slices of bread the whole weekend.

    Nat xx
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    So i went to the doctor today, just for a check up and they're sending me for blood tests, to test my thyroid and to test for coeliac's (wheat/gluten intolerance) because i'm bloated and tired all the time. Hopefully they can rule out any physical reasons. I'm also booking a holiday with my friend for september which gives me a solid goal to loose some weight! Hope all you lovely twenty somethings are doing well xxx
  • deeray82
    deeray82 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello all!!

    I hope everyone is doing well lately! I, at least, am thoroughly enjoying my little bit of summer vacation before I have to teach and study for my prelim all summer. Dangled from the wagon (didn't quite fall, lol) for a few days just at the end of the school year, and now my diet is back in check though I am having trouble getting motivated to get up and work out. It doesn't help that I fell and scraped up my knee and hand this weekend, which keeps me from doing any kind of yoga (waaahhhh!!), and I'm still sore from all the dancing I did too! Ugh! But, in all, life is good. Just gotta find myself a boy and I'll be perfect! ;)

    Mosaix: 1 pound in a week is perfectly healthy! The more gradual your weight loss, the easier it is to keep it off. Take heart, and be proud of yourself for the progress you've already made!

    Almost: From what I've heard about Celiac's, it sounds like you might be on to something, especially if you feel so awesome on your raw food diet (i.e. no gluten!). While I don't wish that on you, I do hope that you figure out what's wrong! And Celiac's certainly is getting a lot of publicity lately, with lots of stores having gluten-free sections, and restaurants with gluten-free menus. Just beware of cross-contamination!

    Hang in there, friends! We CAN do this!
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    Wtg dee for not falling off the wagon! I have quite a few times, recently but i keep getting back on and once my work issues are sorted i'll be firmly on the wagon lol. As for coeliac, my mum's been diagnosed with it for 11 years now, so luckily it won't be as much as a shock because i already know that there's not much difference in taste (besides bread and biscuits) and already know where i can eat cause i'm always lookin for places for my mum! Keep up the work ladies! Xx
  • mosaix
    mosaix Posts: 87 Member
    hey guys, hope you're all doin ok have had a weird week or so, went on holiday, then managed to cut through a nerve in my finger so typing is excrutiating, but wanted to say hey & let you guys know im still around
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    Hey ladies, how are we doing?

    apparently ive lost another 2lbs :) Which is awesome, im not really going by weight, however when you know its comming off it feels so good and it spurs me on to try harder :)

    Mos, sorry to hear about your finger, hope it gets better soon!

    Come back and let us know how you guys are getting on!!

    Nat xx
  • gemfox
    gemfox Posts: 107
    Oh Ladies...I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo rubbish!
    This week started off great, I jumped on the Wii and was told I have lost 3lbs!!! woo hoo!!!!! just 4 to go and I am back to my pre wagon falling off weight! hurrah!!!!
    BUT this week has been horrific! My best mate at work left the day my manager went on holiday leaving me and 2 girls who have only been there 3 months! SO I have been doing my work, my bosses work and my friends work! I havent had time to think never mind eat properly however I do think that the stress may have helped in the weight loss lol.
    I know that as soon as lfe goes back to normal I will just gain any weight I have lost die to stress which sucks!
    I also havent exercised at all!

    Nats - I have thyroid issues 1 major advantage - FREE MEDS for life!!!! I am glad you already know a bit about coeliacs and where you can eat, thats aces (well not the fact you may have coeliacs but you know what I mean!!)

    Dee - Booooooooooooo to scraping your self!! but yay to only dangling off and not falling like moi! And you don't need a boy but it would be nice I agree

    Keep up the good work ladies
    love you all
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    Has it really been two weeks since the last post??
    Ive been meaning to post but ive been really busy.
    I hit the half a stone lost mark today XD !! I'm so happy. I really need to start going to the gym now to get rid of my belly abit, apparently im loosing it off my back (and bra strap area)
    How is everyone doing?
    I havent had a call from the doctors with my blood test results so im assuming there was nothing wrong with the tests(they call if there's something)
    I got a new job also! Another cleaning one, but in the afternoons, i start in august :) I think im going to keep my morning one until i can find another job in between.

    Keep up the work ladies!! xx
  • jerseynegrita06
    jerseynegrita06 Posts: 71 Member
    I would like to join your group!! Is it too late?!?!
  • tigzi
    tigzi Posts: 4
    hi, this may sound like a silly question, but how do you join a group? as in is it possible to select a group that you like and get updates on it?? sorry if this sounds stupid :)
  • penny_eclipse
    penny_eclipse Posts: 524 Member

    I'm Laura, I'm 23, and I'd love to join the group! I'd be great to have young friends for some support!
    I hope that's OK!
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