Has anyone used Zumba? What were your results? If you have results what kind of time table?

I am really interested in ordering Zumba but want to make sure that it is what I am needing. Thanks so much!!


  • photochic81
    photochic81 Posts: 32 Member
    I love Zumba!! I have a class every Tuesday and Thursday, sometimes Saturday! It works all areas of the body! After the first day of Zumba, I could feel soreness in all muscles and it was great! Great cardio too! I am not sure how it is with a dvd but it is very fun with people!! Give it a try! I cannot say anything about results considering I do everything else but I know it has played a major role in weight loss and endurance and toning my muscles!
  • busycitystreets
    busycitystreets Posts: 64 Member
    I, personally, hated Zumba. Not my idea of a workout at all.
  • LisaH1967
    LisaH1967 Posts: 332 Member
    I absolutely love Zumba. It has helped me lose 35 pounds so far. I try to go 5 days a week if I can. Just try it.
  • Aakani
    Aakani Posts: 17 Member
    If you like dancing and zumba, it is really good to sign up for classes in your area. For me, it is an intense workout, but it is the camaraderie that keeps bringing me back to class. Everyone is just having a blast together.
  • If you like music and dancing, then you will like Zumba. It is not easy, you will be sweating and tired, you will be sore, but it is fun. It is not like going to the gym and running on a machine for an hour and hating it. It is a fast paced, fun, awesome cardio workout that also strengthens and tones muscles. You really just need to go and try it out and see if it is for you. And I have to recommend going to an actual Zumba class. Don't buy the dvds. You will get a good workout from the dvd's, but I've done both and the dvd's are nothing compared to the real class. The music and just general atmosphere is just so much better when you are in an actual Zumba class. I was terrified to go my first class because I am not a dancer and I don't know how to dance or move my hips or anything like that, but it doesn't matter. You can modify the moves as you go, and trust me, don't worry about making a fool of yourself either, just go and have fun and you will enjoy it.
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    Hey just sent you a friend request for other topic- but I can tell you a lot about Zumba!!! I have been doing it since 2010, and I am now a Zumba instructor! I teach 6 classes a week- its one of the best programs ever, most of my weight loss is due to this fantastic program.
    Before buying the DVDs- (although you can find some deeply discounted at Amazon.com- used), try a local class. They are everywhere.

    I wish we lived close so you could come to my class! :)
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    I, personally, hated Zumba. Not my idea of a workout at all.

    Bummer! Maybe you didn't have the right instructor, it is usually a great workout- and most are drenched in sweat at the end. What do you like to do to work out?

    (Yes I am a Zumba junkie but I love lots of workouts- Body Pump-love it!! Weight training- love it!)
  • MrsMaui27
    MrsMaui27 Posts: 63 Member
    I so love love love zumba! But like most have said,If you like to dance you will enjoy it! :bigsmile:
  • VitVit18
    VitVit18 Posts: 103 Member
    I have to agree with the one person above, I didn't much like Zumba at all.

    I feel like I have to qualify this, I've been a figure skater all of my life and done tons of dance classes (of a wide variety of dance style) with it. I feel like Zumba was glorified line dancing. Many of the movements, to me, didn't make any sort of sense choreographically and it was very repetitive. I can see how people would like it, it's a fairly easy, quick work out, but personally I wouldn't recommend it to someone who has had any sort of formal dance training.
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    I have to agree with the one person above, I didn't much like Zumba at all.

    I feel like I have to qualify this, I've been a figure skater all of my life and done tons of dance classes (of a wide variety of dance style) with it. I feel like Zumba was glorified line dancing. Many of the movements, to me, didn't make any sort of sense choreographically and it was very repetitive. I can see how people would like it, it's a fairly easy, quick work out, but personally I wouldn't recommend it to someone who has had any sort of formal dance training.

    Zumba never claims it is a dance program, it is a fitness program, disguised in dance. It is often not a popular choice for dancers, and dancers who do get licensed and try to teach based on dance rather than fitness struggle to have successful classes. Also depends on the class you take. But to each his own, I would not wish to push something on anyone, I have been with this program for years now, and I know its success is based on fitness- not dance. Thx for your post!
  • VitVit18
    VitVit18 Posts: 103 Member
    I have to agree with the one person above, I didn't much like Zumba at all.

    I feel like I have to qualify this, I've been a figure skater all of my life and done tons of dance classes (of a wide variety of dance style) with it. I feel like Zumba was glorified line dancing. Many of the movements, to me, didn't make any sort of sense choreographically and it was very repetitive. I can see how people would like it, it's a fairly easy, quick work out, but personally I wouldn't recommend it to someone who has had any sort of formal dance training.

    Zumba never claims it is a dance program, it is a fitness program, disguised in dance. It is often not a popular choice for dancers, and dancers who do get licensed and try to teach based on dance rather than fitness struggle to have successful classes. Also depends on the class you take. But to each his own, I would not wish to push something on anyone, I have been with this program for years now, and I know its success is based on fitness- not dance. Thx for your post!

