

  • hay ... your going to be tested all the time ....you know what you want....... you can see it ........ lose it .... come on do it ............
  • hi .... i hear you .... and what i do is on bad days i dont go over my calorie count....... and when im watching what i eat it i cut the count by .....a 1/4 ....from 1900 to 1500........something like that ....... i do watch my nutritional count and do take vitamins to keep every thing in balance......... its working for…
  • hay welcome.... once you see what your eating and seeing the nutritional value of stuff ..... (food)... lol ... you can adjust what your or not eating ........ mfp is a great help
  • hay....... dont forget to use this app. to see what vitamins your taking in each day and what your not ......... once i saw what i am lacking its ez...........
  • you can do it ...... just record what you eat and take vitamins
  • hello again .... highlight community at top of page......... then click on invite friend........ pressto changeoooo add friends name and you got friends...... to talk to and help each other.......... break out the water and party............ lol...... good luck......
    in new Comment by ziggy1957 February 2011
  • hi.... i just started also ..... i dont know if it works but it has made me see what im really eating and what vitamins i am missing , or even what im having to much of ......... But its fun so far.......... what do you really have to loose......... besides some weight...... LOL.
    in new Comment by ziggy1957 February 2011
  • wow! that sounds really sounds good and i will try it.....i joined a gym and downloaded this app ......... is there a time limit that i should beware of ? like only take in 700 calories per day for a month........ or just mix it up , 700 calories m-f and regular intake weekends. i will try it and see how my body feels.....…