

  • Any workout should be fine. You just have to modify it to suit your body until you get stronger (which you will). I have seen people that weigh over 250 & 300 lbs do P90X and have had amazing results. Only you know where your limits are so you just need to modify the moves so that you can still do them and get results at…
  • I say def. wear shoes! I wear shoes with all of my workouts except for Yoga.
  • Yes! :) I had someone ask me about this a while back. There are in fact Shin Splint Sleeves you can use so that you can still workout with ease. Here is one that I found online. There are many out there and you can more than likely find them in…
  • Have you calculated your calories to see exactly how many calories your body needs to function each day? If not, I would do that first. It could be that you are not eating enough calories which would make your body store fat instead of burn it. Take your Body Weight x 10. That's your RMR or Resting Metabolic Rate (Calories…
  • Welcome aboard! :smile:
  • Have you calculated how many calories your body requires daily? If not, that would be the first step. Once you've done that, start tracking everything that goes in your mouth and make sure you don't go over your daily goal. Calories in....calories out :) Also, try to stock up on healthy snacks. If you don't buy the bad…
  • I'm coach, shoot me a message. I'm not a spammer, I'm just here to help. :smile:
  • I also use an HRM. When I use the myfitnesspal app, I enter P90X as cardio so I can still keep track of my calories. :smile:
    in P 90X Comment by JodyBFitness April 2011
  • Sorry to hear that. :ohwell: Those are coaches that are either desperate for a sale or weren't trained properly by their upline coaches. Most of us let people come to us but unfortunately there are always a few bad apples that make the rest of us look bad. I do have all of my beachbody info on my FB Page as well as my…
  • Make sure you get a heart rate monitor that has a chest strap. Those are the most accurate. :)