    I was just replying to the OP who was thinking about trying Zumba. Just wanted her to know what she was getting into, that if she's looking for a dance class, it's not that, it's more of a cardio-intensive class. When I tried it, I went into it with an open mind, but I wound up not liking it because of how much of a departure it is from what I've been taught over the years, and basically, the cardio activities that I actually like to do.

    In short, I just wanted the OP to see both sides of it, as there are two sides to everything.
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    I have to agree with the one person above, I didn't much like Zumba at all.

    I feel like I have to qualify this, I've been a figure skater all of my life and done tons of dance classes (of a wide variety of dance style) with it. I feel like Zumba was glorified line dancing. Many of the movements, to me, didn't make any sort of sense choreographically and it was very repetitive. I can see how people would like it, it's a fairly easy, quick work out, but personally I wouldn't recommend it to someone who has had any sort of formal dance training.

    Zumba never claims it is a dance program, it is a fitness program, disguised in dance. It is often not a popular choice for dancers, and dancers who do get licensed and try to teach based on dance rather than fitness struggle to have successful classes. Also depends on the class you take. But to each his own, I would not wish to push something on anyone, I have been with this program for years now, and I know its success is based on fitness- not dance. Thx for your post!

    I was just replying to the OP who was thinking about trying Zumba. Just wanted her to know what she was getting into, that if she's looking for a dance class, it's not that, it's more of a cardio-intensive class. When I tried it, I went into it with an open mind, but I wound up not liking it because of how much of a departure it is from what I've been taught over the years, and basically, the cardio activities that I actually like to do.

    In short, I just wanted the OP to see both sides of it, as there are two sides to everything.

    Yes I got that :smile: I appreciate your post though- that is all I was saying
  • photogal375
    photogal375 Posts: 149 Member
    I wish we lived closer too. I totally would try your class out. The more the merrier! :) I'm gonna search for a class in my area and give it a try.

    Thanks everyone for your input! And... thanks msshiraz for your friend request and input on both topics. Bless your heart!
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    I went to my first Zumba class last night and didn't care for it. It was too complicated and involved a lot of moves that seemed to put stress on my knees. Maybe it was my instructor, but for me the choreography was too hard to follow. I like Gilad's DVDs where he repeats simple, strong movements several times. My Zumba instructor did the movements only a couple times.

    Oh...and I love dance and music...I'm a ballroom dancer.
  • TrishaCisneros
    TrishaCisneros Posts: 171 Member
    I do Zumba on my Wii and I Love it. It is sooo much fun. I would go to classes but I live in the boondocks lol
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    <----Zumba fanatic.. I have the Wii and DVDs.. I find the DVDs are more traditional latin moves while the Wii not so much. I love them both so it is good to switch around when I get bored.. I do go to local classes here but they are very low impact compared to what I do at home.

    in the last month at least 10lbs lost with Zumba, weights and counting calories.
  • busycitystreets
    busycitystreets Posts: 64 Member
    msshiraz --- I prefer working out with weights and running.

    VitVit18 --- I think you have a point with the having previous formal dance training... I, too, took dance growing up. Zumba is just not the same, lol.

    A lot of people like it, though, so give it a try! Who knows, you may love it too.
  • shenanigansmo
    shenanigansmo Posts: 119 Member
    I love Zumba, but I think a lot of it depends on your instructor. I've done Zumba on the Wii, DVD's, and have gone to several different classes with different instructors. I much prefer live classes. It's easier to stay with the instructor in the live class. Also, it's just more fun when everyone is clapping and yelling out "Woo!!!" after a really intense song.
    The best part of Zumba classes is that there are many variations in classes and instructors. There are classes designed for people who are older or may have had injuries in the past that prevent them from doing high intensity work outs. There are classes for parents and kids. There are now even classes that incorporate core work outs.

    Currently I'm doing Zumba 3 days a week. I take a lower intensity class on Tuesdays. My instructor is good, but she's not as intense as the girl who teaches my other classes. It's nice to take her on Tuesdays to get back into it after the weekend.

    On Wednesday I just recently started taking Zumba Sentao. It's a Zumba workout, but each person has a chair. This class is VERY core centered. You're basically doing pushups on the chair, triceps dips, and LOTS of crunches. After my first Sentao class I was SOOOOO sore. It felt great.

    On Thursdays I'm taking a much higher intensity class. My instructor just doesn't stop. It's high impact and high intensity so a LOT of jumping. I'm always super sweaty after that class. My instructor just lets her music go for 60 minutes straight. There are no breaks at ALL between songs. She just goes. It's crazy, and I love it.

    So if you don't like on instructor, I encourage you to check out another one or try it on the Wii or DVD's. There are just soooo many options out there to have a fun workout that doesn't really fell like a workout.
  • Zumba is amazing, its a lot of positive energy and fun because of music. Also if you want to check some zumba songs, feel free to check this site and learn more :)http://www.zumbaplaylist.com/playlists/