Aakani Member


  • I recommend the "Body" by Victoria Secret bras, if you want to focus on a specific line. Their T-shirt bras that are around $30 aren't very comfortable for me (32DD), and I would opt for the more expensive bras with a little bit more coverage for comfort. Though I recently got a much cheaper Maidenform bra off of Amazon,…
  • 5'5" SW (for this month): 141 GW: 130 Goal for March 31st: 137
  • 1. So far, I think I've lost 27 pounds. Ish. Working on getting to 30. 2. The initial weight loss probably took around 6-7 months, actually. I went on maintenance and gained a couple pounds and am back on mfp for a bit lower of a goal now. 3. 1150-1400 ish. If I worked out a lot, I would eat back some of those calories. 4.…
  • Wow, there are a lot! Thanks so much you all. I will definitely be covered for my trip.
  • As I was working out, I checked myself out in the mirror and felt confident about what I saw. I just felt awesome.
  • What I would suggest is start aiming for 1300-1350 calories a day so it is totally fine if you go over. I am 5'5'' and started at 162 pounds and was, at first, trying to eat at 1200(ended up trying to be under most days) and I am pretty sure my metabolism slowed down and I felt like I didn't get to eat what I wanted. 1300…
  • I would definitely suggest going to your doctor and talking about this-it could be something like sleep apnea or insomnia and maybe some prescription meds would really help you out. You probably know about cutting out caffeine after noon and all that, but I definitely recommend exercising in the evening-especially doing…
  • Probably the first 40 or so pounds it is possible to lose two pounds a week (at tops), but the lower you get, the harder it will be, so the last 25 may be more around 1 pound a week. So around 45-52 weeks, is my guess. About a year. You don't want to lose it faster than that, because you are more likely to yoyo back up.…
  • Last spring was when I first tried the Couch to 5k program and I was really out of shape and was never exercising. I was very spotty in actually working out until August when I just snapped and started getting serious. I did some Couch to 5k stuff along with weights and Zumba. Interval running is very useful and the most…
  • If you like dancing and zumba, it is really good to sign up for classes in your area. For me, it is an intense workout, but it is the camaraderie that keeps bringing me back to class. Everyone is just having a blast together.
    in ZUMBA Comment by Aakani November 2012
  • I am in the healthy range of BMI now! Granted, on the upper level, but still a victory!
  • My sister has been on Paleo for a month or two now, and it seems to be working quite well for her. The main draw is to switch to more natural things and get away from processed foods. If you are interested in trying it, you should probably start cutting out the processed foods now and try swapping some grains (since wheat…
    in Paleo Comment by Aakani November 2012
  • Remember to do all three sides of weight loss-weights, cardio, and diet. Weights help by not only helping you gain muscle but also after you have done muscle workouts and are sitting and doing nothing, your body is burning calories. Cardio is the burning fat and also it speeds up the metabolism. Diet is just making sure…
  • You can't really keep boobs if they are going away, but if you naturally have a large bust, they generally stay large in proportion to your size. If they are shrinking more than you'd like, start really training your pecs-they make all boobs look a lot better.
  • I would say, if you can, don't buy the food. If it is in front of you at a gathering, I do understand the temptation. Try to distance yourself physically from the food. If it is in your house, put it on the shelf out of reach. Before you eat anything, look at the serving size and make a conscious decision that you are only…