Hi I am Maureen. Having a horrible time trying to loose anything, seems the harder it try the more my weight is going up grrrrrrr frustrated
I have been very strick with my exercises and counting calories in 98 days i have lost 1lb. I suck at this, but i do keep trying .
this was very helpful, thanks . i recently had surgery and i am trying to exercise as much as i can , not much appetite but can not get my weight to go down it just keeps climbing . very stressful
Well I do feel pretty alone on my journey, having a hard time staying true to myself
I may be a few days late ,but yah I'm in ,i have really fallen off the wagon
mmmmmmm cornbread
You just have to keep at it ,you did not get this way overnight and it will not go away overnight. As far as surgery i'm on the fence , I would try to keep with this for at least 6 months ( see what happens ) you may suprise yourself, As far as anyone doing this without surgery yes there are quite a few here that yes it is…
i'm with you going to the gym who has time to waste when you can do it at home . i to am doing 30 day shred , but i do have to modify it a bit as i had surgury and it is a little to intense ( not healed enough ) but i cant not work out
I live in Canada and we pay for the privilage to use a cart , So no one leaves them were to cheap
I no what you mean I am having the same problem , keep up with it don't quit , it will start coming off pretty soon . We all loose at a diffrent pace KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !!! YOU WILL START TO SEE !!!! IT JUST TAKES TIME
how about for a change jello or apple sause
I tryed this one minute mile today and man am i sore, i should have done it before a hour on the wii LOL what a rookie