

  • The best way to measure is with a hrm... I am 5'7" and about 135. I burn about 250 with Start it up.
  • Hang in there! Once your body gets used to it, it really does get better!
  • I'm 5'6"- 5'7" depending on who measures me. Heaviest 170 - Sept '09 (started working out) Lightest 135 - '98 (pre-kids, I have 3 all c-secitons) Current 138 - (started working out in sept 09 and lost 25lbs, then herniated a disc and was unable to workout for 6 mos.) My ultimate goal is to eat healthy, build muscle, slim…
  • I love this! I hate what the scale tells me and I can see by the definition in both my arms and legs WHY the scale says what it does. That doesn't mean I like what it says. l honestly don't know which is worse, the scale or the mirror! Thanks for posting this!
  • People put in on a thread when they want to go back to it...
    in Bump Comment by hmschultz May 2011
  • I mix mine with Dole Harvest Best sliced peaches. Protein and a fruit/veggie at the same time! :-)
  • I am all about quick!! I am not picky when it comes to veggies, I love them, but my family is. Often I make one meal for the 4 of them and one for myself. I live on the Birdseye Steam Fresh veggies! I buy the plain ones and they not only taste great, they make getting those servings in and meal prep quick and easy! Plus I…
  • Check out the beachbody website. (And no I am not a coach or any of that stuff) They have great workouts. I just finished a 6wk program and lost 19 lbs and 23 inches....
  • I would suggest upping your calorie intake (with healthy choices of course) and doing some weight or resistance training. Muscle slims you down and burns fat....
  • Maybe leg extensions with ankle weights? Those can be done from your chair! Good Luck! :)
  • Have you dropped your calcium intake? Could be a sign that you are missing something important in your diet. I work out 6 days a week for 1 hr and drink about 12 8oz glasses or more per day. I haven't had problems with my hair or nails, but I do take a multi-vitamin everyday as well.
  • Shrimp (if there is no allergy) lean chicken, broccoli, peas, spinach, any fresh veggies!
  • I don't think 5 days is too much. I do hour workouts 6 days a week plus walking whenever I can. You could try eating back only some of your exercise calories. I was having no luck, so I stopped logging my workouts, but I also strictly follow the meal plan that goes hand in hand with my workout. I intake 1200-1350 and don't…
  • How tall are you? I don't know if this will help or not. I am burning around 700 calories with my workout program. (I do Beachbody Slim in 6) I consume between 1200-1350 following the meal plan. I don't log my exercise or eat back my calories. It works for me, but I was also told with an intense workout program my height…
  • Everyone is different. You need to find the combination that works best for you, but NEVER go under 1200.
  • I am consuming 1200-1350 cal per day. I do not eat back my calories (I burn around 750 per workout) I was entering them, but seeing no results. As soon as I did this the scale and the tape started moving again. (Please keep in mind I am following the 'meal plan' that goes hand in hand with my workout!) Best of luck!
  • Remember, if you are working out as well, your gain is probably because you are building muscle! Keep up the good work, it really will all pay off in the end and you will see those results! :D
  • Try to eliminate some of those sodium/carb filled snacks and go for more fresh fruits and veggies. Here is how a normal day goes for me... B: 1 pkt oatmeal, banana Snack: piece of fruit or yogurt L: 2 slices bread, 3 strips turkey bacon, 1 c iceberg lettuce, 1/2 cup red grapes, 1/2 cup strawberries Snack: Kashi granola bar…
  • Make sure you are drinking a ton of water and getting enough rest. I would recommend upping your cal to 1500. Chalene is a fantastic calorie burner, and you might be in "starvation mode". Have you tried following either of her meal plans? Another thing you might try... Use the BMR calculator and see what it says. I'm…
  • I was having no luck at first even though I was working out and eating well. I stopped logging my exercise! I still keep a close eye on calories and log it, but I keep track of workouts in the "note" section at the bottom of my diary. Once I stopped logging the workouts (calorie burn monitored with heartrate monitor) the…
  • Inches, inches, inches!! You will build muscle as you workout so a lot of times that scale will go up while the measurements get smaller! Lean muscle burns more, so you will reach a point when it all comes together! My advice, put the scale away for awhile! Give it a week or two and weigh-in again, I think you will be…
  • I LOVE Slim in 6!!! I actually just ordered the "new" version. I lost 30 lbs and 25 inches the first go round, and had to stop due to a lower back injury. I just started the revamped version Monday and I love it. The best advice I can give is... #1 DON'T give up! It may take time but you WILL see results. #2 Take…
  • I didn't want to spend a ton of money on one, so I went to Target and got a New Balance one. It was around $50 and does what I need it too.
  • I hear this A LOT!! Guys just seem to lose it faster than us girls, and it really sucks!! Be super encouraging and remind her that she is building MAJOR muscle and that weighs more than fat. Here is an idea... Put the scale away and pull out the measuring tape. I have found with myself that when the scale isn't moving the…
  • Try going to "my home" and doing the check in. Make sure you click on "save changes" when you are finished.
  • I was finding the same thing. Two weeks ago I stopped logging my exercise. I still keep track of it with a heart rate monitor and writing it down, but I don't enter it. I used the BMR calculator and go with approximately the number of calories it says. I was finding after working out that I still had over 1000 calories…
  • I have heard great things about the Shakeology cleanse from Beachbody, but I have not tried it myself.
  • The above is very good advice... But, don't forget to drink water!!! It is SUPER good for you and has the added benefit of making you feel full!!
  • Turbofire is excellent for blasting and burning calories (I have logged up to 1000 cal burned in 1 hr!!) If you like the "kickboxing/dancey" type workouts, go for it! I love Slim in 6 and Slim Series by Debbie Siebers!! Brazil Butt Lift is a great toning and calorie burning workout as well... Good Luck! :)
  • Maybe you could measure out 1 cup of cooked pasta and 1/2 cup sauce before you mix it all up. (or whatever your portion is) Then just mix it in a small bowl. That way you know what you are getting and still have the same thing as your family. :)