August Cycling Challenge 2013



  • cheeky0122
    cheeky0122 Posts: 38 Member
    8/1 - 7.5mi
    8/2 - 5.97mi (quick out and back to test out my new clipless shoes/peddles!)
    8/3 - 22mi
    8/4 - 9.76mi
    8/5 - 6mi
    8/6 - 0.0 (Tuesdays are belly dance days!)
    8/7 - 0.0 (migraines -__-)
    8/8 - 0.0 (migraines again -_____-)
    8/9 - 7.46mi
  • swonn
    swonn Posts: 323 Member
    Goal for August is again 150 miles.

    8/01--14 miles
    8/04--15.39 miles
    8//06--17.33 miles
    8/09--17.30 miles

    Total--64.02 miles
  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    August goal 266 miles

    8/1 -6.5 miles (30 mins)
    8/2 -14.5 miles (70 mins)
    8/4 -10 miles (46 mins)
    8/5 -11.5 miles (51 mins)
    8/6 -10 miles (45 mins)
    8/7 -15 miles (70 mins)
    8/8 - Rest Day
    8/9 - 5 miles (21 mins)

  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    August goal = 100 miles.

    8/1 - 0
    8/2 - 7.0 miles.
    8/3 - 7.2 miles.
    8/4 - 1.2 miles. I mowed today instead of riding.
    8/5 - 1.0 miles. I finished mowing today instead of riding. Neighbor a couple doors down got hit on his bike Friday (hit & run). He didn't even fall, but wound up with a compound fracture of his left elbow. Be careful out there people. AND WEAR A HELMET.
    8/6 - 5.4 miles outside on a rainy day. Found a farmer's dog dead on the side of the road. Sad.
    8/7 - 6.2 miles.
    8/8 - 5.5 miles. My first ride without my Walkman (external speakers, not earbuds). I require music.
    8/9 - 0 miles. Rest day.

    Goal = 100 miles.
    Accomplished MTD = 33.5 miles.
    Remaining miles = 66.5 miles.
  • Ekboriqua
    Ekboriqua Posts: 43 Member
    This week was very bad for me, today I took out all my frustration on my bike, instead of what I really wanted to which was have a few drinks and for get the week. My results was a 2 hour ride and almost 20 miles, I am dead tired but feel so much better, and a lot better than if I would have had those drinks I was thinking about. I went ahead an put down my time for Saturday and Sunday as I normally don't do any riding on the weekend. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

    08/01 - 9.06 miles - 590 calories
    08/02 - 0.00 rainy day no biking today
    08/03 - 0.00 rainy day
    08/04 - 0.00 rainy day no biking again
    08/05 - 0.00 rainy day, love this season, its killing me - did 3 miles on the treadmill.
    08/06 - 0.00 not feeling well - took the day off
    08/07 - 14.27 miles - 929 calories
    08/08 - 11.31 miles - 737 calories
    08/09 - 19.80 miles - 1290 calories - Woo-Hoo longest ride and most calories burned
    08/10 - 0.00 rest day
    08/11 - 0.00 rest day
  • gregsonevans
    gregsonevans Posts: 232 Member
    8 Activities
    276.05 mi
    21:19:45 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain:
    7,045 ft
    Avg Speed:
    12.9 mph
    Avg HR:
    128 bpm
    18,222 C
    Max Distance:
    62.10 mi
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    August goal = 100 miles.

    8/1 - 0
    8/2 - 7.0 miles.
    8/3 - 7.2 miles.
    8/4 - 1.2 miles. I mowed today instead of riding.
    8/5 - 1.0 miles. I finished mowing today instead of riding. Neighbor a couple doors down got hit on his bike Friday (hit & run). He didn't even fall, but wound up with a compound fracture of his left elbow. Be careful out there people. AND WEAR A HELMET.
    8/6 - 5.4 miles outside on a rainy day. Found a farmer's dog dead on the side of the road. Sad.
    8/7 - 6.2 miles.
    8/8 - 5.5 miles. My first ride without my Walkman (external speakers, not earbuds). I require music.
    8/9 - 0 miles. Rest day.
    8/10 - 10.0 miles. That's my longest ever ride. I've done 10 miles before, but split in two. It was also my fastest ride, averaging 11.8mph. It was hard. I am a wimp. That is okay.

