Lose a stone!

Hi I am mum to 3 children and currently in my second year of Nursing at Salford uk. I am only 5ft and have put on 1.5st since I started the course. I think this is due to a few reasons I am very short on time these days and don't exercise much. Stressed. I've decided it is time to try and lose the weight I have put on and get healthier which will inrease my energy levels.


  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    Hello :) Im 5"1 and I also go to university so I know what you mean about fitting exercise in. Feel free to add me :)
  • Littlenatt
    Littlenatt Posts: 26 Member
    Hey, i'm also a short one, 5"1.5 (the half means everything!!), Ive not long started a morning cleaning job which means im at work by 5.30am, i finish and 7.30am, then i go to my other job between 9am and 11am, i very rarely have time for exercise either. Luckily my jobs are fairly active.
    My sister's a student nurse so i know all about the time constraints, she tends to miss her breakfast AND lunch some days (12hr shifts) which ive told her is really unhealthy, so make sure you're eating regularly, and keep your snacks healthy :) Good luck with the weight loss!!!
  • rosieef
    rosieef Posts: 57 Member
    I know where you're coming from, I did about a year and a half of student nursing (before having to stop due to illness) and it is so hard to maintain any modicum of healthiness especially when working on the wards! When you're doing 13 hour shifts 3 or 4 days a week plus essays to write on your days off, it's nigh impossible to muster up enthusiasm for doing anything else! And then if there's sweets and biscuits at the nurses' station when you're hungry and writing your notes ............. Yikes!!

    Best of luck to you, there are skinny nurses around so it can be done! :wink:
  • neonpink
    neonpink Posts: 203 Member
    Hi welcome to the site !! I graduated with an mphys from Salford last year !! :) good luck in your weightloss it can most definitely be done especially with the help of this amazing site.

  • StudentNurseMum
    StudentNurseMum Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Katy, many thanks for your reply. You have done so well, your pictures look great. I only discovered this site a few days ago and love it! Saves a fiver a week for a slimming club! Vx