kissyfurr3 Member


  • Practice makes perfect, which is why I keepcoming back too!
  • Thanks for all the GREAT suggestions! I just have to change my mind-set and take each meal as it comes, not just chalk it up at a bad day. I am also glad to hear that others have the same issues as I do! Thanks for all the support!
  • Sharina - it is never too late to join! Welcome! I am jelaous of everyone's Disney talk... I think I may have to plan a trip in June, after graduation as a reward for making it through. This week I have lost no weight, even with the addition of exercise. So, my new goal is to drink those 8 glasses of water a day AND eat…
  • I guess the first question is... what is your goal and how far under are you daily? Are you hungry? Are you exercising all the calories away? An easy way to get a few extra healthy calories is nuts (I like unsalted).
  • Hi Camous, Those are GREAT goals... maybe I will steal them for next month! Let me know what helps you decide when you are hungry and when you are emotionally eating. I walked into the kitchen yesterday and said, I am just bored... so I walked out and found something to do. Hope that happens more often! Have a great day!
  • So, just a little check in... I have had good and bad days this past two weeks. I think I am going to buy all snacks and sweets in 100 calorie packs. Even though they are a little more expensive, it should keep me on track a bit more as I have a HORRIBLE problem with portion control in snacks. I joined the free gym and…
  • Hi Everyone ~ I am having trouble adding in exercise... I am just so out of shape! I was a college swimmer and in my mind I still have a swimmers stamina. I was so tired even after just 10 minutes of my pilates video that I hurt for the next 2 days! It is cold outside (and snowing) so I cannot just walk outside and I see…
  • I had one in my last office and LOVED it! But, I did keep my regular chair in the room as well... some people had issues talking to me about serious things when I was sitting on a ball. Also, kids would come into my office and I would have to hide it as their parents would let them play with it.
  • Hi... I just got back into the swing of things and wanted a little support, hope you don't mind if I join your group. I have a friend who teaches Nia... she LOVES it and thinks that everyone should join. The movements are all very natural and you can get a work out in without feeling like you are working out! My goals for…