Need some help, please :)

okay so here's the deal: I've lost a lot of weight since the end of my pregnancy in September. 33 pounds to be exact but now I'm hitting a wall and if at any point I deviate( eat a slice of cake, etc) immediately it comes back and bites me!!!

I've been losing and gaining non stop for a month. I want to be able to eat well but enjoy family functions without every one giving me grief! Right now I'm consuming about 1300 calories a day. I don't go over ever by more than 150. I try to excersise 3-4 times a week of 45-60 mins of some kind of cardio.

I need some good advice. I want to reach my goal by June 20th and I'm afraid I won't even be close.... What's working for everyone else?


  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    Try increasing your calories. I wasn't losing until I increased mine from 1200-1300 and maybe try some calorie cycling or change your workout routine. Good luck!
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    First look great! that is a lot to be proud of! All I can give you for advice is, in the short time I have been on this site, I realized I needed to add sodium to what I watch on my food diary.....I have a tendency to have way too much, which in turn, makes my stupid scale "stick". Less processed food, less sodium made a BIG difference! Im no expert by any stretch, that is just what made a difference for me. :)
  • amyelizabethrn75
    I hit a plateau and just had to completely change up my exercise routine. I was so stuck on 45-60 minutes on the eliptical and then doing weights. It really helped when I did HIIT (high intensity interval training)..... on the eliptical I go as fast as I can for 1 minute than a "normal" speed for 2 minutes, then repeat. I also started with circuit training and dong Jillian Michaels\'s 30 day shred..... I guess its called muscle confusion. Just try switching it up! Hope it helps!
  • lynnie_1
    lynnie_1 Posts: 87 Member
    I would try some strength exercising. I had a baby in January and have lost 37 pounds since then. I was in a rut for a while by just doing cardio and changed it up a bit by adding weights really helped!!!
  • tnaconde
    tnaconde Posts: 25
    the jillian michaels 30 day shred is great and so is the turbo jam!! they both have the muscle confusion. they key also is to drink at least 64 ounces a day in water. it flushes your body.
  • Superdupermom
    okay so here's the deal: I've lost a lot of weight since the end of my pregnancy in September. 33 pounds to be exact but now I'm hitting a wall and if at any point I deviate( eat a slice of cake, etc) immediately it comes back and bites me!!!

    I've been losing and gaining non stop for a month. I want to be able to eat well but enjoy family functions without every one giving me grief! Right now I'm consuming about 1300 calories a day. I don't go over ever by more than 150. I try to excersise 3-4 times a week of 45-60 mins of some kind of cardio.

    I need some good advice. I want to reach my goal by June 20th and I'm afraid I won't even be close.... What's working for everyone else?
    The more you burn the more your flexibility with food I find...anyway but I have only been on here for less than 2 wks. so i exercise at least a half hour per can change your goals to fit your needs as well. find less sodium food as well...try to make as much food as you can FRESH! You can also do stuff with flaxseed and protein to keep you full...also try vitamins if your not already taking it to help speed up your look great and if you try to burn calories alot you will get to your goal! GOOD LUCK! YOU LOOK FABULOUS!
  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    Maybe you're underestimating your calories. I would get a really good electronic gram scale. A piece of cake is a lot more than 150 calories.
  • kc72886
    kc72886 Posts: 4
    Okay- So over the summer last year I dropped about 30 lbs. I never lost a significant amount of weight before that. I was the same as you, gain lose, gain lose, lose, gain. ETC. So my brother suggested a higher protein diet... naturally when you eat higher protein you will eat less carbs. Then when I plateaued he suggested no carbs after 5:00.. so i did and i started dropping again. Then I plateaued, so then he suggested no fruit after 1:00... so I did. and dropped again. (I don't know if it was the carb deal, or if it was a diet change.. but it worked :) Also-90/10... 90% of the time be spot on and then 10% you can play.
  • JodyBFitness
    Have you calculated your calories to see exactly how many calories your body needs to function each day? If not, I would do that first. It could be that you are not eating enough calories which would make your body store fat instead of burn it.

    Take your Body Weight x 10. That's your RMR or Resting Metabolic Rate (Calories your body needs to breathe, pump blood, etc)

    Take your RMR x 20%. This is your Daily Activity Burn (Calories your body needs for daily movement aside from exercising)

    Add your RMR & your Daily Activitiy Burn and add the together (This result would be the total amount of calories your body needs to function without exercising)

    Next you need to add 400 calories to give yourself an exercise expenditure. (If you are burning 500+ calories during each workout, you would need to add 600 istead of 400)

    Next add all 3 numbers together this is what you should consume daily. Recalculate your calories every 30 days because your body is constantly changing with your workouts.

    Example: if someone weighs 150 this is what their daily calorie requirements should be

    150 x10 = 1500 RMR

    1500 x 20% = 300 Daily Activity Burn

    1500+300 = 1800 Calories needed to function without working out

    1800+400 = 2200 calories needed daily to function & workout

    Let me know if you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them for you. :smile:
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    I agree with the prior posters....adjust your food journal so you can look at your sodium intake daily. When i have lots of sodium, I drink lots of water w/ lemon slices. I try to drink at least 64 oz of water, on Friday i had over 80 but I knew that I was going to my mom's and she ended up getting KFC. So I was glad that I was good all day (and had extra water).

    You can check your BMR (click on the tools tab). You may want to think about reviewing what your diet fitness profile (that's under settings/diet fitness profile)

    And I would for sure add more strength training to your workout, and consider increasing the duration and intensity.
  • geoffspinky
    Thank you :) that makes a lot of sense. I'm not eating the calories I burn. Maybe that's what's doing it. I need to re configure all of my numbers!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Thank you :) that makes a lot of sense. I'm not eating the calories I burn. Maybe that's what's doing it. I need to re configure all of my numbers!

    Good luck, chickadee! :)