If your a 6 I would love to see what a 10 looks like in Ireland !! And to the thread title me probably a 7.5 overall ..... if we are just talking physically then I refuse to comment on the grounds it would depress me - and i would then need to comfort eat .. :)
Nope :)
There are many of us - Hampshire here
If I were that side of the pond :)
I found this site really helpful in staying motivated - so far it seems to be working :)
Dried fruit is healthier than candy - healthy doesnt always mean low calorie though :) You might find this page interesting
I know one days fluctuation isn't terribly important but I weigh every day - personally I find either way it motivates me - if its down I feel good, if its up I realise that's probably a temporary blip...but it helps me focus a little bit harder! Not sure its something to recommend as I can see it could drive some people…
Can remember the name but they sell chicken bits packaged like crisps now too - never brought them myself so probably wise to check the additives before buying (something else must be in there to make them last so long - but they are protein)
I will add you - and any other UK folk are welcome to add me :)
I think of things in pretty simple terms. At the end of the day to lose weight you have to burn more than you eat .... so if you get stuck you need to eat less or work out more....... I find it better to make small changes and just keep upping the excersise or lowering the cals in small steps until I see it making a…
Wow Men need to have a smaller waist than you women now ? .... This equality thing is gong WAY too far!! :)
LoL qtiekiki I think I love you - marry me !! :)
Zumbagurl64 - 40-41?
OK there are two sides to every story but based on what you said this is very much emotional, physical and psychological abuse. Personally I would not wait for the trip I would get out - without trying to explain or negotiate because the type he sounds like is very very good at making you doubt what you know is the truth -…
Not sure on all the pros and cons - but I do find whole grain fills me up for longer - I actually prefer the exture of white rice but brown keeps me full ..... which right now is the important thing for me :)
Hello from Hampshire
Wow - that is possibly the only thing on earth that could have made me feel LESS hungry at this moment !!! <shudders>
Sounds good, and this is probably a noob question - but how does one get to see your recipes ?
Welcome - I have only been here a couple of months (or rather I have only been USING the site for a couple of months) hope you find it as uselful as I do. Just logging what eat and knowing what I should be eating - along with being able to easily see how much excersise I need to take for "earn" enouch calories for a treat…
Hi Yes I am from Hampshire UK - feel free to add :)