

  • I am at a similar weight, with similar struggles to shed those last 10-15 lbs. I am also a vegetarian struggling with getting more protein in my diet! Not in exactly the same boat, however - I'm 5'10ish...and have never had any kids, so I don't know much about the nursing thing. On good days, I try to get at least a pound…
  • I think this is a very real concern. As it's been said, it's really hard to overeat on vegetables, but very easy to have too few. I get concerned that people who are on a very low-carb diet don't get enough nutrients because fruit and veggies - sources of much-needed vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients - have "too many…
  • I agree with menchi. Peanuts aren't as good a source of high-quality fats and nutrients as tree nuts - or seeds, for that matter. And yes, raw nut butter gives you more nutrients for your calories than toasted. That said, sometimes I find it really hard to resist peanut butter and bananas on toast!
  • I'm doing NaNoWriMo too! The only thing I'm worried about is my writing time taking over my evenings. I'll have to exercise in the morning instead...sigh
  • Whatever you use, try and make sure it has a high amount of whey protein isolate (first on the list of ingredients would be best.) It's a higher quality protein than soy protein or whey concentrate. I use Syntrax Nectar powder packets and mix them up in water at least 1/day (they only have 90 calories, no carbs, and 23g of…
  • I agree! Thanks for saying this - I hadn't gotten around to replying yet, but now I don't need to!
  • The estrogen-related part is particularly interesting to me because, due to chemotherapy in my youth, I have to do hormone replacement therapy - essentially taking estrogen every day (I take Ortho-Tricyclin Lo) since my body doesn't produce the proper amount. I wonder what I am supposed to do, then, if it us supposedly bad…
  • It seems to me there's valid points on both sides of the arguments. Does anyone have access to documented studies on either extreme? It would be great to have more solid information. *shrug* I don't have a problem with thoughtful debate on a subject like this. It's good to get every angle and consider every argument. The…
  • Yeah, it may be that the KIND of calories you consume are the most important thing.
  • My mother was a dietician before her current medical career and she keeps up on a lot of diet and medical trends, and she says the same thing about calorie intake. I've been following MFP's way faithfully for 5 months and have only lost about 4 pounds and even that fluctuates. On the other hand, Mom's been losing two…