Yes. Most days I am up ot 03:30 so I can get on my bike and commute to work (35km). Leave the house at about 04:00. I am at work usually between 05:00 and 05:30 (depending on how I hit the lights).
I use this:
I find if I try to swim fasted my stomach gets very upset, especially if we are doing sprints or some other similarily challenging workout.
If you can't get lessons, try looking at "swimsmooth"
Running Room, Running Free, MEC are some places
Our Masters has two levels going on alternate nights, one group is Monday, Wednesday and Saturday the other Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. The slower group takes more time working on stroke development and the faster works on speed in addition to stroke development. Each night divides the lanes into capabilities. Slowest in…
I bike 35 km each way to work (about 22 miles). I am still working into doing it daily after only having been able to spin and run over the winter. In another month I will be doing it daily. I stop off at a gym (I keep my membership there just for this - otherwise I find gyms a pretty useless place to be) near where I work…
I commute to work, so I ride 4 or 5 days a week 70km round trip, on Saturday's I ride to the pool for my morning workout with my Master's team, it is only about 40km round trip. Sunday's I don't usually ride because it is my long run day, plus I do bike maintenance that day. Work up to whatever feels comfortable for you.
1111111111, next length is 2, 222222222, wait no, 111111111, time to turn, why does the guy in front turn so wide, other side of the t moron, flip, glide and kick, why didn't the guy in front glide? don't touch toes, don't touch toes, 2222222, next length is 3, 33333, wait no, 22222....
You will be swimming sets for that whole time. Not continuously. You will have short breaks as long as you are making the pace times set. Some practices you may do stroke development and you will have longer breaks at that time as the coach stops and explains things and then you focus on drills. Sprint practices you will…
My ride is 35 km one way, so close to what yours is. I use a camelback "blowfish" pack. I put my tablet, work cell phone, change of clothes and lunch into it. I leave shoes and sweater at work. I have a half locker that I put most of my biking gear in during the day. I change in one of the stalls in the bathroom. I don't…
2670 km for me. My plan this year is my first marathon in October. Still working out what kind of overall distance that will require. Have a few half marathons and olympic triathlons through the spring and summer as well and training will have to support all of those too.
I do. As long as the ice is off the roads. After that the the bike goes onto the trainer.
McNett Aquaseal
I commute 70km per day round trip when there isn't ice or snow on the roads. I shower at a gym that is 2 km away from where I work on my way in.
1 gallon ~4 liters.
I use the Misfit Shine. It is waterproof and you can set it to an activity tagging mode. One of the activities you can pick is swimming. Works well enough for me.
I had mine out about 4 years ago. It did not change my diet in any way.