Ideal food day?

Hi everyone : )

This is my first week back in a while; it's been fun so far! I am trying to not snack as much and it's been hard. I am wondering what you all eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner (with limited snacks); how are you staying full and staying within the healthy guidelines MFP has (good carbs, fats, sodium, etc etc.). I thought I knew this stuff but after not using points for once (tired of WW) I feel like I'm learning all over again. Thanks in advance!


  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    You can check out my diary for ideas. I eat what I want so some meals aren't perfect, dinner tonight for example. But for the most part I eat pretty well, not perfect but I don't care. Welcome back and good for you for getting off the WW.
  • aslaurais
    aslaurais Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks!! I'll definitely take a look! I figure I would rather spend the money I'd be using for WW to buy better food, or better exercise equipment : )