HeartbeccaCA Member


  • I am here with you all - I am not feeling courageous enough to post my weight, but suffice it to say I need to lose 150-200 to be pleasantly plump. I am working with a great dietician and she is helping me. I plan to see a counselor too - gotta fill the hole I keep trying to fill with food. You know? My eating has neevr…
  • I am working on 150 to lose.... I know I have a long row to hoe, but the journey of 1000 miles starts with the first step. :heart:
  • Don't be discouraged - it could be just a temporary water weight gain. Are you near your menstrual cycle? Are you consuming a lot of salt? (Salt can be hidden everywhere!) Be sure you are reading labels and do not add salt to anything. Also, drink lots of water which usually helps release water retention. Our bodies tend…
  • I have some serious osteoarthritis and understand your struggle. Here is my suggestion because anything weight bearing will cause more wear and tear on the joints.... For quads, use knee extensions. Sitting position, weight on shins or ankles, extend knee to 180 degrees, then back to 90. Repeat as many reps as desired. Of…
  • I want in - and I a newbie. How do I subscribe t this thread? Or however this works? I love cycling, but can't even pedal up the driveway right now. Using my spin bike. (No hills) Thanks in advance for letting me know how this works!
  • Goddess makes a good one - and I a lot bigger than DD. So I know it works! :-) You can find them on a site called Linda the Bra Lady. Google her for the URL.
  • I went gluten free for medical reasons and promptly gained 10 pounds. That was 2 years ago and I have pretty much figured out how to live gluten free without much sacrifice. I will always miss some things though, but I get so sick, it will never be worth getting that sick. Anyway, there are benefits to being gluten free…
  • Beachbody has some really great program DVD's and they are well done and well balanced. Just do nto choose one over your current level. One step at a time. Work your way there or you will threaten your success.
  • First of all - No question is stupid. :-) We are all at a different level of knowledge and experience and that is OK. Thats why we need each other fro support! Here is my take on how to answer your question - First you must answer this question: What is my desired outcome? Next question: Is what I am doing moving me toward…
  • GET PROFESSIONAL HELP. Period. You need to talk to a professional counselor - ideally someone who specializes in eating disorders. But any professional will do to start. JUST GET HELP NOW.
  • Whatever this program says, ti doesn't matter - you are doing TOO MUCH. Your heart rate should NEVER be 170!! Your heart has no time to fill and therefore pumps ineffeciently and can in NO WAY meet the oxygen demands of your body. You MUST start with something less demanding and do not rush getting to where you want to be.…
  • I believe there is no such thing as cheating. Its all about choosing. I may choose to eat more than my allotment one day, or even two, but hey, I just plan and make up for it the next days. OR I just say enough and get right back on track. The price is paid at the weigh in... whether I lose not so much or not at all or…
  • Hi there - I am 52 and hae struggled with weight for years and years. I have done other things, but this time I am using suport and tracking calories/exercise etc. Can't argue with the facts. I qwould be glad to lend suport if you will do the same. I am just starting out here and have a very long way to go! The journey is…
  • Good Morning. I am glad you shared your challenge in life right now - Thank you for trusting your fellow fitness seekers. I am an RN and have taken care of lots of folks with cancer - I think you know it is not an easy road, but the personal growth and insights you will find will make it a remarkable journey. There is a…
  • Yo! Here I am! Looking for support as well!
  • It all sounds very ominous. And we all know you can't go back in time, so you are where you are. Period. Life begins today. The results of the test wil be what they will be - not a whole lot you can do to change that now. As the saying goes, "It is what it is." There are no magic wands. In this case I would say do what you…