Unconditional Support Group - January

Hope you don't mind ... I started our new month. I guess I'm excited and eager to start a new year :drinker: Let's get her started!!!



  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Ooops ... a double post ... I guess I really am excited :blushing: :laugh:
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Hey! long time no check in, for me. How's everyone?

    I just took a NIA class with my mom, anyone heard of it? I LOVED it! It's like bellydancing meets rave meets yoga. What a lovely and healthy way to start the year!

    Happy new year!
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Happy New Year Everyone! If I ever needed unconditional support, it is now!!! I have been having a terrific time, but have not watched what I am eating at all. I am still trying to figure out how people do it....how do you celebrate, eat out, go to parties, etc. and eat properly?? I am a grown woman, I should know this! Let's face it, I think I do, but I just can't sit there eating grilled salmon (which I don't even like much) while everyone else is eating the good stuff. Well, enough of my complaining, so I'm trying to take each day at a time, and today I will be very careful with my food choices. Hope you are all doing well!
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    New Month and New year. Thanks for starting this thread.

    Have been snacking too much. Back to eating better today. Made a menu out for the week that should help.

    Hope you all have a great week. I have never heard of a NIA class? I was considering something out of my comfort zone. They have a belly dancing class in my town.

    Have made a renew to exercise more this year. trying to find something I like to do that does not seem like exercise.

    Will keep you updated.

  • kissyfurr3
    kissyfurr3 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi... I just got back into the swing of things and wanted a little support, hope you don't mind if I join your group.

    I have a friend who teaches Nia... she LOVES it and thinks that everyone should join. The movements are all very natural and you can get a work out in without feeling like you are working out!

    My goals for this months are to:
    1. Eat at the table when at home.
    2. Control snacking while working on the computer.
    3. Pilates once a week at home
    4. Go to the gym for info on joining (baby steps here...)

    Thanks all
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Hi kissyfurr. Great goals!

    Ann, if you're interested, go to www.nianow.com and you can plug in your zip code and see if there are any classes in your area.
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    Hey everyone. Ive been MIA for a long time now. Just dusting myself and trying again. What I am today is a result of my past choices, what I will be tomorrow will depend on the choices I make today. Looking forward to a healthier year!!!!

    Wishing everyone the very best this year. Blessings to all!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I'm down 2 lbs this week. It's been a while since I've said I was down anything so it sounds sweet to me :happy:
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    Great job! :flowerforyou:
  • amj56
    amj56 Posts: 64 Member
    Great Thanks!
  • ictherose
    ictherose Posts: 5 Member
    I know what saying, especially if you think you're depriving yourself of the "good stuff". Our mind can be an incredible sabotager, so be careful bout that for sure ! There are hundreds of food choices that are good for your body & mind. Just start with a few of them everyday and you'll be surprised how fast they will start replacing the "good stuff" and you really will be eating more and more of the more nutritional stuff that your bodyis really craving for. If you could find a way to nuture yourself with encouragement and positive affirmations (avoiding the messages that kill your spirit), you'll find that you have everything you need within you now to become all that you can be. You can do it!!
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    Great job, Magg! It's been a heckuva long time since I've seen the scale budge, too. I'm gonna go ahead and still blame P90X (I am on day 50! I'm already so proud of myself!) I have another week to go before I take my 2/3 of the way progress pics. It's hard to see progress in the mirror since I see myself every day, but hopefully the pics will tell the truth... if there's anything to tell! I did have a friend of mine (who is a yogi and a ballerina and very thin and strong) tell me that my arms looked buff and asked to borrow the dvds, so I must be doing something right!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone. Hope you're all doing well in this brand new year. I find that my challenge is in the evenings, I find myself getting hungry ... and the hungry/sleepy combination isn't good. I'm heading back to the gym after a bit of a break from it ... that should keep me occupied. Have a great day.
  • debidoodle
    Hi everyone :)

    I am trying to get back here as much as possible. I had quite a trying holiday time - amazingly enough, not with food though! We had several things break/go wrong with my house and had to have a heat repair man, pool repair man, plumber, etc out. Life has been quite expensive over the past couple of weeks.

    I wasn't trying to kill myself over the holidays with my eating and what not and found that I gained 6 lbs. 3 of which have already been lost again so I'm pretty happy with the way things are going scale wise with me right now.

    I hope everyone is doing great!!!

    Make it a great day
  • kissyfurr3
    kissyfurr3 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Everyone ~

    I am having trouble adding in exercise... I am just so out of shape! I was a college swimmer and in my mind I still have a swimmers stamina. I was so tired even after just 10 minutes of my pilates video that I hurt for the next 2 days! It is cold outside (and snowing) so I cannot just walk outside and I see to many people I know to walk at the mall. We have a new gym at work, so maybe I will try there this weekend. Any other suggestions?

  • debidoodle
    Is there maybe another mall you could go to, not too far away but far enough where you wouldn't run in to as many people you know?

    Also, you don't have to power walk to make it count. A lot of times I'll go to a store (target, office depot, petsmart, etc) during my lunch break and just walk up and down the aisles. Steps are steps!

    Good luck :)
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone: It's Friday thank goodness. It was really hard coming back to work after the holidays. I've been doing okay in comparison to the holidays but I really do have to start cracking a whip under my butt and take this more seriously. I'm so sluggish and sleepy lately ... not enough exercising for sure. That's my goal. I want to do something every day (exercise class, exercise dvd, wii fit or Zumba game, geocaching, hiking, walking, swimming). Seriously, I love all of these things. Surely I can do one of them every day right?
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Happy Weekend Everyone: I won't get to the gym today ... I'll pop in my Zumba DVD at some point today to get my daily exercise done ... it will take up less time then heading out ... I have a ton of housework to do and Christmas decorations to take down and laundry to do ... man ... might be less strenuous if I go to the gym :laugh:
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    Hi gang, hope you are all enjoying the start to the weekend. It is still cold and snowy here....good day to get stuff done at home and exercise without any excuses! Been working hard at resisting temptation. I always feel hungry! After being so bad for those weeks and eating so much of the foods I should not eat, I am having a hard time now. But, sticking to it and taking each day as it comes. Have a wonderful weekend!
  • sincereme
    sincereme Posts: 276
    Hola everyone!!

    I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!!!

    Its a bit cold here and we are expecting nose in a couple of days so I have lots of planning to do :frown:

    I had an exciting week. I did really well in the eating and drinking water part of my lifestyle change.... Guess what???

    I LOST 2LBS!!!! WooHoo :happy:

    I am super excited because little changes here and there have made a true difference in the way I feel too. I have a little more energy!!!

    It was a tough week I have to admit but staying strong and just asking God and friends/family for help really kept me going and conquering those 1st 2 lbs!!
