5'7-5'8 150 GW 135 Like minded goals/stats? Add me!

Hi! I'm Julia.

Currently weigh 150 and am about 5'7 1/2.

I've been about 142 FOREVER and in the last 12 months have went up to 150. No idea why. My metabolism has totally changed since nursing my daughter. It seems that if I eat as I have my entire life, I will now gain weight.

I've been eating about 1200-1400 calories a day and running 2-3 times a week for going on 4 weeks now and have not lost ONE pound.

I've just been looking info TDEE and it seems the "range" of calories I should be consuming is somewhere between 1500-1800. I'm thinking keeping it in a range could be a good idea as I dont work out every day? Does anyone else do this?

So just looking for some like minded people with similiar weight/goals.

My body does not let go of weight easily. Once it is on, I have never actually successfully LOST weight. This will be interesting.

Oh and I'm a vegetarian and I feel like my nurtients are WAY off. I dont get enough protien, but I dont want to weigh food and delve into the minutiae of exactly how much of every nutrient I eat. Sounds HORRIBLE!! Do I have to do this to lose when I'm so close (comparitivly speaking) to my goal?

Please add me! I need some friends...I'd like to compare and see what everyone else is doing.



  • kanmani

    Count me in. I'm 5.7" height and 146 weight on average. I'm aiming for 130-135.

    I'm a vegetarian too and just stopped (nature stopped it) nursing my baby.
  • Popsies66
    Popsies66 Posts: 13 Member
    yeah I fell like the nursing thing or maybe just having my daughter (she is 2 now) just kinda changed my digestion/metabolism...amungst other things. It will be strange to eat more calories but will give it a go. Feel free to check out my diary...I think it should be public.
  • jrue1985
    jrue1985 Posts: 191 Member
    I am 5'7" and range from 150-155. I would like to be 135 but I aim more at building muscle and losing inches. I am not a vegetarian, but it does sound like you are not eating enough calories, that can also effect weight loss. If you eat 1500-1800 calories and run/workout 5 days a week, you should see results. You can add me if you wish :-)
  • Hoverlight
    I am at a similar weight, with similar struggles to shed those last 10-15 lbs. I am also a vegetarian struggling with getting more protein in my diet! Not in exactly the same boat, however - I'm 5'10ish...and have never had any kids, so I don't know much about the nursing thing.

    On good days, I try to get at least a pound of veggies into my body every day and 3-4 pieces of fruit. I love green smoothies (especially with spinach and mixed berries), and just recently discovered the trick of adding about half a package of Mori-Nu silken tofu to my green smoothie for extra protein (plus it makes it creamy!) But that's all I've figured out so far with sneaking more protein into my diet...

    I just joined a health challenge to try and lose 9 pounds by the end of October, but so far (4 days in) I haven't lost anything. My biggest problem is that I hate exercise...I've been using the elliptical every day but I don't like it.

    I just started lifting weights, though - and I'm really excited about that! I've heard lots of good things about what weight training does for the body. We'll see how that goes.
  • Popsies66
    Popsies66 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes! Weight training is AMAZING! I just use the machines at the gym at my work. I think I need a new routine though. My lowest weight was 124 in college when I was running 45 min a few days a week and also in a circuit training class 3 days a week. But I was also in my 20's and I know that had a lot to do with it.

    I think the main thing is doing something you enjoy..if you are excited abotu the weights keep it up!
  • Popsies66
    Popsies66 Posts: 13 Member
    Quickest way to lose weight is cutting out carbs but staying in your TDEE range. But that is not a long term solution!
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    I hear you, I am 5' 6" my goal weight is the same--I am currently at 142, and I set my original goal at 140 lbs. I let my weight sneak up on me over several years, by my refusal to get on the scale, and was left with having to lose 25 pounds. The first 18 came off in 9 months and the last tens pounds have been at a snails pace. I too work out, 3 times a week, and my calorie intake is 1240 calories a day.

