loved your story!...hahaha!..yes I do know someone with open mouth insert foot disease.. my mother n law for one..!?! not necessarly a particular issue but she doesnt mind giving her alot of forgiveness goes on from me around her,,,its exhausting!
thanks for posting!
I was wondering the same..what to set it on..I am a stay at home mom to a four year I know what u are talking about..I do this aLL DAYand then work out about 2hrs a day..on most we r in the same boat. I'm not losing anymore weight..I'm not gaining..well two to three pounds(cant get rid of them) lately,,its…
thanks for the tips !
thx for the info! wanted the opinion of responses!..makes me feel better about fruit!
Im a SAHM please add me if u want~!
Thank u so much for the post! I will enjoy and have enjoyed reading the helpful information!