AutumnFrostfall Member


  • Everyone has covered advice rather well. I just want to say I'm glad to see I'm not alone. I'm battling sugar myself & also have PCOS. I normally do ok, but fell off the wagon last week. Now I'm back on, one step at a time. When I do have sugar, since I have insulin resistance, I have to pair it with protein or my blood…
  • Thank you, I was recently asked this & I had to sit down & think about it.
  • Weight loss plans, well goal is to lost 29 more pounds then reassess things. How? Continue to log my food because when I don't I get into trouble. This part is where I'm struggling. Since I have PCOS, Insulin Resistance & a Gluten Sensitivity, what I eat is as important as how much. (The gluten thing we only just found out…
  • My blog on Tumblr isn't Disney but fitness.
  • Everyone has covered a lot of what I was going to say. :) Obviously you're not alone in having PCOS, all of us replying to you have it too. I just found out that on top of the PCOS & the insulin resistance, I have a gluten sensitivity. As more than one person has said, each of us have to figure out what works for us as…
  • What they said in the quote. Changing your lifestyle is like learning to ride a bike. You're going to fall now & then. Just don't stop working towards your goal.
  • If what you are doing works for you, then just roll with it. I can't have most processed foods myself but I'd never tell you or anyone else not to eat it. _I_ can't have that therefor YOU can't have it either mentality, ugh. Everyone is different & what works for some people (drinking a shake of veggies) might not work for…
  • ^ This covered it well. Also you don't want to make too big of a change all at once, just small ones. One thing at a time. Let it stick, then change something else. Do that for a while until it settlers in.
  • Welcome back. :) I also have better luck with 1400 calories a day. I don't feel hungry & still continue to lose. (When I stick to that, if I go off that plan well.... you get what you put into it.)
  • Even in the last year I'm surprised. (I just found out I have a gluten sensitivity - guess what I was always having?) Thinking about what I was eating to get to my highest weight.... I can't imagine eating like that ever again. All that stuff (Mostly fast food / junk food) wouldn't taste good to me now.
  • 1) Disney Kid Plates - I had a problem with portion sizes, this keeps my portion sizes to the right size. Add in that I love Disney & it's awesome. 2) Home Treadmill 3) Zumba for the Xbox & the DVD series. Ok, and the music CDs. You can toss any workout dvd / game under this one but Zumba is the heavy hitter. 4) This is a…
  • Gaming & Cosplay! I'm more games or comic books / movies for cosplay. I haven't actually cosplayed yet, just taken pictures of everyone else at Comic Con / Anime Bonzai. I'm so close to being at my goal weight, I don't want to spend the money on one costume, then have to do it again at a different size. It seems like a…
  • Congrats on your progress. :D Frost
  • Hi Alex! *waves*
  • Sometimes people are going down different paths. Mine went in the direction of yoga, zumba, walking (outside or treadmill) & not going out to eat at places where I can't eat. (I'm lucky in that my family is very supportive of this) People I used to know? They went in another direction. Prior to my lifestyle change & going…
  • I had mild strokes which left me very weak on my right side & messed up my motor skills among other things. (The last documented one was in 2009) I couldn't even lift a jug of milk with my right hand after it happened. For me, going back to basics helped. What do you do with kids for motor skills? Puzzles. Things with eye…
  • This is what I do when overwhelmed. I just try to maintain & take the focus off of weight loss. Think of it like when they do the speech at the beginning of a plane flight. They tell you to put your oxygen mask on before helping anyone else with theirs. You have to take care of you, then you can go back to focusing on your…
  • I used to have people like that in my life. Those who would say it's ok to have that high sugar food just this once, except just this once was almost every day. They weren't happy for me or supportive of my lifestyle changes. They got mad that I was out DOING things, being active as I lost weight & gained the strength &…
  • Thank you, I didn't know that. Frost
  • Hello fellow Disney Addicts! More importantly, fellow Disney Addicts who are working on losing weight & getting healthier. <3 We just got back from our very first Walt Disney World trip in December. What better time for a first visit than Mickey's very Merry Christmas Party, right? I started out on my journey to better…
  • We're in the planning stages for doing RunDisney marathons. My husband & I have to start training, as well as plan for the trips. We figure to do the Tinkerbell half marathon & Disney Princess half marathons in Jan & Feb of one year so we can get the coast to coast challenge medal & the the Walt Disney full marathon in Jan…