Any 30-something mamas with goals around 40 lb loss?

I am new and am looking for support and inspiration from fellow busy moms in their 30's... a Band of Sisters! I couldn't help but think having a group of similar women with similar goals would really be inspirational.
So if you are interested in sharing your journey, add me as friend.
Height: 5'5
Age: 36
High Weight: mid 190's
Adult Post-babies low: 127 (in mid 20's after 2 kids- I had another baby shortly after this and then another in my early 30's)
Current Weight: 182 (eeks!!!!!!)
First Goal: 150
Ultimate Goal: 132


  • ThaithaiChocolate
    ThaithaiChocolate Posts: 46 Member
    You should start a group. I always could use the motivation. I would join
  • dmarien
    dmarien Posts: 58
    Hi we have similar goals. After my 3rd baby I did lose back to my highschool weight but that was due to a nasty divorce I think. Weight stayed off for a few years. I remarried 4 years ago and have gained it all and then some back.
  • yoyofatigued
    yoyofatigued Posts: 33 Member
    Great idea Thai! I did just that, here is the link:
    Looking forward to having you share!
  • yoyofatigued
    yoyofatigued Posts: 33 Member
    ugh. The yo-yo sucks. In the past few weeks I gained back about 5 pounds I had loss and it just sent me over the edge. Enough is enough. Realizing I really have to change and I really can't do it on my own was sobering. I am so glad to have found MFP. Here's to us uneating an elephant a day at a time! We can do it!
    (Ok, I know it's not exactly an elephant, but man, in some moments it feels that challenging).
  • sutoid
    sutoid Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I'm another mother who's weight has yo-yo'd between having children over the years. I'd ideally like to lose 30-40lbs, and this is my year to do it! Positive thinking all the way. Adding you and joining your group :)

    EDIT: I'm 31 :)