    The closer you get to goal, the slower it comes off. You're probably much younger than I am so I imagine you'll be faster. I know my daughter actually had to up her calories on MFP, because she was losing weight too fast, and wants to lose it slower, as she fears gaining it back too quickly. She too was not really considered overweight or obese, but just her age (39) and her very busy schedule, along with working out, was peeling it off too fast in the 1200 calorie range. You definitely don't want to go into starvation mode, where your metabolic rate shuts down, so try upping your calories, keep working out and see what that does.

    Just stick with it and you'll get there. If you want to add me as a friend, feel free.
  • jessicakoch888
    jessicakoch888 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi guy,

    I am 5'2" 125 pounds, starting weight 155! I uses IIFYM.com to calcuate how many calories I should be eat for my weight loss goal. This will help you figure out how many Calories, Fats, Carbs, Protien and fiber you should get each day. IIFYM stands for If It Meets Your Macros. Once I got my numbers, I plugged it into MFP. I love this diet because its flexiable dieting, basically you eat what you want as long as it meets your goals for Calories, fats, Carbs, Protien and Fiber. Yes, it sounds like weight watches, I know. But its not. I have tried weight watchers twice and it does work! Im using this now though because it leans you out. I've noticed a huge difference in belly fat! I highly recommand this diet for anyone that is try to lean or having trouble losing weight.

    Just thought I'd put this out there. You can read about the diet on IIFYM.com
  • Popsies66
    Popsies66 Posts: 13 Member
    I hear you, I am 5' 6" my goal weight is the same--I am currently at 142, and I set my original goal at 140 lbs. I let my weight sneak up on me over several years, by my refusal to get on the scale, and was left with having to lose 25 pounds. The first 18 came off in 9 months and the last tens pounds have been at a snails pace. I too work out, 3 times a week, and my calorie intake is 1240 calories a day.

    The closer you get to goal, the slower it comes off. You're probably much younger than I am so I imagine you'll be faster. I know my daughter actually had to up her calories on MFP, because she was losing weight too fast, and wants to lose it slower, as she fears gaining it back too quickly. She too was not really considered overweight or obese, but just her age (39) and her very busy schedule, along with working out, was peeling it off too fast in the 1200 calorie range. You definitely don't want to go into starvation mode, where your metabolic rate shuts down, so try upping your calories, keep working out and see what that does.

    Just stick with it and you'll get there. If you want to add me as a friend, feel free.

    I thought eating 1200 calroies was bad and woudl put you in starvaton mode? Sounds like that wasnt the case for your daughter.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    I'm 5'9 and would really like to get back down to the low 150s. I was nice and lean at that weight. TDEE sooo confuses me. Just ordered a new Polar FT4 and I would really like to be able to use TDEE so I can really make my workouts count. Feel free to add me.
  • Popsies66
    Popsies66 Posts: 13 Member
    TDEE confuses me as well. It seems it would be more fluid and it should be more of a range based on if you work out or not. I'm entrigued by what different fitness devices can do for someone like me trying to lose some weight.
  • NatalieLJ
    NatalieLJ Posts: 158 Member
    I'm 5'7'' too, and currently 148lb (started at 158lb). Trying to get down to about 130lb-ish. I lost a few pounds at first, but weight loss has really, really slowed down now. I try to swim three times a week, and am doing juice plus (but more because it's convenient and fits in with my food intolerances).
    Anyway, feel free to add me to share motivation and support :)
  • kisstheculprit
    kisstheculprit Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I'm 5'7" and currently at 153, started at 161 and working towards 135, which I haven't weighed since high school. I've wavered from 140-160 for the past 6 years without dieting, so I think if I continue doing as I have, eating about 1300 cals a day (with a few cheat days and lower days here and there to change it up), daily yoga and walks, and occasional cardio classes like Zumba. I've dropped 8 lbs in the last 30 days with a solid week off-diet, so I'm hoping I won't plateau as I continue on if I really stick to it... at least not until I hit 140 (my "happy weight" since high school).

    Any tips on how to keep positive when the weight is coming off slower?
  • christinelimei
    christinelimei Posts: 30 Member
    I'm 5'8", currently 150 lbs and my goal weight is 135- 130 lbs. Almost exactly the same! Friend me and we can encourage each other! :) I started at 183 lbs and lose 33 lbs so far. Just want to lose another 15-20 and I'll be super happy! :D