Obesogens in food - interesting article

Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

As always, pick your food battles...but this is an interesting article to say the least.



  • MakeLifeBright

    As always, pick your food battles...but this is an interesting article to say the least.


    Good article. My Mother hates plastic, and is always telling me Not to use it!
    Now I understand why!!
  • Hoverlight
    Hoverlight Posts: 10
    The estrogen-related part is particularly interesting to me because, due to chemotherapy in my youth, I have to do hormone replacement therapy - essentially taking estrogen every day (I take Ortho-Tricyclin Lo) since my body doesn't produce the proper amount.

    I wonder what I am supposed to do, then, if it us supposedly bad for me? I'm pretty sure my doctor doesn't want me ever going off it!
  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    I read that earlier today and I agree with it! But, I also think we could drive ourselves crazy over analyzing everything we eat, where it came from, what kind of packaging it's in, etc. So, I just try to do the things that I feel are most important and make changes/adjustments as I go. I try not to use a lot of plastic anyway, but I will now be more careful about microwaving it or putting it in the dishwasher. I also try to eat organic on the things that are highest in pesticides and that I eat all of like celery, berries, etc.