mabbzie Member


  • I want to join! I don't track my weight weekly but monthly. (When I do it too often it stresses me out and I get into a negative mindloop :P ) But my starting weight from the beginning of this month is 177.8 lbs and I will check again at the end of the month. Would love to lose ten by the end of February! Good luck…
  • I don't cosplay very often due to time and money constraints, but I love the idea and love going to conventions regardless! Feel free to add me if you like ^_^
  • In for responses. This describes me perfectly, except I'm 24, single with no children, and 5'5 back up to god-knows-what from 149.
  • oh, and I don't really eat a lot of bread or pastas. That was a decision I made purposely... when I eat a lot of carbs I get into the drunk-on-carbs mindset and just want more, more, more. My carbs mainly come from fruit. I'll have something now and again (for example, I just had a small bowl of tortilla chips) but I never…
  • Busy vegan. I eat tons and tons of fruit (apples, oranges, and bananas are my staple) and almonds. When I don't have time to cook I eat PB2 with rice cakes. For snacks I have fruit, baby carrots & hummus, and more fruit. For breakfast I always have plain oatmeal with a dash of brown sugar and blackberries (I look forward…
  • omg I went to that site and my coworkers must think I'm crazy(ier). I giggled for probably a straight 10 minutes before having to actually force myself to get off the site and back to work
  • I may of accidently done this in the past >.> I blame my short attention span and not stopping to think about what it implies I know better now
  • Never played the Resident Evil games! I would think they're too scary for me. >.> I love scary movies but I absolutely cannot stand scary games. I tried playing Dead Space once... nope. Dead Island even scared me. Or maybe I should just stop playing games with the word "Dead" in the name. Mass Effect I've heard of but…
  • Vegan in Overland Park/Leawood here. :) I do a lot of shopping at the Whole Foods. I also love love love Cafe Gratitude, which is downtown, and Alladin's Cafe in Westport (yum Greek food). Everything else is just knowing how to work it at all the "normal" places. :P Chipotle is always my go-to for cheat noms. As for…
  • Aaah jealous!!! That one is in Texas, right? I went to A-Kon two years ago and it was really fun... The farthest I've traveled for a con yet :) This year I'm going to Naka-Kon in Overland Park, KS and Planet Comicon in Kansas City. I also purchased tix for my friend and I for the Trektacular panel, where all the actors…
  • Thank you!! :3 I play CoD and Castle Crashers with my coworker and her 8-year-old step son frequently. I have to really be careful because I tend to cuss like a sailor when I play >.>
  • The girl with the Uruk-hai sword killed me. I LOL'd so hard, my coworkers probably think I'm crazy. Well, crazier. *EDIT: not sure how to resize, but you get the point ^_^
  • I'm going to Naka-Kon in March and I'm cosplaying as a female super saiyan. ^_^ I already have the platinum blonde hair and I'm getting the armor custom made<3 Not my pic, but for reference:
  • I'm exactly the statistically average size cup for American girls. I feel so... Average.
  • I concur. I'm exactly your height, so I would say 125/130lbs.
  • I don't go to the movies much anymore, but when I did me and my significant other would go to Hen House and get an entire chinese meal in a to-go container. Then I would sneak it in and eat it.
  • This is me, constantly. I swear the person in the cubicle next to me can hear it. Every. Single. Time.
  • This. You make for one smexy rabbit, though.
  • When I used to work at CVS there was a period where I'd go home every night with armfuls of noodles, cakes, cookies, and candy at the end of my shift. Oh dear lord the candy. So much candy. I would splutter excuses to the coworkers that checked me out, but it was pretty obvious that all those sweets were being demolished…
  • This is an awesome idea. I commend your efforts. Run on, sweetie, run on.
  • I love this. I love you. In for the nerds lifting heavy. For nerdcred, I play a lot of FPS involving space, zombies, apocolyptic themes, ect. I also play a lot of Pokemon. And watch lots of anime. And draw manga. And write fanfiction. I just bought myself an awesome pair of Turtle Beach Xbox 360 mic headphones and am very…
  • Oh my gosh, I knew about the Oreos... but ALL of this is vegan?! Excuse me, this vegan is going to go get fat now. Later.
  • Girl, you were attractive before but now you're smokin' ^_^ way to go! The progress definitely shows! You've inspired me to really hit it this month on my weights--it's so hard to motivate myself to do weights over cardio... and even harder to motivate myself to do either now that the weather's colder! Your pics have, like…
  • I loved it! I wish that, like vicksq1973 said, Christopher Eccleston would've made an appearance. I didn't like him more than David Tennant by any means, but he was still a great doctor! Also, I would've loved it if Jack Harkness made an appearance :P But I knew that would've been too good to be true... Also, I wish…
  • Smoking made me feel good. Smoking made me feel cool. I don't see anything glorifying smokers out there. Not trying to "steamroll" your opinion, I think it's a very good point, just offering an argument.
  • Me too! I always revert to diet soda when I'm stressed. I know it's terrible for you, and I think I'll eventually give my personal trainer an aneurysm eventually, but I can't help it. My biggest habit I'd like to kick is picking at my face. I know it's gross--I just can't help it.
  • Aw man, I sometimes pick up the Clif Builder's bars when I need a boost. I wonder how many special bonuses I accidently swallowed?! Gosh darned it.