August Cycling Challenge 2013



  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    1st Aug - 34.72 miles
    2nd Aug - 21.12 miles
    5th Aug - 34.61 miles
    6th Aug - 34.78 miles
    7th Aug - 17.45 miles

    Total: 142.68miles
    Target: 200 miles (might need to revise target at this rate......)
    Remaining: 57.32 miles
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    Was raining this AM so that cut me out of my work commute of about 18 miles. I squeezed in a 12 mile ride between jobs. I am going to start posting times & speeds on my log.

    8/1 - 12.57
    8/2 - 12.40
    8/3 - 12.11
    8/4 - 13.08 (AM)
    8/4 - 06.71 (PM)
    8/5 - 23.10
    8/6 - 12.06 (42:52 @ 16.9mph)

    MTD - 92.03

    So listen I just got my bike a few months & 360 miles ago. I noticed my gears making noise. The bike shop said to expect a stretch. Apparently both the front & real derails are affected. The front doesn't want to shift well into the inner most gear and the rear doesn't want to shift into the inner most big gear. The bike has barrel adjusters but either way I adjust them doesn't quite clear up the chatter I am hearing. Should I be turning the barrels counter or clockwise?

    I work 2 jobs and I hate to have to take it to the shop again for what I think should be an easy adjustment.

    Once I started to use my bike seriously, I realised that it took some time for the gears to a) get used to being used and b) get used to being used by me, but if this was 360 miles ago, surely it should have been ok by now. Hate to ask but do you oil your chain/gears every week? When I first went to my shop (after bike had been in garage unused for 5 yrs), all was good. But a month later I went back all all afronted I said that the bike is making a noise, this shouldnt happen (as I was used to a car not needing oil every week), so he rather nicely said that I needed to oil my chain/gears every week if I commute on it. Lesson learnt and now she works a dream. Well until we have a bad ride and it's all her fault. Not mine obviously :huh:
  • GymRatGirl13
    GymRatGirl13 Posts: 157 Member
    Just curious if some of the people here who cycle everyday/or most days could help me out. Is it normal to see a weight increase when upping rides/mileage? I used to do about 3-4 days a week and now I am doing 5-6 days. Other than aspect I have not changed anything and I have gone up 2lbs. Will it eventually go back down? Or should I be doing something different.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Yep. I noticed the same thing. Some people will start riding more (or increase cardio in general) and thier appetite will increase, so they consume more calories. The problem with biking is that depending on what kind of riding you do, the calories burned estimates on here, and on other websites, can be very inaccurate. I ride in the mountains where the vast majority of my ride is climbing (sometimes 2500+ ft elevation gain in under 2 miles) and my for an hour of riding, my estimate will be around 559 calories. Well, heck...if I ride for an hour on more flat, paved surfaces, my estimate will still be 559, but I gaurantee you I burnt half the calories on that ride.

    I fell into this trap for the first month of riding. Now, I simply add carbs during my ride and eat pretty normally the rest of the day. My weight has returned to normal and is dropping slowly. (I'm not trying to lose) If I am doing a longer ride (over two hours) I will eat approximately 100 calories, 10 g of protein, 15 g of carbs and a few fat grams every hour for the entire ride. This keeps my energy up, but doesn't over load me on calories. I don't over eat afterwards either because my body doesn't go into "holy hell, I need some calories and carbs NOW" mode after so many hours of work without fuel. If my rides are under 2 hours they are very intense, so I will eat a few quick carbs beforehand, then eat a normal recovery meal, high in protein, afterwards...then business as usual. I hope this helps. Enjoy the ride!!
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Once I started to use my bike seriously, I realised that it took some time for the gears to a) get used to being used and b) get used to being used by me, but if this was 360 miles ago, surely it should have been ok by now. Hate to ask but do you oil your chain/gears every week? When I first went to my shop (after bike had been in garage unused for 5 yrs), all was good. But a month later I went back all all afronted I said that the bike is making a noise, this shouldnt happen (as I was used to a car not needing oil every week), so he rather nicely said that I needed to oil my chain/gears every week if I commute on it. Lesson learnt and now she works a dream. Well until we have a bad ride and it's all her fault. Not mine obviously :huh:

    Well my bike was brand new out of the box when i got it in the beginning of June but no, no oiling. But then again, I don't ride in bad/muddy conditions. I did inspect the chain yesterday when I was looking at the derails. The shop I took the bike to for a once-over after I assembled it made some adjustments but said to expect some necessary adjustments after breaking it in for the first time.

    Now.... the noise is down but the gears don't shift quite as smooth.