    Goal = 100 miles.
    Accomplished MTD = 43.5 miles.
    Remaining miles = 56.5 miles.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I got in my longest ride ever, 38.1 miles. Whew! I am dead!

  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    August goal = 100 miles.

    8/1 - 0
    8/2 - 7.0 miles.
    8/3 - 7.2 miles.
    8/4 - 1.2 miles. I mowed today instead of riding.
    8/5 - 1.0 miles. I finished mowing today instead of riding. Neighbor a couple doors down got hit on his bike Friday (hit & run). He didn't even fall, but wound up with a compound fracture of his left elbow. Be careful out there people. AND WEAR A HELMET.
    8/6 - 5.4 miles outside on a rainy day. Found a farmer's dog dead on the side of the road. Sad.
    8/7 - 6.2 miles.
    8/8 - 5.5 miles. My first ride without my Walkman (external speakers, not earbuds). I require music.
    8/9 - 0 miles. Rest day.
    8/10 - 10.0 miles. That's my longest ever ride. I've done 10 miles before, but split in two. It was also my fastest ride, averaging 11.8mph. It was hard. I am a wimp. That is okay.

    Goal = 100 miles.
    Accomplished MTD = 43.5 miles.
    Remaining miles = 56.5 miles.

    Way to go! You're not a wimp. You are doing great!
  • First month tracking rides in the forum

    8/1 - 10.6 miles (std Thursday night ride on the 'Greenway'.
    8/4 - 4.5 miles (was camping prior weekend - sore and tired)
    8/5 - 6.3 miles (warm up spinning muscles - hope for long ride on Tuesday)
    8/7 - 12.2 miles (15.9 mph avgerage over 12 miles)
    8/9 - 15.2 miles (rode to work and back)
    8/10 - 12.5 miles (14.4 avg mph)

    MTD = 61.3
  • HeartbeccaCA
    HeartbeccaCA Posts: 17 Member
    I want in - and I a newbie. How do I subscribe t this thread? Or however this works? I love cycling, but can't even pedal up the driveway right now. Using my spin bike. (No hills) Thanks in advance for letting me know how this works!
  • sarahthin
    sarahthin Posts: 221 Member
    I'm a newbie also. I think starting at this point in the month I can do 90 miles on my stationary bike. How do I log this in?
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    Wish I would have found this thread sooner!! Most of my workouts this summer have been hiking and biking and I'm totally addicted. I didn't track well in April or May, but my stats for the last two months:

    June: 270.49 miles
    July: 333.44 miles
    August: 400 mile goal

    Also working on increasing my speed and incorporating more hills. My average speed in the spring was about 13mph and I'm up to about 15.5 mph average on most 30-40 mile rides.

    August stats to date:
    August 3rd: 40.28 miles
    August 8th: 27.17 miles
    August 10th: 50.08 miles
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    I joined MFP a long time ago but never checked into the blogs & community. Well---here I am. This cycling thread is for me!!
    I don't know how to add the weight & mileage tickers, but I need to drop 50. I rode 2 hrs Friday, will get an hr in the morning before church, then ride Mon Wed & Fri (weather permitting). So greetings to all, & good luck!!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I want in - and I a newbie. How do I subscribe t this thread? Or however this works? I love cycling, but can't even pedal up the driveway right now. Using my spin bike. (No hills) Thanks in advance for letting me know how this works!
    I'm a newbie also. I think starting at this point in the month I can do 90 miles on my stationary bike. How do I log this in?
    I joined MFP a long time ago but never checked into the blogs & community. Well---here I am. This cycling thread is for me!!
    I don't know how to add the weight & mileage tickers, but I need to drop 50. I rode 2 hrs Friday, will get an hr in the morning before church, then ride Mon Wed & Fri (weather permitting). So greetings to all, & good luck!!

