

  • Maybe on the days you go to the gym you could have a full turkey sandwich for lunch instead of a half?? Also, I reccomend upping the snack intake, or possibly treating yourself with a healthy desert, doesn't sound like you ate much fruit, bananas are great for you and they contain something like 70-80 calories
  • Does anyone know if there any belly dancing videos out there, to learn the dance at home? I would love to be able to practise at home, i took a class once and LOVED it, but there aren't any studios near me...
  • Does anyone know how to add friends other than through the message board topics? Can you search for someone's profile if you know their user name?
  • No it's different... there is Hatha Hot Yoga, but there are other types as well. It's Yoga in rooms with the heat set up to 35 - 45 deggrees celsius (sorry I'm canadian, don't know my farenheights!)... it's a very intense work out. Usually it lasts about 90 minutes and by the end of it you're absolutely drenched in sweat.…
    in Hot Yoga Comment by jtod March 2008
  • Does anyone know how many calories are burned in Hot Yoga?
    in Hot Yoga Comment by jtod March 2008
  • Hi Assilem, I do have a small tip for the Metabolism. I don't know of any natural pills, but I do know a trick. If you eat 6 smaller meals a day, rather than 3 large meals a day, you are improving your digestive system and in turn speeding up your metabolism. This is because it is constantly working throughout the day,…
  • Thanks all!!!
    in QUESTION! Comment by jtod March 2008
  • Hi All, So yesterday I went out for dinner for a friend's birthday and went totally overboard... i had a total of 2000 calories yesterday. I feel reeeaally bad about it and I want to make up for it because I really really want to make goal this week (-1.2). It's my first week, I'd hate to start off on the wrong foot (even…
    in QUESTION! Comment by jtod March 2008
  • Thanks for the responses!! Another "bite-size enemy" is the temptation to snack on whatever it is your cooking, especially when cooking for other people! If I'm grating cheese, I'm picking from the pile.... I pick at everything I cook, or at least I used to. I actually used to find that I was pretty much full by the time…
  • I have to say one thing I really love about this calorie counter, is that it's bringing to light how ignorant I've been in terms of the effects of simply snacking! Over the years I've developed a bad habit of snacking on little things here and there, and writing them off in my mind... but they count! Literally! It really…
  • Hi!
    in Hi! Comment by jtod March 2008