    8/1 - 12.57
    8/2 - 12.40
    8/3 - 12.11
    8/4 - 13.08 (AM)
    8/4 - 06.71 (PM)
    8/5 - 23.10
    8/6 - 12.06 [42:52 @ 16.9mph]
    8/7 - 06.18 [22:51 @ 16.2mph] (AM)

    MTD - 98.21
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I rode over 3 miles to my physical therapy appointment, then took the long way home and rode almost 4 miles back. Hills are killer! Rode to my Dr. Appointment on Monday--round trip almost 8 miles.

    Not much I know but a start.
  • gregsonevans
    gregsonevans Posts: 232 Member
    6 Activities
    223.17 mi
    16:56:44 h:m:s
    Elevation Gain:
    5,595 ft
    Avg Speed:
    13.2 mph
    Avg HR:
    131 bpm
    14,776 C
    Max Distance:
    62.10 mi
  • EniBee
    EniBee Posts: 274 Member
    I have registered for the 2014 London to Brighton bike race. Any ideas on training? I cycle 30KM 3 times a week. What about bikes? My current bike is a 17 year old mountain bike. rides well, but...

    any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  • drfrink
    drfrink Posts: 14
    Ok, I'm in for the challenge. My goal for August is 120 mi.
    8/2 9.5mi
    8/5 4.5mi
    8/7 11.17mi
  • AdamChristopher
    AdamChristopher Posts: 1 Member
    I wish I would have found this thread a long time ago. I try to get out on my mountain bike as much as possible as it's something that I'm passionate about and is helping me with fitness and weight loss. But unfortunately I won't be able to contribute for a few weeks since I had a crash back in June and will be going in for surgery on my shoulder this Friday and will be down for a while. But I'm lucky, it could have been much worse. I'm just hoping for a faster than expected recovery to get a few more rides in this season. *thumbs up*

    YTD: 333.86 mi
    MTD: 34.37 mi

    Distance: 6.36 mi
    Time: 29:16
    Avg Speed: 13.0 mph
    Elevation Gain: 69 ft
    Calories: 355 C
    Avg Temperature: 82.9 °F

    Distance: 11.96 mi
    Time: 55:20
    Avg Speed: 13.0 mph
    Elevation Gain: 92 ft
    Calories: 640 C
    Avg Temperature: 72.8 °F

    Distance: 16.06 mi
    Time: 1:13:50
    Avg Speed: 13.0 mph
    Elevation Gain: 217 ft
    Calories: 672 C
    Avg Temperature: 74.8 °F
  • autumnlily31185
    autumnlily31185 Posts: 279 Member
    August goal 266 miles

    8/1 -6.5 miles (30 mins)
    8/2 -14.5 miles (70 mins)
    8/4 -10 miles (46 mins)
    8/5 -11.5 miles (51 mins)
    8/6 -10 miles (45 mins)
    8/7 -15 miles (70 mins)

  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    8/1 - 12.57
    8/2 - 12.40
    8/3 - 12.11
    8/4 - 13.08 (AM)
    8/4 - 06.71 (PM)
    8/5 - 23.10
    8/6 - 12.06 [42:52 @ 16.9 mph]
    8/7 - 06.18 [22:51 @ 16.2 mph] (AM)
    8/7 - 10.18 [36:59 @ 16.5 mph] (Noon)
    8/7 - 12.03 [43:59 @ 16.4 mph] (PM)

    MTD - 120.42
  • Ekboriqua
    Ekboriqua Posts: 43 Member
    Lovely Florida weather, is stopping me from reaching my goal, this rainy season has to stop or wait until after my bike run. Who do I have to pray to get this to happen. A friend of mine told me of a park that has mountain bike trail in it, apparently not to far from where I live. My goal is to fine the park, go through the trail and if I don't kill myself take some pics and hopefully post them online.

    I did manage to get out today (thank you mother nature for no rain today), lovely late afternoon, big plus today I got a Woo Hoo shout!,

    08/01 - 9.06 miles - 590 calories
    08/02 - 0.00 rainy day no biking today
    08/03 - 0.00 rainy day
    08/04 - 0.00 rainy day no biking again
    08/05 - 0.00 rainy day, love this season, its killing me - did 3 miles on the treadmill.
    08/06 - 0.00 not feeling well - took the day off
    08/07 - 14.27 miles - 929 calories
  • RagtimeLady
    RagtimeLady Posts: 172 Member
    8/1 - 25.32 miles
    8/2 - 17.0 miles
    8/4 - 40.39
    8/6 - 7.2
    8/7 - 10.5

    Total : 100.39

  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    August goal = 100 miles.

