Not enough calories

I am finding it difficult to meet my calorie goal. I could obviously go eat something totally unhealthy or sweet but I am trying to eat all oranic and healthy foods. I am also trying not to over eat, bcs that was one of my major issues when I gained all my weight. I could not stop eating! lol So if any of you have any good tips or have any advice to lend me, I would appreciate the help.


  • theatr3geek
    My tip is, don't worry about it. I have the same issue. If you aren't hungry, don't force your body.
    Listen to the signals of your body. It will tell you when it wants food and when it is full. If you are full, don't force it. You will gain weight. Just eat when you're hungry, don't eat when you're not. If you are eating healthy foods and not getting "enough" calories, you will be fine. Just make sure that everything else is good- like protein, fat, vitamins and such.
    Good luck :D
  • kissyfurr3
    kissyfurr3 Posts: 15 Member
    I guess the first question is... what is your goal and how far under are you daily? Are you hungry? Are you exercising all the calories away? An easy way to get a few extra healthy calories is nuts (I like unsalted).
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    How far under are you? As long as you're getting at least 1200 a day, I wouldn't worry about it.
    Otherwise, it's extremely easy to bulk up calories during or between meals. Off the top of my head:
    -double portions of something (or everything)
    -nut butters
    -dried fruit
    -olive oil (add to salads, potatoes, steamed veggies, etc.)
    -persimmons (110 cals in one small fruit)
    -bananas (105 cals in one medium)
    -mangoes (130 cals in one medium)
    -avocados (between 200-400 cals for one fruit... and I swear I could eat one whole like an apple)
    -greek yogurt (the kind with fat still in)

    you could pretty much go to your local organic-foods store and find tons of organic goodies.
  • brittneyjo89
    Today I still have over 500 left to eat and I just finished supper! This isnt typical bcs on a typical day I have my special k cereal and i take in at least 300 calories. I slept in today so I just went straight into lunch!! My goal is 1200 a day and im normally getting 900 at the most 1000. I do excersise but its only 30 minutes of intense yoga 5days a week and more calm slow pace yoga 2 days a week. I am not hungry during the day. I would like to think i have good eating habits during the day. Its the late evening that gets me. Like tonight I have already eaten a somewhat healthy supper. Come 9 I am going to want something and I would like not to eat anything after 8.. I am struggling there too! And I did not know that about avocados. I LOVE them as well! Thanks for the tips on the fruits. I will definately write those down!