    Welcome! I think that I can ansswer your questions here. By posting on this thread, it will now show up under "My Topics". There is no specific way to post. If you want to post that you rode at spin class, then just write it down. If you rode your indoor bike, write it. If you commuted to work, write it. Some people like to keep a running total all month by copying and pasting and then just adding to it. Some just post individual rides. I like to use a ticker that I made at You can have any goal that you would like. You can set a time goal or a distance goal or a total number of rides goal. Actually, you don't even need to set a goal, though, I think it helps me keep going. This is a very casual thread with no rules (except kindness). We are here to help encourage ourselves and each other. Welcome, again. We are glad to have you and hope to see you soon.
  • reggiepe
    reggiepe Posts: 146 Member
    8/1 - 8.46 miles
    8/2 - 8.61 miles
    8/3 - 8.41 miles
    8/4 - 9.35 miles
    8/5 - 8.48 miles
    8/6 - 8.41 miles
    8/7 - 14.38 miles
    8/8 - 14.58 miles
    8/9 - 12.84 miles
    8/10 - 0 miles
    8/11 - 13.80 miles

    Goal - 200 miles
    MTD - 107.32 miles
  • NaoyukiTai
    NaoyukiTai Posts: 39 Member
    Yesterday, I did a "big ride" to catch up to my goal.
    The front wheel hub was whining, the chain was squeaky and the rear break was sticking.
    Last night and this morning, I cleaned the front hub ball bearings and re-greased them. Cleaned off/adjust/oil the rear break and chain. I just came back from a quick test 5 mile ride. The bike is running smooth!
    There is no better ego boost than fixing up the bike!

    Here is the log from runtastic. It's date, activity, distance, duration, average pace, calories, heart rate, elevation.

    08/11/13 Cycling 5.44 mi 25:09 4:37 202 0 164 ft
    08/10/13 Cycling 42.46 mi 3:26:17 4:51 1533 0 1555 ft
    08/08/13 Cycling 7.18 mi 46:20 6:27 235 0 374 ft
    08/08/13 Cycling 9.25 mi 37:21 4:02 380 0 141 ft
    08/06/13 Cycling 9.26 mi 43:25 4:41 341 0 367 ft
    08/06/13 Cycling 13.25 mi 57:56 4:22 511 0 242 ft
    08/04/13 Cycling 4.31 mi 23:40 5:29 147 0 65 ft
    08/04/13 Cycling 2.20 mi 10:11 4:37 82 0 0 ft
    08/02/13 Cycling 7.11 mi 33:02 4:38 263 0 357 ft
    08/02/13 Cycling 9.25 mi 36:08 3:54 391 0 124 ft

  • sarahthin
    sarahthin Posts: 221 Member
    I'm a newbie also. I think starting at this point in the month I can do 90 miles on my stationary bike. How do I log this in?
    8/11 5mi. 25min. resistence level 1
  • okcat4
    okcat4 Posts: 224 Member
    8/11: 12.5 mile ride
    8/9: 2 mile walk
    8/8: 30 m ride
    8/6: 25 mile ride
    8/5: 20 mile ride
    8/4: 11.3 mile ride general work out .5 hours
    8/3: general work out: 1.5 hours
    Total to date: 100.8 miles

  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    August goal = 100 miles.

    8/1 - 0
    8/2 - 7.0 miles.
    8/3 - 7.2 miles.
    8/4 - 1.2 miles. I mowed today instead of riding.
    8/5 - 1.0 miles. I finished mowing today instead of riding. Neighbor a couple doors down got hit on his bike Friday (hit & run). He didn't even fall, but wound up with a compound fracture of his left elbow. Be careful out there people. AND WEAR A HELMET.
    8/6 - 5.4 miles outside on a rainy day. Found a farmer's dog dead on the side of the road. Sad.
    8/7 - 6.2 miles.
    8/8 - 5.5 miles. My first ride without my Walkman (external speakers, not earbuds). I require music.
    8/9 - 0 miles. Rest day.
    8/10 - 10.0 miles. That's my longest ever ride. I've done 10 miles before, but split in two. It was also my fastest ride, averaging 11.8mph. It was hard. I am a wimp. That is okay.
    8/11 - 4.4 miles. Had to cut my route short because I was again attacked by dogs. Got my leg pretty good. The really scary thing about it is that since I'd never seen those dogs before on that route, they scared the crap out of me and I turned my bike such that if there had been a car coming from either direction (50 mph speed limit road), I would have been dead. I cannot ride fast enough to out-run the dogs. I almost cried. :(

    Goal = 100 miles.
    Accomplished MTD = 47.9 miles.
    Remaining miles = 52.1 miles.