arrrrghhhhhhhhhh Facebook Rant

I have just regretted liking TurboFire on Facebook!

I have been hit up by 15 Beachbody Coaches all wanting me to buy from them!!

I have nothing against talking to caoaches on here because this is a health and fitness site! I also have a few coach friends!

It was just out of the 18000 or so that like Turbofire on facebook I got jumped on!!!

Sorry I am not trying offend coaches on here :flowerforyou:


  • SixWeeksToSkinnyJeans
    Heheh. That stinks. Thanks for the heads-up, I won't be doing that. :ohwell:
  • JodyBFitness
    Sorry to hear that. :ohwell: Those are coaches that are either desperate for a sale or weren't trained properly by their upline coaches. Most of us let people come to us but unfortunately there are always a few bad apples that make the rest of us look bad.

    I do have all of my beachbody info on my FB Page as well as my profile on here but I don't go out and spam people it just looks bad all around. I post things on my page and if someone asks questions, I'll answer them. I am a product of the product so I let my results do the talking for me.

    Sorry again for their actions. I hate hearing that there are sharks out there.