Soooo....I Have Cancer



  • ASB2683
    ASB2683 Posts: 12
    You're in my prayers! My cousin had oral cancer (stage 3) a few years back, went through essentially what you described. She made it through and is doing great! Keep positive thoughts and have faith! We're all pulling for you!
  • rhonderoo
    rhonderoo Posts: 145 Member
    Never give up. It sounds like you have doctors that are ready to do battle with you. Positive thoughts for you and your family!!!
  • I'm so sorry to hear this news for you. My cousin had this type of cancer & is doing good. It is not going to be easy, but you can do this. Prayers being sent up right this minute.
  • warbelton
    warbelton Posts: 8 Member

    I cannot recommend this foundation enough. Sooo much good information. Immediate responses to any questions you may have using the forums. I used this site daily when my husband was treated for throat cancer in 2006.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    best of luck
  • aNewYear123
    aNewYear123 Posts: 279 Member
    Prayers for you.

    You said you were in the best shape of your life and ready to fight. It sounds like your doctor is ready to fight as well. Stay strong.
  • gypsyrose64
    gypsyrose64 Posts: 271 Member
    You are going into this with a positive attitude (which is imperative) and you have your doctor telling you that you'll be fine... I can't say that I understand the level of fear and anxiety you are dealing with, but I'd bet you're going to come out this hell a stronger version of yourself. For what it's worth, I know someone that went through this and they're doing great 3 yrs later.
    Sending positive vibes your way.
  • sgirl29
    sgirl29 Posts: 326 Member
    Sorry to hear this. Contuine to stay strong and positive and you will get though this. I will keep you in prayer!! (((HUGS)))
  • HeartbeccaCA
    HeartbeccaCA Posts: 17 Member
    Good Morning. I am glad you shared your challenge in life right now - Thank you for trusting your fellow fitness seekers.
    I am an RN and have taken care of lots of folks with cancer - I think you know it is not an easy road, but the personal growth and insights you will find will make it a remarkable journey. There is a God and He does know of your struggles and he has a plan just for you. Sometimes we do not understand, but He is all knowing and His ways are perfect. He will be with you through every step. I know this - I have seen this. I know from my patients this is true. Hold on to Hope and take confort in knowing you will come to understand better than most what is REALLY important in this life. My thougths and prayers are with you.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I hope that you read through all of the've gotten quite a few pages. While I did not have cancer, earlier this year I was diagnosed with a rare brain disorder called Chiari Malformation. It was literally shutting down my life because spinal fluid was not getting to my brain so pretty much 80% of my neurological functions were not working properly. I had brain surgery in February to alleviate the symptoms. Though I went into it with little fear (probably out of desperation to just feel slightly human again, as I could barely do anything without wanting to stop and lay down) it was still a huge blow to my invincible image I have of myself. So, in hopes of reducing your fear a bit I will tell you, now, 4 1/2 months later I am feeling fantastic. I did a 5k race exactly 3 months to the day after my surgery. I think I am doing another in a few weeks. I started lifting heavy (ish) weights again at 6 weeks post op and am progressing. All is possible. Stay positive, it will carry you through. I am going to send you a friend request!
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    Oh. I'm so sorry.

    My grandpa - he was old, you're not - died from cancer, so I have a special interest in seeing people survive through it.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    prayers for you.may you get well soon.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    That sucks, but your attitude is amazing and inspiring.

    Now go kick its *kitten*.
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I will be praying for you!! Please find out everything you can. Knowledge will help quiet the fear. It won't make it go away but it will help. Please keep all of us posted. You can friend me if you like. I am available to listen.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    One of my best friends went through this six years ago this coming October - reconstruction, grafts, tube. It was a really scary time. My friend is still around making us all laugh.

    Take care of yourself, and fight...kick its *kitten* and kick it hard.

    Lots of thoughts and prayers to you and your family and friends... :flowerforyou:
  • super_J73
    super_J73 Posts: 257 Member
    Best of luck for a speedy recovery. You'll definitely kick cancers *kitten*!
  • Sending you Love, Prayers, and Healing Light.

    Now go kick that cancer in the balls!! :heart:
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Cancer sucks. It really sucks. There's no other way to put it.

    But you will be fine. You will come through this. You will tolerate radiation well. On the off chance, which looks very remote, that you have to undergo chemotherapy, you will tolerate that well, too. You will surprise yourself with how strong you really are.

    There are a lot of survivors on MFP. You'll be one, too.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Praying for you and your loved ones.

