I think I'm developing an eating disorder



  • sheenarama
    sheenarama Posts: 733 Member
    I've struggled with binging and purging for years. I would suggest a group meeting such as Overeaters Annoymous. Having support from people who've been there helps a lot.
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member

    Not sure where you live, but this is the National Eating Disorders website, which has a helpline you can call to find help in your area! There is an online eating disorder test, but I would leave things like that to professionals, honestly.

    Call the helpline now

    Call our toll-free, confidential Helpline, Monday-Thursday from 9:00 am - 9:00 pm and Friday from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (EST):


    There are MANY resources available if you're not sure what to do! The most important thing to do now that you have recognized that you need help is to GET IT! :)
    Awesome response.
  • HeartbeccaCA
    HeartbeccaCA Posts: 17 Member
    GET PROFESSIONAL HELP. Period. You need to talk to a professional counselor - ideally someone who specializes in eating disorders. But any professional will do to start. JUST GET HELP NOW.
  • I had a similar experience, oddly enough, last night as well.

    I met my caloric limit for the day, and all I could think about was food, food, food, food, food, so I, for all intents and purposes, binged. It wasn't a proper binge like I used to do when I was actively suffering, when, in a sitting, I could do a ridiculous amount, but I won't get too into those details. Long story short, I went over my limit by about 600 calories. In my head, I know this won't really have much of any effect on my weight, so long as it doesn't become a habit, but I went to bed and woke up with an overwhelming sense of dread, and woke up wanting to subtract those 600 calories from today's intake, (which I won't do for quite a few reasons, one of which being that that's one of the things I used to do) and having the thoughts swimming in my head nagging at me relentlessly. To make matters worse, I had been watching a movie with a friend at the time (who doesn't know I had a disorder and had no idea that before he got there, I'd already been having difficulty concerning food that day) and this friend commented that I was eating a lot, which brought on the guilt, loss of appetite, dread and simultaneously the feeling that I seriously wanted to clear the cupboard and... get rid of it. I managed to resist, though it consumed my thoughts and I don't even remember which film we watched because of the storm in my head, but the more I ignore the thoughts today and stick to my new routine, the more they're fading, so, this time, crisis averted, but it was still quite a scare.

    Good for you for noticing the signs early. Many don't and end up in hospital for it, or worse. Please, please, please seek help, and early. Please don't allow yourself to slip into it. It's an ugly, vicious and poisonous little monster that just starts out gnawing at your ankles, but if allowed to grow can become your own, personal demon wreaking havoc in your life on a minute by minute basis destroying everything in sight until you don't know where you end and it begins. Nip it in the bud. Don't go down that road. It never leads anywhere good.