150+ to lose in total? Come on in!

So, I'm not actually new, I've been using this site for about a year, and as my ticker says I've lost 69 pounds (lulz) so far.

I would like to find more friends who have goals similar to mine:
SW: 363lbs
CW: 294lbs
UGW: 175lbs
188lbs to lose in total.
120lbs left to lose (around).

Basically, if you have lots to lose, we can be buds :glasses: :drinker:


  • tracy_getsfit
    tracy_getsfit Posts: 106 Member
    I had a starting weight of 375 07/01/2013 am currently at 222 lbs this week. I have a very similar goal to yours. I am very honest and open with my food and dedicated to workouts. If you want someone to follow would be glad to share. Also will be a good encouragement.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Feel free to add me.

    SW: 291lbs
    CW: 232lbs
    UGW: 120lbs
    171lbs to lose in total.
    112lbs left to lose.
  • LadyArchangel
    LadyArchangel Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks for the response ladies, adding you both!
  • HeartbeccaCA
    HeartbeccaCA Posts: 17 Member
    I am here with you all - I am not feeling courageous enough to post my weight, but suffice it to say I need to lose 150-200 to be pleasantly plump. I am working with a great dietician and she is helping me. I plan to see a counselor too - gotta fill the hole I keep trying to fill with food. You know? My eating has neevr been this ourt of control. Time to get it back in check. Slow process. Please add me as a friend - the more friends the better!
  • Cielazul
    Cielazul Posts: 77 Member
    Sorry, posted in the wrong thread!
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Good goals! You can do this! I'm down 106 and have 25 to go to get to my goal! Add me and we can encourage each other!
  • mjgrin
    mjgrin Posts: 883 Member
    I would love to join. Feel free to add me!

    I just started my weight loss journey (after a gear of on again off again). I am on day three. I started at 305.8, I won't weigh myself again until Monday. My goal is 150.
  • Just want to say you should be VERY proud of yourself. I hope the journey is as rewarding as the end goal will be. By that I mean that you should be proud of yourself and your life should be better along the way, not just when you've accomplished your goal.

    Many people fail to try to lose weight because it's perceived as an insurmountable task. Hopefully you realize that's not true because you are rewarded every day for your efforts.

    Nice job. Keep the faith!
  • ShalaraQ
    ShalaraQ Posts: 82 Member
    At my highest I was 375, although I started MFP the first time at 345 or so. I'm currently 309ish and working towards 175 (200 pounds lost) and then I will reassess and see how I look and feel. At 5'8", 175 is still "overweight" but I haven't been below 200 pounds since I was 12 years old (I'm 44 now) so I have no idea where I will feel comfy in the end ;)

    I am VERY committed to not giving up, no matter how long it takes. Feel free to add me!
  • You're beautiful and you can do it. Just take it day-by-day and always recognize the immediate rewards of dieting. That is even with more weight to lose, you already look better, you feel better, your attitude and your confidence are better, you have a better life.

    And it only gets better.

    You should be VERY proud of yourself.

    Keep the faith!
  • simply_myself
    simply_myself Posts: 32 Member
    I restarted tracking last year at around 305 pounds (at 5'5" in height). I've lost about 15ish in the last year (I had lost more, but got really off track around Christmas and only recently got back on), but I've developed some better habits in that time: more fruits and veggies, less fried foods, eliminated sugar from my daily coffees (still splurge with mochas on the weekend grocery trips though).

    My goal is to get down to somewhere between 150 & 175; however, as long as I am under 180, healthy, and active, I will be a happy camper. Congrats on your progress so far, and feel free to add me.
  • I am new and I need to loose approx 100+ lbs..I started out at 264 the end of July..I don't know what I am now as I don't get weighed until the 23rd. Does anyone have any good normal/simple recipes?
  • luvforever
    luvforever Posts: 502 Member
    Hi! I'm Audrey and I've recently started my new journey. I've got two kids, a full-time job, and an obsession with books and nerdy things.

    For me its:
    SW: 378 lbs
    CW: 360 lbs
    UGW: 150ish lbs
    228 lbs to lose in total.
    210 lbs left to lose.

    Althougth I have been a member here for years, I've only really started tracking and being active in the last 6 weeks.

    Feel free to add me, I'd love to make some new friends.
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm looking to lose a total of 175-185. I'm getting closer to goal, but it's coming off slowly, so still a good year or two away.
    SW: 340+ (started MFP at 297)
    CW: 191.5
    GW: 155-165

    Anyone can friend me, I log everyday and will continue to forever...
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    We have a pretty fun group here too that check's in daily. We have noticed a lot of common struggles.. Don't be scared by the title. It is what it is.


    All are welcome. :flowerforyou:
  • vcdfw
    vcdfw Posts: 49
    Hey There, this is an awesome idea, count me in. I'm right there with you, so far having the support of friends with similar goals has been very beneficial.

    Anyone with similar goals feel free to add me also:

    SW: 445
    CW: 422.2
    1ST GOAL: 398
    2ND GOAL: 320
    3RD GOAL: 270
    4TH GOAL: 198
    5TH GOAL: 145
    END GOAL: Be healthy and take up Karate, I've always wanted to be able to defend myself well physically instead of just verbally.

    God Bless everyone!
  • trudywc2
    trudywc2 Posts: 233 Member
    I just began my journey again in June 2014 (last month). My starting weight was 252, I am now at 241. I find everyone on MFP very supportive and its been helping to keep me going.

    My first major goal is to get under 200 lbs, that's when I get to go zip lining. My End goal would be around 150 and I will re-access from there.

    I know I am going to do it this time and will be happy to help you as well.
  • LadyArchangel
    LadyArchangel Posts: 124 Member
    I'm loving all the responses :)!
  • Order_66
    Order_66 Posts: 35
    I have been all over looking for a group just like this!! I am a big man needing to lose to major poundage. Moved to OKC in March, and am building on that to start this new and much healthier chapter in life.

    SW: 382
    CW: 376 (hopefully will go down every Friday ;) )
    UGW: 190

    Feel free to add me so we can kill some calories!
  • StarFall90
    StarFall90 Posts: 133 Member
    Started about 5 months ago.
    SW: 364
    CW: 305
    GW: 164 (healthy bmi)
    Still have about 150 left to lose. Anyone is free to add me.