    8/1 - 0
    8/2 - 7.0 miles.
    8/3 - 7.2 miles.
    8/4 - 1.2 miles. I mowed today instead of riding.
    8/5 - 1.0 miles. I finished mowing today instead of riding. Neighbor a couple doors down got hit on his bike Friday (hit & run). He didn't even fall, but wound up with a compound fracture of his left elbow. Be careful out there people. AND WEAR A HELMET.
    8/6 - 5.4 miles outside on a rainy day. Found a farmer's dog dead on the side of the road. Sad.
    8/7 - 6.2 miles.

    Goal = 100 miles.
    Accomplished MTD = 28.0 miles.
    Remaining miles = 72.0 miles.
  • mlove351
    mlove351 Posts: 94 Member
    8/4 17.25mi road 1hr 1416 cals burned
    8/5 7.25mi stationary 30min 580 cals burned
    8.7 10.75 stationary 40 min 780 cals burned

  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    1st Aug - 34.72 miles
    2nd Aug - 21.12 miles
    5th Aug - 34.61 miles
    6th Aug - 34.78 miles
    7th Aug - 34.66 miles
    8th Aug - 17.46 miles

    Total: 177.35 miles
    Target: 200 miles (might need to revise target at this rate......)
    Remaining: 22.65 miles
  • reggiepe
    reggiepe Posts: 146 Member
    8/1 - 8.46 miles
    8/2 - 8.61 miles
    8/3 - 8.41 miles
    8/4 - 9.35 miles
    8/5 - 8.48 miles
    8/6 - 8.41 miles
    8/7 - 14.38 miles

    Goal - 200 miles
    MTD - 66.10 miles
  • caskettfan
    caskettfan Posts: 13 Member
    8/3 18.28 miles
    8/5 21.2 miles
    8/7 13 miles

    MTD- 52.48
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    Just curious if some of the people here who cycle everyday/or most days could help me out. Is it normal to see a weight increase when upping rides/mileage? I used to do about 3-4 days a week and now I am doing 5-6 days. Other than aspect I have not changed anything and I have gone up 2lbs. Will it eventually go back down? Or should I be doing something different.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Yep. I noticed the same thing. Some people will start riding more (or increase cardio in general) and thier appetite will increase, so they consume more calories. The problem with biking is that depending on what kind of riding you do, the calories burned estimates on here, and on other websites, can be very inaccurate. I ride in the mountains where the vast majority of my ride is climbing (sometimes 2500+ ft elevation gain in under 2 miles) and my for an hour of riding, my estimate will be around 559 calories. Well, heck...if I ride for an hour on more flat, paved surfaces, my estimate will still be 559, but I gaurantee you I burnt half the calories on that ride.

    I fell into this trap for the first month of riding. Now, I simply add carbs during my ride and eat pretty normally the rest of the day. My weight has returned to normal and is dropping slowly. (I'm not trying to lose) If I am doing a longer ride (over two hours) I will eat approximately 100 calories, 10 g of protein, 15 g of carbs and a few fat grams every hour for the entire ride. This keeps my energy up, but doesn't over load me on calories. I don't over eat afterwards either because my body doesn't go into "holy hell, I need some calories and carbs NOW" mode after so many hours of work without fuel. If my rides are under 2 hours they are very intense, so I will eat a few quick carbs beforehand, then eat a normal recovery meal, high in protein, afterwards...then business as usual. I hope this helps. Enjoy the ride!!

    Hi there, a few weeks back I increased my mileage / training in general quite substantially, I was burning 2k calories and my weight wasn't shifting, I wasnt eating all my calories back either. But I then increased my calories so that I could burn more and this helped somewhat, also you need to bear in mind when TOM visits and also that when you start increasing mileage/exercises that your muscles hold on to water (water retention) so after a few weeks you'll notice a difference.

    Stick with it, it'll work. I'm losing weight now and upping my calories although not going stupidly over, maybe I'll be eating 1600 cals a day so eating theoretically 400 into my training calories.
    Good luck!
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    Well my bike was brand new out of the box when i got it in the beginning of June but no, no oiling. But then again, I don't ride in bad/muddy conditions. I did inspect the chain yesterday when I was looking at the derails. The shop I took the bike to for a once-over after I assembled it made some adjustments but said to expect some necessary adjustments after breaking it in for the first time.

    Now.... the noise is down but the gears don't shift quite as smooth.
    I'm no oil/techy geek but you need oil on the chain... I get some stuff from Muck off and it's really good, everything works well and the chain isnt rusting, not only caused by bad/muddy conditions, just by wear and tear. I'd suggest you get some oil and oil the chain...