aslaurais Member


  • Thanks everyone!! I am going to just do one day at a time and monitor it through my diary. I have had a lot of dental work lately and it has to be because of sugar (and bad teeth from my dad). I'm white and puffy like marshmallows.. time to stop it!!
    in Sugar Comment by aslaurais July 2012
  • In fact I did that today! I had around 150 calories left and had a great amount of energy to have a good workout! I use all my calories. I think if I starved myself I would binge and end up not losing and maybe even gaining if I ate that whole pint of ice cream that I'd been craving. Like all the others have said; go with…
  • Cool! So glad I'm not the only one! :D I bet it is my posture (will try standing taller tomorrow!). I spent a butt load of money on some Brooks hoping that would be the cure. I had originally been wearing some Sketchers for a year (size 8) and a specialist at a running store said my left foot was a lot larger (size 9.5!).…
  • I gained for a few reasons; 1). Got pregnant, had baby and didn't go back to working out like I had previously done. I had some depression afterwards too. 2). Stress from work -- I always turn to food (mostly sweets) when I'm stressed and anxious.
  • Thanks!! I'll definitely take a look! I figure I would rather spend the money I'd be using for WW to buy better food, or better exercise equipment : )
  • I love just Walmart's natural peanut butter, my hubby loves KREMA Crunchy : )
  • Thank you ladies! Yes, tracking is the best way. "If we bite it we must write it" : ) I wish you luck today! Do you use the apps or write it down? Laura
  • Let's do it! I'm new-ish here but really wanting to do it right this time : ) Feel free to add me too!
  • I've logged in here and there but need to get serious about this. I'm 38 with a 2 year old -- time to put down the bad snacks and lose this baby weight! I need to lose around 20 or so to feel better. I'm *hoping* to have another so I need to shape up! Good luck everybody! Laura