yoyofatigued Member


  • Some of what I am doing to avoid my 'spirals' is planning. That may sound simple, but it has helped tremendously. Plan for your snacks by pre-portioning healthy options in the small snack sized zip lock bags. Things like sliced cucumbers with lime juice, mixed berries, raw nuts, or air popped popcorn. I have to say I LOVE…
  • How did the row class go?
  • You can do it!!! Pull out those tricks and maybe even share some with us! Nearly 6 lb loss in the first week is amazing.... keep it up, one day at a time!
  • So glad to hear you did so well!! That is fantastic! And congrats on your boy's birthday. :)
  • Hi Steph! It has been a few days and I just wanted to check in and see how you are doing? Hope you are keeping at it!
  • Hi Courtney! It is great to have you join the group! It has really helped me to log in every day and do the food diary. I hope that helps! We are with you.
    in Goals Comment by yoyofatigued June 2013
  • I would order the Miso Soup, it is yummy and about 50 calories per serving!!! I would either pick chicken or shrimp in miso, ginger, garlic or satay (w/o the peanut sauce).... or if you like heat the sriracha. Avoid the nut sauces and Macadamia dish. I would recommend you avoid the sweet sauces (if you don't know if they…
  • I am 5'5 and 180. I am in a 12, but definitely not for long!
  • Thank you for sharing! I am totally making this for dinner tomorrow!
  • Oh my goodness, it sounds awesome! I'm going to have to try! And I love the spice!
  • Can't wait to try, especially because in my house we spread a little peanut butter, almond butter or nutella on pancakes (no butter or syrup).
  • Wow, a juice cleanse is a great idea. If you decide to do it, keep us posted. I ran out and bought a juicer after watching the documentary FAT SICK AND NEARLY DEAD. I never did it as a cleanse or juice fast, but I do use it to pack a nutritional punch to my diet every so often. I appreciate you sharing it helped remove…
    in Goals Comment by yoyofatigued June 2013
  • We are glad you found us too! I think you've done a great job setting your first goal of 160. Your info/stats are pretty similar to mine. I am 36 (turning 37 this summer), 5'5 to 5'6 and currently 182. The last time I was under 160 was when I got pregnant with my youngest, who is nearly 5.... so it's been a while. My…
    in Goals Comment by yoyofatigued June 2013
  • Welcome to the group! That is INCREDIBLE that you are down 32 pounds! I hope you celebrated with a mani/pedi or a new lipgloss or something! I am really excited to have you with us and can not wait to see you reach that first goal of 11 pounds. You can do it!
    in Goals Comment by yoyofatigued June 2013
  • I have LOVED the transparency shared here and such great goals! We can do this!
    in Goals Comment by yoyofatigued June 2013
  • Welcome! We are glad to have you! Check out the CHALLENGE thread and see if you are interested in joining that! I am sorry to hear of the CD, that is a pretty serious illness. I hope the meds help keep it manageable for you, especially for your little one. I love your positive outlook. We are here for you!
  • You can do this! To keep from being overwhelmed at how far I have to go I just look at getting through the day. My goal is today. So let your goal be today. I am sure your kids had a blast with you playing with them at the park... here is to healthier moms and happier kids! We are going to do together!
  • I am just over 5'5. My first goal is 150 and then my ultimate goal is 132. I was about 110 when I got married, without dieting or exercising. I just had a much more active lifestyle and almost never ate fast food or prepackaged foods. I also was not a snacker. I have a muscular frame and am medium boned. I have always been…
  • ugh. The yo-yo sucks. In the past few weeks I gained back about 5 pounds I had loss and it just sent me over the edge. Enough is enough. Realizing I really have to change and I really can't do it on my own was sobering. I am so glad to have found MFP. Here's to us uneating an elephant a day at a time! We can do it! (Ok, I…
  • Great idea Thai! I did just that, here is the link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/14821-30-something-mamas-taking-it-back Looking forward to having you share!
  • I am 36 and just started a group for those of us with kids and in our 30's. I have kids in preschool, elementary, middle school and high school.... oh my! If you'd like to join the group, follow the link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/14821-30-something-mamas-taking-it-back
  • I think you could expect a 1-2 pound loss average per week. Your goal is within that range. Good luck to you!
  • Wow Mindy! What a story, thank you so much for sharing. I am completely inspired to look into Shakeology for myself! Those are incredible results. I am happy to hear your kiddos have a healthy and happy mama who will be around for them!
  • Steph, you can add me. I am new to MFP, but not new to weight-loss attempts. I am looking for others are committed and willing to reach out to offer/receive support. Losing weight is hard. Support helps.
  • I just joined today as well and for some similar reasons. You can add me, I'd love the support as well.
  • I am new as well and I am super motivated because of my sister's upcoming wedding. I have been working on my fitness goals (this time around) since April. I found MFP because I am looking for encouragement, support, inspiration and accountability.