

  • Thanks everyone! :ohwell: I will look into that, I just hate going to doctors unless absolutely necessary, but this is scaring me so I guess I will make myself go. It's gotta be some kind of hormonal imbalance from the diet..I just don't understand why I'm having periods more instead of less. *sigh*
  • depends on my burn but usually i'll eat about half that I burn. I always listen to what my body tells me
  • I am on phentermine (generic) now from a bariatrics doctor and it is a HUGE help. It gives me energy in the morning after I take it and I can't wait to go to the gym! I also love the appetite suppression because I feel like I finally eat like a "normal" person and I'm not so obsessed with food all the time. Totally worth…
  • hmmmm, sounds like I need to give that a try..what is stevia?
  • As for the lower calorie limit, 1600 is definitely not true. It all depends on the person. Your body goes into starvation mode once you drop below less than HALF of your body's daily need (bmr + calories burned exercising)
  • Well, not sure about the "gain back" may be water weight. My doctor thouroughly explained the plateaus to me though. The first week or so I'll lose quickly, then just stop while doing exactly the same thing. He says that the initial weight lost is water weight, then when you're in the plateau your fat cells are…
  • Since you're a runner, it is good that you are over in the protein category because you need to feed your muscles. If your carbs are on just average, as long as you feel physically fine, then that will be fine. When your body burns through its carbs, then its glycogen reserves, it then goes for fat which will benefit you…
  • I've seen the websites about minimum calorie intake. Most say not to go under 1200 calories, but it all depends on your body. I just started going to a weight loss doctor and after doing all the measurements and whatnot he figured out that my body (not including exercise) only burns 1450 calories a day to live..he then put…
  • Well, if anyone is interested go online to DR. QUINN WEIGHT LOSS. He is a local Dr. but sells noncontrolled appetite suppressants online. These are all natural and work WONDERS to curb your appetite & cravings (TRUST ME, i didn't believe it but it works for me and my appetite is not easy to control). I use the 'fill pill'…