Name/ real name: kablooeee2u Goal weight on August 31: 132.4 8/1: 137.4 8/5: 137.2 8/12: 136 8/19: 137.4 8/26: 135.6 8/31: 135 I didn't meet the goal. However, I am thankful for losing what I did.
Name/ real name: kablooeee2u Goal weight on August 31: 132.4 8/1: 137.4 8/5: 137.2 8/12: 136 8/19: 137.4 8/26: 135.6 8/31:
Name/ real name: kablooeee2u Goal weight on August 31: 132.4 8/1: 137.4 8/5: 137.2 8/12: 136 8/19: 137.4 8/26: 8/31:
Name/ real name: kablooeee2u Goal weight on August 31: 132.4 8/1: 137.4 8/5: 137.2 8/12: 136 8/19: 8/26: 8/31:
Name/ real name: kablooeee2u Goal weight on August 31: 132.4 8/1: 137.4 8/5: 137.2 8/12: 8/19: 8/26: 8/31:
Name/ real name: kablooeee2u Goal weight on August 31: 132.4 8/1: 137.4 8/5: 8/12: 8/19: 8/26: 8/31:
save me a spot. thanks.
- they have a referral for new customers as well. for example, i had someone send me a referral and i got 10.00 off my order and they got 10.00 off their next order. usually, if your order is over 50.00, your shipping is free. of the products they sell, people give their opinion of them, so it gives you an idea…
i had an aspiration done for a nodule. yes, they stuck a needle through my neck. did i enjoy it? no. however, i just made sure i followed their instructions and concentrated on whatever i could to pass the time while they did the procedure. as for the results...they said it basically was inconclusive. it was too small of a…
designate a bag of raw veggies as your comfort food...and eat them as you think of him.
Have you just started a walking program? Or have you been doing it awhile? I know that walking will strengthen your back. Back in the nineties, I had gotten to a point where I walked and jogged intermittently to keep my heart rate up. When the summer became very hot (in Florida), instead of thinking of joining a gym, I…
I can't believe not one person has tried the new Twinkie. Just for clarification, I am not planning on eating the entire contents of the box. I just wanted to try one. lol.
46 here...
i have recently heard that if you brush your teeth that will take away a desire to eat. i plan on trying that the next time i want to eat something when i shouldn't be eating.
@BrainyBurro "no. it's impossible. you are stuck with how you look now... forever and ever and ever!" lol. actually that would be acceptable...since i wouldn't gain anymore for the rest of my life. thanks for the info. i am not knowledgeable when it comes to being healthy.