
I have been trying to loose weight for about a week and a half now. I went down 4 lbs then have shot back up again, I have been working out everyday and eating alot less than I used to. I just don't know why I can't loose the weight. I have been able to in the past. It makes me just feel like giving up. Any tips you guys have?


  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!If you open your diary,people could give you some suggestions on what you`re eating.
    Don`t give up.Quitters never win and winners never quit.
    Good luck!!
  • Vegasboricua702
    HI!If you open your diary,people could give you some suggestions on what you`re eating.
    Don`t give up.Quitters never win and winners never quit.
    Good luck!!

    Agreed! if your calorie intake is too low and your working out too much your body will go into starvation and with hold on to whatever nutrients it can. How is our water intake? Not drinking enough water can lead to water retention and wieght gain.
  • RoxMyWorld
    RoxMyWorld Posts: 127 Member
    Id be more then happy to help with some motivation. Dont give up I was stuck for two weeks. I DRASTICALLY changed everything I was doing and was dissappointed that the scale didnt follow suit but it is coming off slowly and I am glad I didnt give up. Feel free to add me if you like!!
  • Akaratel
    Akaratel Posts: 137 Member
    probably eating too little, open diary for all of us :) I know I did martial arts for 10 years losing only like 10 pounds and then staying there... couldn't figure it out... since i actually record on here and see what i am eating, I notice i was never eating half of what i needed lol... starvation mode.
  • Akaratel
    Akaratel Posts: 137 Member
    probably eating too little, open diary for all of us :) I know I did martial arts for 10 years losing only like 10 pounds and then staying there... couldn't figure it out... since i actually record on here and see what i am eating, I notice i was never eating half of what i needed lol... starvation mode.

    You have to eat back your exercise calories... this is what i was doing wrong as well --until i actually started MFP and seeig how my body had no fuel. On some of my days i couldn't possibly eat all of mine back either, but i try to get it to atleast 200 - i always try to get as close to zero as possible :)

    Also, you can try eating every two hours helps me out too keeps metabolism going.
  • shawnateerow
    Well, not sure about the "gain back" may be water weight. My doctor thouroughly explained the plateaus to me though. The first week or so I'll lose quickly, then just stop while doing exactly the same thing. He says that the initial weight lost is water weight, then when you're in the plateau your fat cells are refilling with water as you lose the fat. After sticking through it, that weight will soon come off too, He says that the plateaus are actually the most significant time of FAT loss and that you will notice changes in your body, rather than on the scale. Don't give up! :)
  • labgirl3
    labgirl3 Posts: 171 Member
    Your diary doesn't look too bad. I might suggest adding more protein so you can build muscle (and keep what you do have). MFP protein goals are way too low for me, and the carb is far too high. If you think a lower carb diet might help, I'd drop your carbs below 100 g a day, and increase protein to around 100 g a day. It might be the shake up that you need to get the scales moving in the right direction. Low carb isn't for everyone, but it has drastically reduced my cravings and desire to binge, and it works well for me.

    Have you taken measurements? Any progress there? I was on a plateau for a few weeks, but dropped inches and body fat during that time. I know it's frustrating when the scale doesn't move, but it's really a more indicator of how you're doing.
  • rujan
    rujan Posts: 2
    Slow and steady wins the race. I also agree that you might be eating too little. Make sure you're eating at least 1200 calories. I found some days by the evening I had only eaten 1000 calories and so I made sure to have a healthy evening snack. Try to also eat every three hours or so, but to have your last food 3 hours or so before bedtime.
  • Vegasboricua702
    Holy Starbucks batman! I just looked through this past week. You need to limit your starbucks food drastically. Take that money you spend on starbucks food and buy clean foods. You eat out entirely too much. Raise your carbs up a little bit and up your protien intake. Take 1g of protien per 1lb of body wieght. ie if you weigh 150 then you need to take in 150 grams of protien. Protien builds muscle. Muscle burns calories. Brew your own cup of coffee at home with artificial sweetners and hold the cream. Your just eating way to many simple carbs. Make sure your diet is consistant with your excercise and you should be fine :)

    You have the right idea with dinner tho. I like your dinners and breakfasts. Lunch is where your messing up. Cut the starbucks to once a week. Also a good multivitamin, fish oil, and CLA will aid you in fat loss. Google the suppliments.
  • C_Bran
    C_Bran Posts: 254
    Hey! I sent you some info and I hope it helps in your plight.