
fitforlife84 Posts: 10
edited September 26 in Motivation and Support
Hi everyone,
I have been having a hard time lately. I start to see results and then I eat bad foods and gain the weight back. I don't know
what to do to help me through this. It is just so frustrating. What do you guys do when you feel this way?




  • abbie017
    abbie017 Posts: 410
    First - don't beat yourself up over this. But learn from it.
    Second - I just started MFP, but I definitely have had this problem in the past. I've learned to not deprive myself - if I want a cookie, I'm going to eat a cookie...but then I have to work harder at the gym.

    Another possibility - get rid of all the junk food in your house that is sabotaging you. If it's around, you could eat it..but if you can't get to it, then you won't eat it. Stock your fridge with fresh fruits and veggies and snack on them. When you're feeling discouraged, give yourself a treat - get your nails done, get a massage, take a long lunch from work...do something to get your mind on better things!

    Remember, you can do this!!
  • new_me_9_67
    new_me_9_67 Posts: 369 Member
    Sticking with the MFP plans sounds like the obvious choice here but there may be other things that are causing you to go back to old habits.

    try logging all your food daily and maybe find a small group for support that way when you're feeling tempted you can shoot out a message and get some support.

    Best of luck
  • stephding
    stephding Posts: 16
    I agree, the key is not to deprive yourself. I found that if I restrict myself to nothing but chicken breasts, veggies and fruit I go nuts and eventually lapse, pig out and quit. So now, I eat the food I love, but in moderation so I never feel deprived. And, I too, if I want a cookie will eat one, I just exercise a little longer and harder. It's also made me think twice.. is the doughnut worth another 30-60 minutes of exercise. Some days, yes, some days, not so much.
  • I always try to stay focused on the future results that I want to see, rather than what I'm seeing right now. If I think to myself "Sweet, I lost 5lbs, now I'm going to go treat myself with a candy bar", then I tend to lose control and spiral downward. I have been desperately trying to retrain my way of thought toward food too, making sure that I don't EVER reward myself with food, but rather with other things such as a pedicure or shopping for a new article of clothing. Trying to view food as solely a source of nutrition is extremely difficult in the society that we're are surrounded by :( Try to keep a positive outlook, you're trying to make the changes which in itself is a HUGE step. Good luck :)
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    You quit logging before you understand how to eat right you'll aways gain back the weight. I guess when your life depends on losing weight, you'll stay on top of your goals. Maybe you'll get serious once you fill out the "About Me" portion of your page. That's the first step into getting serious. I'm about to exercise right now because I don't want to gain my weight back. Good luck.
  • Mick90
    Mick90 Posts: 1
    I agree with the other post, don't beat yourself up. Remember this is forever, not a temporary thing, so make adjustments, stay
    positive and remember we all have those days, weeks etc...thats why we are here...good luck, tomorrow is a new day..
  • Have you calculated how many calories your body requires daily? If not, that would be the first step. Once you've done that, start tracking everything that goes in your mouth and make sure you don't go over your daily goal. Calories in....calories out :)

    Also, try to stock up on healthy snacks. If you don't buy the bad stuff and only have healthy food in your home when you do snack the calories wont pile on. Don't look at it as a diet, look at it as a lifestyle change. Diets DO NOT WORK!

    Put yourself on a fitness calendar and hold yourself accountable. Take pictures of yourself every 30 days and put them side by side as a reminder that what you are doing is working. Post them on your fridge if you have to. Just remember, nothing tastes as good as being thin & healthy feels.

    The thing that really helps me is having a fitness partner. Luckily mine is my husband :) If you have a fitness partner, you can check in with them on your progress and they can help you through the rough times.

    You can do it!
  • fudie
    fudie Posts: 45 Member
    ive actually had a really bad day today. i ate just junk! and its almost an obsession to eat. i wish i didnt and it use to be like this everyday, so once in a great while is better but i wish i could just take that part of my life away. i dont know if you feel the same way about food almost like its an addiction. but that was me today, i hid it from my significant other and i hate that. there was a time that i wanted to break my good streak and i talked to someone and it did help. if you ever want to eat something not good get on here or text someone and tell someone. just writing it will help! your will power will get stronger! and most importantly dont get discouraged if you do falter, everyone does! and you are stronger than that desire!
  • camayallover
    camayallover Posts: 20 Member
    I have a new doctor and he had a great idea. I tend to use food as a "reward". A good day - wahoo - eat. Bad day - sigh - eat.

    He asked me what my favorite guilty pleasure was - for me mac & cheese. He said after an entirely good week - plan to have a mac & cheese dinner on Saturday night.

    Eventually replace the "reward" of food with something different - but I'm just starting so I know I get to day 3 and fall off the wagon. I'm hopeful with these little tricks I'll get to day 4 and beyond.

    One step at at time. If you fall off the wagon, the very next bite - make it a healthy one!
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    What helped me was to plan to be tempted! Let me explain...my life is sometimes meeting after meeting, lots of events. I have to be in front of food at some occasion or another at least twice a week. So I eat before I go to these events and then I can just graze when I get there. I may just one bite of cake or if I eat more, I scrape the icing off! If there are fruits and veggies I fill up on those. Don't beat yourself up over this, it took a long time to develop these habits and it may take a while to get rid of them.

    Be proud of yourself with each bite that you don't take. You can do this! God Bless you!
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